War For The Throne

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"Your majesty." A servant was kneeled by the foot of the throne. Atop it sat a black haired queen, a crown of gold rested on her head. She wore a light blue shirt and a billowing royal blue cape. She was sprawled across the throne her white converse propped up on the armrest. Her brown eyes swept down to the person bowing before her.

She swung her legs down and stood up gracefully. "Yes?" The queen demanded. "Why have you interrupted my cake testing?"

"Uhm-m." The servant stuttered. "Someone has come to challenge you for the throne of the country, Mee6."

"Oh? And who would that be?" She asked walking down the steps, her cape dragging behind her. She stood right in front of the servant kneeling to her.

"Coyote, the outcast king." At the name, the queen narrowed her eyes.

"Coyote? He gave up the right to his throne when I came into the picture. Suddenly he wants it back? He truly thinks he can knock me off the throne?"

The servant nervously cleared their throat delivering the next piece of news. "He says he has the right to a duel. Which in essence he does... I was asked to see if you would accept the challenge."

At this the queen burst out into laughter, clutching her sides. "He really thinks he can take the throne from me? Tell him that I accept it. He will loose anyways. Tomorrow at noon, in the colosseum."

She turned around and walked to her room. Her brown eyes glinting with excitement. She strode over to her armor stand where she lifted up a silver sword and swung it experimentally.

"This should be fun."


The next day, the queen tied her hair up in a ponytail and strolled to the colosseum. She wore a loose blue shirt, with black leggings and combat boots. Her usual cape billowed behind her as her citizens cheered as she walked past. Her sword rested on her belt, and it was easily in grabbing reach.

Entering the colosseum she stood in the center, her chocolate brown eyes sweeping over the audience that awaited her.

A loud voice boomed over a speaker that had been installed. "Today there will be a duel for the throne! Between our current queen Alexis Claev and the outcast king Coyote Warhound." Ravenous applause started sounded as another person entered the ring.

They were a rather tall man who had a bulky frame. He wore glasses, his brown eyes glinting in excitement behind them. His dark brown hair slightly ruffled along with the wind. He wore a black hoodie and jeans. Coyote gave a mock bow to Alexis, "Ready for that crown to fall?"

"No, because it won't happen." She responded her tone flinty. A gong sounded and the two competitors sprang forward at each other. Alexis swung her sword up and it met with two daggers that Coyote had tucked up his sleeves.

Teeth gritting, they both pressed their blades hard against the opposition. Alexis sprang backwards into a flip waving a hand to the side as a wall of water materialized. She landed to be met with a three headed dog growling at her.

The queen slashed at it as she saw glowing red eyes behind the water, her own shifting to an electric blue.

Letting out a grunt the pair sprung at each other once more, the dog getting washed away in the water.

Blows were exchanged rapidly as the blades whirled around. Both of them keeping pace with the other. Springing away from each other, Alexis was now sporting a shallow cut across her left cheek and her cape was torn in multiple places, like a dog had mauled it. A larger cut ran down her left arm, blood leaking out of it.

Coyote on the other hand had a cut across his chest and a small cut on his right leg. He was completely drenched with water, his hair slightly hanging in front of his eyes.

Both of them were panting a bit heavily. Alexis unbuckled the cape from her neck and it pooled to the ground, she stretched out her arms and her eyes blazed blue once more. Coyote grinned cockily his eyes fading into blood red.

"Let's finish this."

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