Unpredicted Hero

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"C'mere you stupid Blazes." A tall boy said with hatred. He was in a red environment, lava and fire lighting up the place. Rough mountains of a red material surrounded the male. Before him, was a strange looking cube, that pulsed eerily. Small figures danced inside it, wanting to burst out at any moment.

As if answering his call, two creatures appeared next to the cube. They were monsters in their own rights. The Blazes were yellow and had several floating appendages that rotated around its body. Red eyes pierced through him as the boy readied his shield and iron sword.

He had curly brown hair that was constantly moving in different directions toward the drafts. His brown eyes had echos of red that roamed in their depths. A green hoodie was pooled on the floor, having been taken off from the extreme heat of the hell that he was in. Sweat coated him, and he didn't like it one bit- yet he couldn't risk bringing his water out of the bucket it was stored in. The boy wore no armor except for golden boots. He simply didn't find armor too necessary, he was just trying to get in and out as quickly as he could.

A few rods that looked molten stuck out of his pocket, they were what he was sent to retrieve. He was to return with 20 blaze rods and destroy the cube right after the job was done. Why- well he had no idea. The queen simply requested him to do it so he did.

Well perhaps not the destroying the cube part- a councilwoman who the boy couldn't remember for the life of him.

Springing forwards the boy swung his sword in an arc, effortlessly hitting both Blazes. They both left out a wounded cry, flashing red for a second. They let out a murderous screech before lighting on fire. Flames roared around them around whirled towards the tall boy.

Skidding backwards, the boy blocked the fire with his shield and started pushing the mobs again. Time and time again he repeated the same sequence. Attack, block, advance, repeat.

After slaying a bunch of blazes, the boy started running through dark corridors. He didn't however, break the spawner. The action felt wrong to him and he'd only do what his queen requested. It either felt like seconds or hours until the boy bursted into an open area. His sword was buckled to his belt, and he held his hoodie that was bunched up.

Peering around, his eyes zeroed in on a portal made out of a substance harder than diamond. Obsidian. The gleaming purple blocks sparkled in the fire lit area.

Stepping towards the shimmering portal. Climbing up into it, the boy closed his eyes as the nauseating feeling between switching worlds occurred.

After the switch occurred, he stumbled out and blinked rapidly attempting to regain his bearings.

"Swaeshy are you okay?!" A feminine voice called out. Swaeshy felt a soft touch on his shoulder that helped stabilize him. Once his vision was cleared he saw concerned gray eyes of an older girl. She had messy blonde hair and a crown that remained crooked on her head. Behind her was a red haired boy, and black haired girl that were holding hands. The boy had a crown around his arm and the girl had her head on his shoulder.

Swaeshy cleared his throat before responding. "Yeah I'm fine Queen Flare. I got the blaze rods you asked for." Reaching into his pockets he pulled out the many blaze rods he had stuffed into his pockets. How they all fit, not even Swaeshy knew- they were really just like the void.

"Thanks so much." She said relief filling her voice. "Now I can go save Nomi. Kei go fetch my horse please!" She called out to someone not too far away from where the group was.

"Mom- can't we just leave her there. I was planning on throwing her into a trunk soon anyways." A large smile appeared on the boys face. Pyro. That was his name. He was getting married to Alexis the following week. Despite the smile adorning his face, Swaeshy could see the glimmer of sadness that lay in his eyes. As well as how tightly he was gripping Alexis's hand.

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