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It's been about 2 weeks now and today is my first appointment to see the psychiatric doc. Im sitting in the waiting room with Jax, in a nervous wreck I hate this stuff. I don't like talking to new people about my past. A least my old doc already knew everything. But because I'm on Jackson's insurance now it doesn't cover for my old doc. I'm shaking and growing more and more impatient and nervous. "Kid calm the hell down, your making me anxious with all your fidgeting." Jax chuckled watching me. "So then let's just leave." I practically pleaded. He just rolled his eyes "that's not an option. You need to see this chick and talk shit out. Before you completely become a nut case." He smiled at me knowingly "asshole." I mumbled and sulked more into the chair. "Dakota Teller?" A lady in a nice suit step out from behind a door and called my name. I immediately looked at Jax "Dakota go, Or I swear to god I will drag you in there." Clearly getting fed up with my shit, I figured it best if I sucked it up and got up and walked into the room. "The session is about an hour long if you wish to go to the cafe or anything Mr. Teller." The doc told Jax, he nodded and got up and left me to die. "Well miss Teller why don't you take a seat? I'm Dr. Whitler, But you can Ashley." She smiled at me pointing to a chair "call me Dakota please.." I told her. (Bold- Dakota normal- Ashley)
"Let's get to know each other, Tell ya what you answer a question and I'll answer a question how's that sound"
"Ya sure.. that works."
"How are you settling in with you family?" "Okay I guess, they are different then any family I've ever been fostered by. How old are you?" "I'm 43 and well that's expected but they aren't a foster. They are blood. So it hasn't to feel different? More real and stable?" "I guess. I'm not really sure. I mean ya they all seem like they care and stuff but I've been tricked before. So I don't know if I really believe the whole really wanting me around thing. I think it's more pity because they didn't know." "What makes you think that? Have they given you reason to doubt?" "Well not really. Not yet anyway. Jax is probably the most annoying protective pain in the ass out of everyone. But I guess that's just his way of trying to show he cares? I don't know. I've never had the stable family life. And common I know you're aware who they are. So it's not like it's the most stable life to begin with. And besides he has a son. He shouldn't be trying to parent me and his kid, he won't be able to keep it up once Abel is home. It's like charity or something or guilty of a dead father hanging over his head." You think once his son is home he will stop caring.? And you will be on your own again? Is that why you don't want to let them in? Fear of being alone again?" "I don't know! I don't know anything! All I know is every time some thing good did happen it always came crashing back down. This is no different.. w-what happen to one question each at a time." "Dakota, it seems like you want to talk about this. Don't shut what feel and think away. Tell me how you feel. You have already made serious progress today. I read your file this is the most you have actually talked in a session." "I'm a broken girl not much else to say doc. I'm only here because I need to get a meda to sleep." "Yes Jackson told me. You get night terrors I read about it in your file you started having them when you were 8. They got very bad for awhile. When you get them is it anything in particular in the nightmares?" "It's different everytime.. I cant shut them off.. they always feel so real.." "I'm sorry that happens. I'll prescribe a very light slow release sedative. Start with that and see if it helps. I know your old doctor had you on a high strong dose of narcotic. I would like to try a different slow increasing route as needed. But that is all the time for today so I will see you next week. I'll sent the script to the pharmacy to be picked up this afternoon. Have a nice day and try to just let yourself have some fun and let your family be there for you." She smiled as she walked to the door with me. Jax was leaning against the wall waiting. He walked over and shook the docs hand "thanks again for fitting her in." He smiled at her as she blushed 'of course. Everyone likes the biker.' I thought as she handed him the script he slipped it in his back pant pocket and put his arm around my shoulder. "Ready to leave now brat?" He smirked "I was ready to leave an hour ago." I grumbled he just playfully shoved me and rolled his eyes. "Did it a-least help?" He asked "dude it was one session." I looked at him like he was stupid. "You know most chicks love talking about themselves." He laughed "I'm not most chicks." I huffed "no kidding." He laughed some more as we made our way to his bike parked out front of the hospital. "I'm gonna drop you off at Gemmas I gotta go do club shit. She's having a big family dinner tonight so she will probably have you help prep stuff. And get things ready." Jax explained as we got onto his bike. "Fantastic first you make go talk to some strange chick about my past and now I have to do slave labor. Can't you just shoot me and put me out of my misery." I groaned. He laughed and started the bike pulling off out of the parking lot not bothering to answer.

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