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A/N:Hi readers, sorry for the late update. But I'm currently studying for my final boards(wish me luck 😫) But I'll be updating when time permits. For the mean time, are you team FORTHBEAM OR LAMBEAM? This story could end in many different outcomes 😭😫😂😂

I purposely stopped by the rehearsal unbeknownst to N'Beam. But to my surprise, he didn't even attend rehearsals. I was hoping to scout out who my competition was, that has his mind so occupied that he is not even reaching out to me anymore. Then I spotted N'Ming who looked on edge to see me around. " Hi Nong, where is Beam?" I asked. " He isn't feeling well today, so he took a day off"-Ming. Yeah, come to think of it. The day I left the resort he wasn't feeling good either. Perhaps, his illness got worse.

" Can you give me his address?... I want to go check on him" I asked. To which he replied, "Ummm... yeah, let me ask him first"-Ming. I guess I am not the only one not getting through to N'Beam. Because, Ming was sent to his voicemail. " He didn't pick up, perhaps he is asleep"-N'Ming. I smirked at his remark, I was not born yesterday. I smell something fishy, as if he is preventing me from seeing N'Beam. " How about you take me to him?... I just want to give him these" I said showing him the flowers. "Our last conversation ended abruptly, I just need to see him" I pleaded with N'Ming.

" You can follow behind, I need to go check on him too"-Ming said then proceeded to pack his belongings. Finally we set out on the road to the student apartments. It appears he lives in the crescent building, one of the more swanky dorms. Ming looked tensed, I hope he wasn't lying to me. Once we got on the 4th floor, he lead the way to Beam's room.

He knocked thrice, then Beam finally opened the door wrapped in his blanket. His cheeks were rosy and he had bed hair. I guess he was really sick after all, he was so shocked 😳 to see me. " P'FORTH!!!..." he called out my name out of shock. Then he glanced over to his friend, " ... I made him bring me here. I needed to see you" I said. He invited us in, but N'Ming stated he had to go. So now it was just Beam and I alone in his room. Crazy enough, even with his hair all messed up he looked so handsome.🥰


After going over Sotus stuff with Pete and Kao, I decided to head home. These couple of days have been a blur, I almost feel numb and absent minded. Frankly, the evening that N'Beam told me he ended up with me was because of a wrong number. It all made sense, I mean... Why would a guy like Beam, want to be with a guy like me? At least, I know Forth is finally happy with someone. I've never seen him that excited about anyone before. Distancing myself and cutting tides with N'Beam is the right thing to do.

When I pulled up to the house, I was not surprised to see P'Park in front my gate. He stood in front of the house , realizing I had changed the locks to the house. He stated, " ... I see a lot has changed since my last visit" P'Park said pointing at the gate.
" That's not the only thing that changed!" I replied. He sighed, then placed his hands on his hip. "Okay name your punishment Lam. I deserve it OKAY!!! But I am here now, doesn't that count for anything? I missed you babe.."-P'Park.

Did he come here to annoy me? "... I am here now.." as if he is doing me a favor being here. " Your presence here doesn't mean SHIT!!!...For you, I was going to leave all I know behind PARK!So your sudden presence here don't mean SHIT!!!" I yelled my frustrations. And to my surprise, he smiled when I yelled... "What the FUCK is so damn funny?" I asked. "...Oh I am just happy to hear you yell at me again. I even missed that side of you. Look at us Lammie! We belong together,I love you! Perhaps my decision to break up with you was selfish and insensitive. But dammit!!! I LOVE YOU"-P'Park.

"...😭😫 You didn't only break my heart Park! YOU BROKE ME!!!.." I said not able to hold back the tears any more. He rushed over to me, taking me in his arms. Resting my head on his broad chest. "Shhh... shhh I am sorry babe. I am going to fix this... fix US."-P'Park. I was happy to be encapsulated in his warmth, yet I was still pissed off😡 too. My emotions are unstable, I want to be mad at him. But I still want to be held in his embrace, as he was right now.

He grabbed hold of my keys, and opened the door to the house. He carried me bridal style inside to my room and laid me on my bed. Without breaking his sight on me, he unbuttoned his shirt. He seem more ripped than I recall, he has an almost 8 pack now. His body does look great, then he moved next to me and took off my shirt too.

Then he  cuddled with me, while placing kisses on my neck and face.The warmth permeating from him and his scent felt so at home. It was nice to feel something, after walking around as a zombie for was nice to feel some normalcy, but I still couldn't stop thinking of N'Beam. He kept whispering how sorry he was, and that he would fix everything. I wanted to fight him off,but had lost the will to do so. I took a deep breathe, *Perhaps this is where I belong...N'Beam was never meant for me*


Setting up flowers in my vase right now is P'Forth. I am not in the head space right now. It would have been nice to have a heads up. "Sorry my place is a mess, I was not expecting guest" I said when he turned to me. " Yeah... I wanted to check up on you... and!!! I like you Beam. I can't place my finger on it, but I really like you. I wanted you to know that, in case you were still contemplating about me and this other guy"-P'Forth.

Wow 😳, I am lost for words I was not expecting for him to be this upfront. " I want to fight for you... I know you are currently torn between me and whomever this other guy is. But I want you to know, I don't back down easily"-P'Forth said moving in to sit next to me. I just listened in silence, "... so after the Moon and Star competition, I hope to hear your response." P'Forth said then pecked me on the forehead.

" Get well soon, I'll head out now..." he said with a smile 😊. I honestly was lost for words as I saw him off. If I didn't have a lot on my mind before, now it has doubled in size. But before I move forward, I need to talk to P'Lam. I need him to hear me out, so I placed a call to him. But I was greeted by a deeper and thunderous Voice. "HELLO... So you are BEAM!!" said the voice on the other end. " Umm 😟... Yyyeess" I replied with a shaky voice. * Who is this?*

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