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Tuesday Night

❣︎ Yora ❣︎

The club was bouncing just as it was three nights before. The only difference is that this time I knew for a fact that I wasn't going home with Michael.

Or was I..?

No, of course I wasn't.

The other difference of being here this time around was the fact that Ta'rae and I actually fit in with these people with money.

We used about a thousand dollars and bought ourselves expensive party dresses with over the top shoes to match. We had about seven thousand left in cash, so we went all out with it.

I bought myself an expensive drink from bar and savored every drop of it. I had it for about twenty minutes already and wasn't even halfway finished. Ta'rae on the other hand was already on her third drink.

She was definitely the lightweight type. She was already a few levels beyond tipsy. We had enough money to buy the strongest stuff.

She blabbered gibberish to me that I couldn't understand. In the middle of her sentence, she dry heaved.

I jolted back, preparing for her to throw up. Luckily she didn't.

"Geez, Rae. You go out for one night and get fucked up within the first hour and a half." I said.

She burped loudly. "Listen... I don't do this often... and when I do... I like to have fun." She slurred.

She burped again and covered her mouth. I assumed that she threw up in her mouth a little.

She pointed to the bathroom to let me know where she was going and left.

I laughed at the way she stumbled through the crowd to get to the bathroom.

It was almost like deja vu sitting at the bar by myself again. I looked around at all the people dancing, just as I did last weekend.

I turned to the corner of the club almost expecting to see Michael there, but this time I caught the eye of a familiar face.

They started to make their way over to me. I locked my eyes on him and watched as he made his way over.

"So you came back, mama?" AJ asked.

I raised a brow. "Well, I'm here, aren't I?"

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