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I heard the rumble of the bikes before I saw them. I jumped and looked at the clock it's 11am and I frantically tried to figure out how I could leave without being seen in broad daylight. I checked the bathroom and there was only one window but it was to small. I have to go through the door. So basically I'm screwed. So I just decided to sit back down and wait for the hell thats about to happen 5 minutes later there was knock. I knew it was Jax. And I mentally prepared myself as I stood up and walked to the door. I opened it and shockingly it wasn't Jax it was Tig. "Tig..? Where's Jax.?" I asked shocked. " He wanted to cool down first before confronting you. So they sent me." He walked in and explained. "That can't be good then..." I mumbled I knew he would be pissed but not pissed to the point where he didn't feel safe to confront me yet. "You scared the hell out of everyone. Why do you keep trying to push us away doll? We love you. We want to help and give you a better life than you have had." Tig looked broken heart as he talked. I didn't know what to even say. "I'm sorry.. I thought I was doing the right thing for everyone.. I just I don't fit here. All I do it cause issues." I sighed completely lost "no you don't. I don't know what else to do to make you understand that. You're not some burden or some charity case or whatever the hell you have yourself convinced of! If we didn't want you, we wouldn't have spent all morning calling every hospital and hotel in the area. Dakota we want you. We love you. This isn't one of your past foster homes. This, this is real. And it's permanent. You can push as much as you want. It's not gonna make us go away." Jax walked in and immediately started to lecture me. "Okay. I think I actually believe you. And I'm not just saying that. I'm serious. I'm sorry I ran." I spoke finally starting to understand he was completely serious. He stared at me for a moment before nodding. "Let's go home." He walked out of the apartment while Tig grabbed my bag for me. "Common kiddo." He smiled putting his arm on me as we walked out to see everyone waiting outside. Jax handed me his helmet as Tig let me go. Jax still seemed really distraught, but I guess that's to be expected. I have a feeling he has a lot more to say but he's probably waiting until he is more calm and we are home before he does. All the guys broke off at a intersection as Jax went straight and eventually pulled into the driveway of his house. He turned off the bike and we got off I followed him into the house. "Sit down." He didn't really ask just stated. I wasn't gonna argue so I did. I looked at the table doing my best to avoid his gaze right now. "This doesn't happen again. You scared the hell out of me and everyone else for that matter. If it does happen again I will have no choice but to have you put on a 72 hour psych hold so that I will a least know you're safe. You have an appointment at 3pm with the therapist I'm coming in with you for this one. No more lying or secrets. It's been a month. We should be past a lot of this but we aren't and that's my fault. I should have been more involved from the start. I was too focus on being your friend and fun older brother. But clearly that can't be all I am. I'm putting my foot down. No more games. I'm your legal guardian and It's time I acted like it. You need a parent not a friend and I intend to be that. I know I'm not dad. But right now I'm all you got so that's gonna have to be enough. I love you Dakota. You and Abel, you're both my whole damn world. I'm not gonna let myself fail either one of you. I'm had half sack help Gemma pack most of you're stuff right all morning. We aren't waiting until the end of the week. You're moving. Today." He lectured for a good 10mintues before he was done. "Okay." I said softly "You're ground, 3 weeks. No phone, no iPad. You wanna go somewhere or do something you run it by me first, not Gemma or Tara or any of the guys. You can't find me or get a hold of me you wait until you do. Got it?" He asked not really leaving much of a choice. I nodded "Use your words I want to know you understand what I said." He said again more stern "I understand." I answered still refusing to look at him. There was a knock on the door so he left to open it. "Where do you want her stuff?" I heard sack ask "her room is the 2nd door on the right." He told him and went outside to help as Gemma walked in past him and came right to me. "Oh baby, We we're worried sick. Are you okay?" She asked me sitting down across from me I just nodded. I felt ashamed. I was so wrapped up in my head I didn't think of how I would really affect everyone. People that really do care about me for once. I have a family who want nothing more than to actually be there and love me and I was to stubborn to let them. "That's all the boxes, sack and juice will bring the bed by later tonight. I'm gonna go wash up before the doctor appointment." Jax came back into the kitchen and told us before walking away again. "He's so mad.. I screwed up... I ruined what little relationship we had going.. God I fucked up so much." I choked out and slammed my hand on the table not fazing Gemma. "Baby it'll be alright, he loves you hunny. He's just hurting too. He's upset he didn't help and realize what you needed right away. It will get better. All of it." Ma put her hand over mine and spoke softly.

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