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    "Dakota, I have some friends of mine here that want to talk to you." Wayne said as 2 men and one woman walked into the little holding room. "You know Wayne last I checked police officers and outlaw bikers aren't suppose to be friends." I smirked looking the blonde guy up in down with his matching vest to the older man clearly that are apart of the well known biker gang here in charming Sons of anarchy. "Jesus it's like looking in a god damn mirror. She's definitely your fathers daughter." The woman spoke up talking to the blonde. "Excuse me? My father died 6 months before I was even born. The bastard was hit by a semi. Which serves him right, He left me stuck with an junkie abusive bitch for 5 years before she over dosed. Making me a damn ward of the state." I hissed out steaming from just the mention of my so called father. The old dude just chuckled "she's a feisty one." He smile "ya well she burned down a shed of her former foster home, luckily they aren't pressing charges in the account of her being a troubled teen but they want her sent back to the group home, worried about there younger kids getting ideas from her." Wayne huffed clearly tired. The blonde just kept staring. "Yo blondie you got a staring problem?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him. He just smirked and looked at Wayne and his mother "so what happens to her now" he asked Wayne "we'll technically you're her last blood relative so it's up to you, you can sign off and be her legal guardian or we send her to the group home that she will probably run from again and most likely end up in a detention center since, according to her social worker no one will take her a-least no one in charming, she's built quite the reputation" he spoke almost hushed like I was sitting 4 feet from him. "Can't Gem and Clay sign for her?" Blondie asked "No they have no blood relation so they would have to go through an adoption process. But because you are blood you can sign here and now and it would be done and set" he told them and at that point I decided to speak up. "You know I am sitting right here. So why not ask the girl who's life is apparently in question what she wants" I sassed. "Well what do you want sweetheart?" The woman asked sassed right back "how about your names for a start and how the hell you people know the sperm donor that created me.?" I smiled "I'm Jax, John teller is my father. Which makes me your half brother. This is Gemma my mother and her husband clay." Blondie finally spoke up and introduced everyone "Wait, so your supposedly my brother? Then why didn't my mom ever tell me about you people or tell you guys about me? It's been 16 years I've lived in charming my whole life. How didn't this ever come up." I asked honestly confused "honestly I have no damn clue. We didn't know about you though, I wouldn't have let you be taken by the state if I had known baby. You're family, and we take care of family. You aren't mine but you are related to my son and I loved your father when he was alive and that's good enough for me to consider you my family too." Gemma answered now. "So now what, I go with you people and we pretend to live some happy little family life. Because I have no clue what that even means. I don't do family and I don't do the whole trusting people just because "family is family" blood or not. You might as well just let me go to a detention center. Better off for everyone in the long run. Pretend today never happened and live your lives as you have been. Problem solved." I stated already exhausted with this. The blonde Jax looked a bit taken back and almost hurt that I would choose detention over them, while Gemma just smirk like she expected that answer. "She's coming with us. Jackson sign whatever papers Wayne needs." Gem smiled as she spoke to her son and kissed his cheek and walked out with Clay and Wayne following her. "Guess that's settled then, let's go kid." Jax shrugged and walked out leaving me there in shock. Fantastic. Just what I needed today.

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