The Morning After

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"Las!" A loud voice came from somewhere in the darkness. "LAS! WAKE UP!" The voice shouted before sighing exasperatingly. Footsteps echoed as someone moved away from the bed that Las was curled up in.

Water ran in the sink, as the boy remained blissfully unaware of what was about to happen. The footsteps returned and water was dumped onto the brown haired boy's face. He sputtered, jerking upwards throwing his sheets off his person.

"What the hell?!" He screeched, whipping out a glare at the girl who was wheezing next to him. A black haired girl was laughing an empty glass in her hand. Las's hair was now soaked and water was dripping off his hair. Hair fell in front of his face he grumbled, standing up attempting to pat the water off him.

Las gave a sigh before adjusting his hair and glancing at Alexis, who was still calming down from her laughter. "So why did you have to wake me up?" He demanded.

Alexis gave him a small smile before responding. "It's noon and everyone's heading down to eat breakfast. Streaming last night was pretty pog."

Las blinked blearily, recalling what had happened last night. The group that had moved in together had done a group stream on twitch playing random games on Hypixel. The group of streamers had pretty small channels but it was a lot of fun to stream together.

Las nodded in agreement, blinking the sleep out of his eyes. "That was pretty pogers- but... YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO DUMP A CLASS OF WATER ON ME!!!" He yelled.

Alexis stifled her laugh, "Well, you weren't waking up when I asked. The water just helped a little bit." In that moment Las could've sworn he saw devil's horns coming out of Alexis's head. She waved her hand in the air dismissively. "Anyways, just come down for breakfast, everyone is pretty much awake now."

Las pushed the shorter girl out of his room before saying, "I'll just change first- I hate being wet." He wrinkled his nose as he shut the door. Alexis's laughter echoed down the hallway as the boy let out a slight sigh, moving to change out of his pajamas.

5 minutes later, Las was clumsily walking down the stairs into the kitchen. He saw a bunch of people scattered throughout the room. A brown haired curly boy, Swaeshy, was sitting at the counter as he distractedly scrolled through his phone as he shoveled food into his mouth. A boy wearing a pink hoodie, Pyro, was standing next to Alexis as they both held bowls. Another boy sat a little farther away at the kitchen table, Hyper, as he stared out the window absentmindedly stirring something in his bowl. The final person in the room was a blonde haired girl, Flare, was slumped over at the counter next to Swaeshy basically half asleep with a blanket atop her.

Las walked over to the counter and pulled up a seat next to Flare. He raised an eyebrow glancing at Flare then Alexis. "So you don't splash water on Flare, but you do it to me? I see where your loyalties lie."

Alexis giggled, leaning against Pyro. "Well, she is my mother-in-law how could I do that to her?"

"Very easily." Las said flatly. "You just take water in a cup, then dump it over her." He tugged off the blanket and the girl whined snatching it back immediately.

"Mine." She said groggily, laying her head back down on the counter. Pyro let out a small laugh before passing a small bowl with breakfast in it.

"Anyways, what's for breakfast?" Las asked, grabbing a spoon alongside it.

"Fruit loops." Swaeshy said flatly, glancing once over at Las. A small mischievous smile adorned both Hyper's and his faces.

Las let out a loud gasp, "NONONONONONONONONONO-" The boy accusingly pointed a finger at everyone in the room. "TRAITORS! WHY WOULD YOU MAKE ME EVEN THINK OF FRUIT LOOPS!?"

Swaeshy wheezed, whacking the table once. It rattled and Flare groaned before adjusting slightly. "I put it on the shopping list, Flare just ended up getting it. Blame her."

"FLARE!" The boy half-heartedly glare at the half-asleep girl.

She picked up her head up off the table. "Whatttttttt. I got your cereal as well- Swaeshy wanted Fruit Loops though." She jabbed her finger towards the cabinet. "Lucky Charms are in there, but Swaeshy kinda ate half of them because he said you wouldn't like them."


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