Dear You

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Dear Pyro,

You are one of the strongest, kindest people I know. You are able to just light up a room, or chat, by just being there. I have so so much fun talking and making so many inside jokes with you. We always managed to bust out laughing at the silliest things. Every time I'm in a call with you, you manage to make me smile and laugh so hard. I love that we can just scream over reading Discipline together. Whether its us screaming in dms over it or the jokes we made about it that one night on vc, it's so much fun. There really is no words that can describe how much I appreciate having you in my life. You are always there to lend a helping hand to me when I need it. You do so much for me and I wish I can repay it somehow. Talented, funny, caring. Those are three of the words that pop into my head when I think about you. And I love you so so much.

Dear Alexis,

Alexis. Where do I even start. You've been with me through thick and thin, no matter how much trouble I was having you were always the first to reach out to me. You've been with me through tears, through laughter, and through fear. You were the first to notice my mask crack, and you were there to help me through that. When I was sobbing in vents, you sat with me and listened what I had to say. There's always been this... light within you. A gift where you spread happiness to everything you touch. You are a beautiful human who is always there for your friends. When I called you when I was kayaking, when we were screaming at duos Bedwars together, when we simply chatting for hours; these are my favorite moments. When we are just being us. You are an amazing human being with a pure soul. You make my day whenever you talk with me, and I love you so much.

Dear Aegis,

What a queen. You are so confident in yourself and I love that about you. Your humor never fails to make me laugh. Your art is something special and I could watch it for hours on end. I could heap praises on praises on you and they'd never stop. You are such a strong person and you deserve everything you have going for you. I love getting your plant updates because they make you so happy! And that just brightens my day. You are an amazing person, and a person I love love love spending time with. You make me laugh without trying, you make me burst into giggles at a moments notice, and you make me smile by just being you. Late night chats are amazing, and I can't help but quake at your duality. Love you lots!

Dear Las,

The two of us are crackheads- what can I say. And an absolute king, the power combo of the century. Marshmallows for life! Now I can't eat one without thinking about you. I love it when you play the ukulele and sing, it's gorgeous and nobody can say otherwise. What have we done haha. I love just talking with you because it always dissolves into chaos. Even if I regret breaking you every other day. We come up with the absolute craziest ideas in the universe. So uh- well look forward to next chapter~ I love our talks and how wholesome we can get then get absolutely crazy the next moment. We have so so many funny moments together and I love it. From you painting your nails at me, to 'Hey Flare I'm dead' I love these moments so much (even if I pretend I hate it). I look forward to all of our wacky conversations in the future. I love you so much and you deserve the world! I could go on forever but, then that would take up pages upon pages. You are an absolute king and WE STAN LAS.

Dear Swaeshy,

Hi Swagger~ Never let me type that again- please- oh my gods. But oh my gods I love talking with you so so much. The Doki Doki moments between Swagger and Yuri have left me rolling on the ground laughing. You know EXACTLY which scene I'm talking about. I love staying up till 3am talking with you about random stuff. It's so funny when you tease peasant me on Skyblock because I'm super poor so you just give me a golden axe out of pity. I love playing Minecraft with you a lot and I'm always hyped to do my best with you. Even if I die a crap ton. I love watching you play rocket league and showing off your aerials and whatever else I can't understand. You are an amazing person and you deserve to be validated and loved.

Dear Nomi,

A bright ball of sunshine, you make my day so much brighter whenever you talk to me. You manage to cheer me up just by being you! You are so caring and that's one of your best qualities. You care for everyone around you and that's one of the things I admire about you. You always stay positive and help others be positive. I'm always so happy whenever you invite me to join a call even if I'm busy with college stuff and blehhh. We've known each other since day one and I'm glad to be known as one of your friends. Your art is amazing and you have such a talent for it! Never stop drawing~ Love you so much!

Dear Turtel,

SPLATOON BUDDY! I sorry for absolutely crushing you the first time we playing- maybe. I love talking with you because we always dissolve into laughter. You are an amazing artist and I pretty much screamed when I saw you draw my Splatoon avatar. Also BREAM TEAM, that drawing was amazing and you sparked the whole FlareNotFound nickname because of BirdNotFound. Be proud- I think- is that a thing to be proud of? We've been such great friends from the being and I wouldn't trade you for anything! You are an amazing human being and I love you!

Dear Ukiy,

Art. God. We. Stan. Every time I see a new post from you, I'm instantly in love with it. Even if I haven't talked with you much, you deserve everything. You are such a strong person and you've been such a supportive person through the time I've known you. You've always been there we I needed you, and you never asked a single question. You listened to me and responded what you thought. You are such a kind, wholesome person and you deserve the world.

Dear Waddup,

An amazing, sassy person who I have the pleasure of being friends with! You are such a fun person to be around! I love when we are just screaming at Aqua when we play Bedwars. Now whenever I play solos or duos I can't help but go for them. It's complete chaos and I LOVE IT. Also- your accent omg I love it. ALSO SHACK MEMORIES OMG THAT WAS AMAZING. I never found that treasure chest though- rip that. You're an amazing person and I love you. You're spunk, charisma, charm, friendliness, everything that makes you you is great. We stan a queen and that is you my friend.

Dear Everyone,

I love you all so much, don't forget that. You mean the world to me and I don't know where I'd be without you. There are so many others I wanted to include, but well my brain is currently dying at 3am sooo I'm sorry ;-;.








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