Among Us

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Transmission being received. Please report to the cafeteria for more information.




A blonde's head perked up as she listened to the announcement. Setting the spaceship on autopilot, she walked towards away from the navigation towards the cafeteria. She offered a wave to a brown haired male who came out of oxygen. His cat ears were perked up, a small smile on his face. A leaf was plastered to his aqua shirt.

In the cafeteria awaited their four other crew-mates. They were lounged around the center table doing various things. All of them had a high tech watch on that was required when they took the job. They had to operate a spaceship on it's way to Mars. None of them knew why but they had put them on without complaint.

Alexis. The brown eyed girl was half asleep, slumped over on the table. Her pink shirt was crinkled and different sheets surrounded her. Her hamster was running around in circles on the floor, seemingly hyper compared to the rest of the crew.

Leo. He was merely glaring at Alexis's hamster with a hatred that nobody could describe. He'd always hated the small animal for reasons no one knew. A small rip was in his red shirt that he was attempting to sew up.

Horizon. The boy had his feet kicked up on the table as he sloshed around the liquid in his cup. Probably coffee of some sort. A small stain was on his white shirt- probably from the drink. His hair was sticking up in different directions, he was probably also before the announcement.

And finally Kei. She was bundled up in her yellow sweater, eyes eternally closed. Nobody had seen her open them but she functioned just as well as the rest of them.

Flare opened her mouth to speak but the speakers cut her off.

Transmission received.

'Hello crew members of the space shuttle. We are here to inform you that their is a traitor among you. You must either complete your tasks so that the traitor does not succeed, or you all die. The imposter is here to stop the shuttle from landing. Your watches are equipped with task lists you must complete. Good luck crew, and don't die.'

The transmission ended, leaving the crew wide eyed. Even the seemingly asleep Alexis was awake at this point.

"It's Flare." Kei said immediately accusing the girl. The gray eyed girl glared back opening her mouth to say something yet nothing came out. It was seemingly like someone muted the world around her, including her.

Her focused redirected to the lights as they flickered before turning off. Feeling around the table she started jogging to the electrical room. If they really had an imposter they had to be able to see clearly. She could hear footsteps following her, echoing against the metal floor.

Coming into the electrical room, she pried open the small door that hid the mass of wires and switches that controlled the lights. With a frown she flipped the switches that were off and turned around.

Her eyes widened as she was met with someone. Someone who had stabbed a knife into her midsection. Crimson blood stained her once blue shirt, and so many emotions flickered in her eyes. Pain, betrayal, loss, hurt. The person carefully slid Flare down where the panels were.

"I'm sorry." Their soft voice said, regret shining in their eyes.

Flare's gave hardened as she spat out blood, "Fuck off." The person went behind the panels and Flare heard a vent opening. The light slowly drained from her eyes as her blood spilled out over the floor. The last thing she saw before succumbing to the darkness forever was a horrified look in her best friend's eyes.

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