Accept it

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    It was about 9pm when we got to Gemmas and to say Jax was right about having a buffet was an understatement. "I wasn't sure what you would like so I just made everything." Gem laughed lightly. I felt bad she looked like she worked really hard and I only ate like one biscuit and some Mac and cheese. Clay and Jax however ate like 5 full plates of food. "Sweetheart are you sure you don't want anything else? You're like skin and bones." Gem asked worried once again. "I'm good Thankyou." I answered her trying to reassure her now. "Well you look exhausted, Wayne dropped of your stuff the social worker brought to station it's in the guest room. We can go shopping tomorrow for more stuff to make the room more yours and get you more clothes and just stuff you may need or want. Do you have a phone?" Gem asked walking toward a hall. "Ya it's a just a shitty old pre paid. I just used it for emergencies it hardly worked half the time." I shrugged I've never have a decent phones "I don't need anything I have some stuff it's okay." I told her not wanting them to waste money on me for a situation that is temporary. "What. You have like one back pack of shit and that's it. You are family baby. We are going shopping. It's not a issue. And don't try to argue it's happening." Gem stated without reasoning at this point so I gave in to tired to fight with another person on this topic. However that doesn't stop Jax for butting into the conversation "she thinks this is all temporary still. She's stubborn as hell. Good luck." He sighed running his hand through his hair standing up. "I gotta get going I'll see you guys in the morning at tm. Kid try and behave. I swear I will hunt your ass down if you try to take off in the night." He shook his head walking over kissing Gemma on the cheek and hugging her and then grabbing my face kissing my forehead head smiling at me and walking out the door as I glared at him. " he always that chipper? It's annoying as hell" I groaned out making clay laugh. "Yes. Yes he is. I'll leave you ladies to it. Goodnight kiddo we are all glad you're here." He winked and walked off to I'm assuming his room. "Right well this way." Gem smiled and walked to a room. It was a simple blue walls and double bed with two oak wood dresser and a night stand and a big decent sized window and two doors one for closet and a second door leading to a personal bathroom. On the bed was my bag and a box. I walked over and looked inside the box. There was a new iPhone 7 and iPad. " phone is already loaded with everyone from the clubs number and it's unlimited data, we all have your number as well. The iPad is just for you to have. Your social worker said you liked to write so figured you could use it for that or whatever you would like it's the same plan as your phone so it works off unlimited data no WiFi needed." She smiled. "You didn't have to do that.. I can't accept these." I told her. She just shook her head "think of it as a way for us to keep eyes on you. And a welcoming gift. I'll let you settle in and relax. We will go shopping at 11am." She walked out and shut the door lightly not letting me even try to object. I opened my bag pulling out my favorite hoodie and flannel pants, I jumped in the shower and go cleaned up and changed in my pjs. I climbed into the bed taking out the phone and iPad and played with them for a while. Almost forgetting my meds I got up and walked out to the kitchen and found a cup and got water walking back to the bedroom I take my meds and hopped back into bed. "If only this could last.. but it never will. It never does." I laid down after messing with my new phone and iPad getting it all set how I liked. I was exhausted for sure it's about 1am. Soon as I closed my eyes I was out like a light.

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