Fight for Love

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The apartment was dark and silent. Shadows danced along the sides of the walls. Small hums came from cars outside. The moon illuminating the floor through the windows.

Muffled voices started appearing and a rustle of keys sounded. The lock to the apartment door was unlocked the voices became clear.

A bang sounded as a door slammed open. Entering, was a girl and boy both of whom lived in the apartment. The boy was hurriedly walking after the girl before she swung around to face him. Their clothes were both damp from the pouring rain outside. The girl's hair draped down in front off her face and the boy's hair was matted down.

"Leave me alone Pyro!" A black haired girl yelled trying to move away from the emerald eyed boy. "I just need to be alone right now." She stormed through the living area where she threw her purse onto a couch and started making her way to her bedroom. She shrugged off the blue raincoat she wore and hung it up on a stand.

Pyro's hand shot out and grabbed her hand. He tugged her close to him. His eyes had lost their usual playfulness and were serious. "Alexis. This isn't like you- can't we just talk it out?" The girl had been acting off all night, and Pyro had been the first to notice.

Alexis just shook her head, making a fist with her free hand. She scoffed and squeezed her eyes shut as to not look at Pyro, "Why do you even want to talk? Just go talk with Nomi or someone. You don't need me and I don't want you here."

The brown eyed girl tried to tug her hand away from the boy but he refused to let go of it. "No. Alexis, tell me what's wrong." He insisted, tilting her chin up so she would face him.

"Pyro, leave it." She warned him lowly, attempting to tug her hand away from the boy. To her displeasure his hand was still around hers and it didn't look like the situation would change anytime soon.

"I won't." Pyro shook his head in protest. "You have to tell me what's wrong Alexis. Something is wrong and you aren't acting like yourself. Just talk to me."

Alexis stilled from her struggling and her body sagged like a thousand pounds were placed upon her. A quiet pathetic laugh sounded from her and she looked towards the ground as she started to shake.

Small droplets of water started splattering onto the floor as Alexis's hair shadowed over her face. Pyro gaped at Alexis, he'd never seen her cry openly to him before. "What's wrong? Please just tell me." He begged.

With a strong tug and push, Pyro was against the wall as Alexis pinned him there. Her eyes streaming with tears. "You want to know what's wrong huh?!" Choked sobs were coming out of her as she looked at Pyro with bleary eyes.

"I love you, you idiot." Alexis cried gently punching Pyro. "Now just leave me alone." She whirled around storming around into her room. The door slammed shut, its hinges rattling.

Pyro stood there shock still in the dark. He shook his head lightly walking up to the closed door. He attempted to twist the handle but it was locked. Pyro gently knocked on the door. "Alexis come out, please. Let's just talk about this please."

A muffled 'no' came from inside the room and Pyro let out a small sigh. He back was against the door as he slid down into a sitting position. His long pink sleeved hoodie provided him warmth as he just sat there and waited.

After hours the door creaked open and Pyro fell onto his back groaned slightly. He looked up at the red eyed Alexis. She quickly turned to go back inside her room, but Pyro stood up and grabbed the doorframe forcing it open. The wood was rough to the touch.

Pyro stared at Alexis before speaking, "We need to talk." He said softly.

"What is there to talk about?" Alexis asked adverting her eyes down toward the carpeted floor. "Just reject me." Her arms were crossed and she sullenly looked at the ground.

Pyro reached down to Alexis's chin and once more tilted her chin up. He bent down a little bit and whispered, "Who said I didn't like you."

He tenderly kissed Alexis and she stiffened before relaxing into it. Their lips molded perfectly like they were meant for each other.

"I love you."

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