My Other Half

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Soft humming filled the room as a girl sat alone on her bed, surfing the internet. Feeling a soft tug she glanced down at her pinky finger. A lone string was circling it. She softly touched it, as if she were scared it could shatter at a moments notice.

Her eyes moved over the monotone colored room and a sigh escaped her lips as she flopped backwards. The girl Alexis had a rare condition, she had two soulmate indicators which was unprecedented. She could not see color, and she had a 'red' string around her finger. However, Alexis didn't know what red was.

She had looked it up and it was the color of fire and passion according to the internet. Alexis often found herself lost in a daydream of what different colors looked like, not that she could even imagine that.

"Alexis!" Her mom called up to her, "You've been invited to VidCon are you going to go?"

Sighing, Alexis sat up and yelled back. "Yeah sure. I'll respond to them." With a soft groan she sat up and looked through her emails until she found one from the VidCon organizers. Alexis ran a small Minecraft YouTube channel where she messed around playing Bedwars. It had around 50,000 subscribers and was still climbing.

A buzz sounded from her phone and the girl glanced down it, her face twitching into a large smile. A text was from her online best friend, Pyro. He also ran a channel with slightly more subscribers than her. They did a bunch of collabs together and enjoyed each other's company.

Reading it quickly, she saw that he had also been invited to VidCon and asked if she was going. She hurriedly responded that she indeed was going to VidCon. The response from Pyro sent her squealing. He was asking HER to meet up.

You see, Alexis had a tiny- scratch that- a huge crush on the boy. Even if he wasn't her soulmate, feelings bloomed in her chest whenever she talked or thought about him.

Her smile could not be contained as she started going through the process of booking a flight. The VidCon was located in Florida, and both Pyro and Alexis were planning on sightseeing after the Con. They talked about going to Disney World and SeaWorld.

Glancing at the clock on her wall, Alexis decided to sleep for the night and start packing later.


Days later, Alexis touched down in the airport and completely ignored the fact that her string was slowly but surely getting tighter around her finger. The girl just was excited to meet Pyro.

After collecting her luggage she dropped her stuff off at the hotel she was staying at and she walked over to the venue. Checking her phone, she tried to locate Pyro based on the clues that he had given her.

"Oh my goodness! You're Alexis!" A excited squeal came from a girl behind Alexis. She turned around to see a fan waving at her. "Is it okay if I take a picture with you?"

A big smile crossed Alexis place as she responded, "Yeah sure thing! I don't mind at all." The fan ran over to the taller girl and gave her a hug before they both posed for a picture.

"Thank you so so much! You are my idol!" The girl said quickly and excitedly. "Byeeeee!" She ran off as quickly as she came and a buzz came from Alexis's jean pocket.

It was a text from Pyro that simply said, 'Look up'. Alexis smiled widely, looking up for the boy. Locking eyes with a grinning boy, the world around her exploded into color. Things that Alexis never thought was possible. Every inch of the venue was covered in color and her hand covered her mouth in shock.

Her breath was taken away as her eyes eventually landed on her pinky. A brightly colored string was connected to the boy's pinky. Alexis ran towards the boy and leaped into his arms. "Oh my god Pyro I can't believe we are soulmates!" Tears of happiness started leaking from her eyes.

"Neither can I." Pyro said beaming, "I've wanted to meet you for so long, to meet my crush. And now you're my soulmate. This is the happiest day of my life." He gently placed her down.

Alexis sniffled, rubbing her wet eyes lightly. "I've loved you for so long. This is amazing."

A smirk appeared on Pyro's face as he leaned in closer to Alexis. "Well, now I can do this." His lips pressed against Alexis's and she wrapped her arms around him.

"I love you."

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