Runaway Princess

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Princess: a female member of a royal family.

She was a princess, and she hated it. The stifling dresses she was shoved into, the uncomfortable crowns she had to balance on her head. The constant waking up early for etiquette lessons and history lessons and even more she just didn't care about.

She wanted to be free from the chains of royalty. She never wanted to be royal- she was just unluckily born into the family of rulers. It wasn't all bad she supposed, she had two younger brothers who made the palace more bearable even if she wanted to strangle them a majority of the time. Her parents on the other hand- well the princess hated them.

All they were interested was getting her a prince to marry so she could be a pretty doll when it came time for her husband to rule. They didn't see her, they saw a figurine that was made to be molded into a beautiful doll.

Maybe that's why she elected to sneak out into town every Tuesday night. Her only escape away from the palace was going into town. Well- and seeing him.

She met him the second time she snuck out. They met in a small clearing where he was practicing with a bow. His emerald eyes were focused on his target and he had long crimson hair that was tied back in a braid. A black shirt clung to him along with leggings. Combat boots adorned his feet with more buckles than she could count. A small gold chain bounced around slightly his neck with every movement he made. 

With a small breath he lowered his bow and loaded another arrow from the quiver. "Who's there?" He glanced around the clearing warily. "I can hear you." His voice rang out as he tried to locate the source.

"Don't shoot." She said raising her hands up, stepping out into the clearing. Not that she would ever know but the boy's breath hitched the second that he saw her. Her with her soft summer dress, blue and pink flowers etched onto the white fabric. Flip flops making small indents in the ground. "I mean you no harm."

"Mean me no harm?" The red-head raised an eyebrow, "Who even speaks like that nowadays. And you couldn't hurt me if you tried." The boy patted the silver sword that hung at his belt a small smirk appeared on his face. "I was taught by the best." She flinched back a bit at the sight of the sword and the boy let out a low chuckle. "I'm not going to hurt you, bunny."

It was her turn to raise an eyebrow. "Bunny? What's with the nickname?"

The boy shrugged a little bit, "You are small and cute. Bunnies are the same. My sister has one you know. Fluffiest white coat in the town. Snowflake is her name- the bunny's. So what is your name Bunny?"

A small tiny blush appeared on her face at his words, "My name is Alexis." She did a small curtsy. Perfect curtsy it was always perfect. It had to be perfect with her. "And you good sir?"

"Pyro." A smirk flickered across his features. Pyro. Raging and passionate like fires. His name certainly fit his personality from what Alexis had seen. Just from seeing him for only a few minutes, she wanted to know about him.

So since their first encounter, every Tuesday she'd sneak out and meet him in the clearing. Always the same clearing, always the same time.

She learned about him. She learned about his family. His mother and two siblings. His mother worked as a blacksmith and taught some of the children in the town how to fight. Including Pyro. He told her how she was the best swordsman in the town even though she was more skilled with a bow. He spoke of his younger sibling, the middle of the three of them. How they enjoyed running around the town with their friends. Often getting into mischief their mother had to bail them out of. He told her of his youngest sibling, his sister. How she talked with a village boy whom she fancied. How she loved to take up sword fighting from her mother. He told her about himself, that he often competed in kingdom games that involved fighting and parkour. He learned that he loved to learn about dragons, that he boasted about a pet cat named Bea that he had. 

Every time that she visited him she learned more and more about him. And every time she visited she fell more and more in love.

He learned more about her too. He learned about how she had two brothers, one of them being a twin and the other being around two years younger. She told him about how they were both idiots but she loved them regardless. She told him of strict lessons that she went through on the daily. She complained about her mother wanting to get her in an arranged marriage. She told him of being a literal doll around her family. And finally weeks after weeks of meeting, Alexis showed Pyro her crown. Her legacy, her birthright.

Although, nothing changed the between the duo. They still met up every week. And week by week they both fell deeper in love with one another. After a year of sneaking out they met once again in the clearing and sat watching the stars. 

"Hey Pyro?" Alexis asked glancing over at him, his face glowing in the starlight. Pyro let out a hum of acknowledgement before getting lost in Alexis's eyes. "I've been thinking," Her fingers twisted around a small box she held in her hands. "Do you want to make it official? Be my boyfriend?"

Pyro leaned closer to the girl and quickly pecked her on the lips, "I'd love nothing more bunny~" He said his voice raspy. Alexis opened the box she held in her hands, two bands of silver lay inside it.

"Promise rings." Alexis explained. "So we will always be connected to each other." She quickly handed one to Pyro and they both slipped them on. Pyro quietly admired the girl in front of him.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." She whispered back. 

And they merely watched the stars that night, basking in the quiet company they both had. Soon enough Alexis had to return to the palace and the star crossed lovers were separated once more.

Then came the day that Alexis was dreading to ever face. All because she met her soulmate, the one love of her life.

The day her mother told her she'd be marrying the prince to a neighboring kingdom. Alexis immediately lashed out, yelling that she was not going to marry a stranger. That she would marry the love her life when push came to shove. Only him, and only ever him.

Those words got Alexis a slap on the wrist and to the face. As she stormed off a red handprint was blooming on her face. She slammed open the door to her room and was met the with to concerned faces of her brothers.

Tears coursed down her face as she practically collapsed against the wall, sobbing until her tears had run dry. Her twin brother offered her a pitiful smile as he helped her up. Whereas her younger brother held out a small duffle bag to her. Packed to the brim with little trinkets and food.

Her twin cleared his throat as he started to speak, "You deserve to be happy. Go find him, go be happy."

Her younger brother gave her a small shaky smile and Alexis could tell he was struggling to hold back his tears. "Invite us to your wedding yeah?" The boy's voice broke at the last words, silent tears leaking from his eyes. 

Alexis leaped at them, pulling them both into a tight hug, "I love you both. So much" She whispered.

"Don't forget about us yeah." Her twin laughed although the sadness in his eyes was clear as day. 

"I'd never forget about you." Alexis promised. "Not now, not ever."

"Now get going you idiot."

And with that Alexis ran. She ran from her palace, her kingdom, her house. Although not her home. Her home lay with Pyro. Pyro's world and his alone was her home. 

So when she reached the clearing and saw Pyro training she launched herself into his arms. A bit surprised Pyro blinked a few times before hugging her with a smile. Bringing him into a deep kiss she gazed into his deep emerald eyes. "I'm never leaving you again."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2021 ⏰

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