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I ended up in the ambulance 🚑 with Max, heading to the hospital. There was so much adrenaline rushing through me that I didn't even notice the blood gushing out the side of my head. When those economy guys barged in the house. I instinctively went into fight or flight mood. I knew Max will need my help. So off to my room I run, taking on two guys at a time. While Max was trying to put in his boxers with two guys hitting him with a bat.

I smashed a vase 🏺 over ones head, then launched at the others attacking Max. He finally joined in on the fight, but we were still out numbered. Soon enough,  a few of our gang rushed in. " What took you guys so long!!!" Max yelled at them. " They came in vans Phi, we were fighting them off in the front" one of them answered. Then there were sirens, and the economy ruffians were arrested for trespassing. But I knew this was not the end of it.

If I knew Lhong, the head of their gang as well as I do. I knew it would be only a matter of time before they retaliate again. Currently, we are at the University Hospital. We frequent here so often, the nurses knew me by name. " What happened this time?" Nurse Anong, who is P'Earth's girlfriend asked while dressing my wound. " You know, the usual..." I responded with a smile.

Then followed it up with, " Can we not tell P'Earth about this? The last thing I need is for him to relay this to father" I said. She looked me in the eyes and nodded towards the T.V. " Oh SHIT!!!..." the entire thing have made the news already. This won't be good!!! For both I and Lam. My father is running for office and his father is a well known realtor mogul. He has threatened to kick us out the house if we caused any trouble.

" How are you feeling Forth?... Man! Thanks for tonight" Max walked in on crutches and a cast. "Wow... they really messed you up" I exclaimed. " it was my damn!!! Underwear 🩲, I couldn't put it on fast enough Hahahaha" he said and we both laughed. I didn't suffer any major injuries, except for the cut in my head. P'Anong said the doctor wants to keep me for further evaluation. To rule out any internal bleeding. This was one hell of a night... I wonder if N'Beam got home safely. I didn't even get his number. I'll try to see if I can find him on social media.


I went back to my family home, since I didn't feel like staying around for the party. It would have brought too many memories of P'Park and I. So I opt out to stay here instead. My father is on a business trip and mother is having one of her dinner parties. Then, I received a message on the engineer chat room. That a fight has broken out at my house, and they needed back up. I live 45 minutes away, I knew I wouldn't make it in time for the action.

Frankly, I was mad I missed out on the brawl. I had so much tension to release. I grabbed my keys and set out on the road. I already knew Forth was in the hospital 🏥, I went straight there. " Hi P'Anong.." I greeted P'Earth's girlfriend. She is practically family, she dated my elder brother in high school. " I was surprised you were not wheeled in with your partner in crime"-She stated. I gave her a weak smile, and asked "...was he hurt that bad?".

" No, he would definitely live. But you two are not kids anymore. Getting into random fights won't end good for you. You know how strict his father is... Don't tell him, but they are thinking of sending him abroad for school"-P'Anong. My eyes almost bulged out upon hearing this. *P'Park just left me, I can't afford to loose my best friend too!!*

I walked into his room, it appears the morphine finally kicked in and he was asleep. He looked okay, aside from the bandage 🤕 in his head. I took a seat and started playing games on my phone. When I received this weird text, " Hello Lamb, I hope you are not too hurt 😔. Things didn't end well, so I wanted to check up on you". First of all this person spelt my name wrong, and I don't know this number. I was about to delete it, when I saw 3 bubbles. Indicating the person was typing.

"Phi, you read my message. How do you feel? Watching on the news, they said many of you got hurt badly. I am really worried about you". Again, I read the message. Still confused about who it was but I replied." I am doing well, thanks for checking in. Good night" *SEND* it appeared the person was typing again, then stopped. Then proceeded to type again then stopped. This made me giggle, "... well it is nice to see you laugh for a change."-Forth.

He was awake, I put my phone in my pocket and walked over by his bedside. "Will you survive??" I asked teasingly. " I've experienced worse... if only Max can keep his dick in his pants. I wouldn't be here right now"-Forth. We both laughed, I have yet to be filled in on the details. But I knew it had something to do with a woman. " Well, that's the least of our worries now, P'Anong just told me your folks are planning to ship you off abroad" I said.

" WHAT!!! Wait!!! I need to call P'Mew! It wasn't even my fault this time around!!! Shit!"-Forth. I knew he had his final strike, but this time he was not the one causing the trouble. My best friend Forth has his own demons, but he is the living person I know. He gives his all, and when he has your back. He will go to war for you... " Don't sweat it, just go home when discharged from here. Go see your parents, and get P'Mew to vouche for you..."

He nodded and laid back on his bed taking a deep breathe. " Shit!!!and I was going to get laid too... hahaha" he joked. " Really!!! And you talk of Max, you are no better" I said. " Well, we all can't do monogamous relationship like you. I can't fuck the same ass for the rest of my life hahaha"-Forth. " You just haven't met the right person. When you do, you will be more than willing to do so" - I replied.

We chatted for a bit, and it was timed or me to leave. "...I have to go make some calls for the house. I can already tell it was destroyed from the news". I said taking my leave, " ...Sorry Lammie, let me know how to help. And get home safely" Forth said wrapping himself in the blanket. He hasn't called me Lammie since we were kids. The drugs must have kicked in ☺️.I was in my car when I received a notification from that strange number again. "I hope I am not coming on too strong. But I like you Phi... and I would like to get to know you better 🥰". Okay! Is this some secret admirer? Who is this?...

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