People of the Past

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"Honestly, I'm not really sure where to start. He was a loyal president, a great father and a good husband aleast from what I could tell and knew growing up. He did his best to be there. But when Thomas died that's when things just started to fall apart. He would go away for weeks at a time. Ma and him were slowly just drifting apart. I couldn't do much to help-" he was talking but I stopped him when he said something that got my attention "who's Thomas?" I asked confused. I've heard that name before but never clicked who it was. A sad look crossed his face "Our brother. He was really sick. He died when he was 6. Him dying was when the tear between Gem and John started." I nodded "John had his share of mistakes along the way but so did my mom, her and Clay got close way before JT ever died. It wasn't perfect. He wasn't perfect. But he was still a decent man. I honestly wish I could tell you more and tell you that he was this amazing unflawed person but that would be a lie. Look no one really talks about it but JT knew his bike like it was a part of him. So he would have known if something was wrong. He died because he took the cowards way out. It wasn't some fluke mechanical issue. He was running from something. I'm sorry you didn't ever get to know him, he would have loved you." He went on and told me a few stories from when he was a kid and stuff about the good times with JT that he could remember for a few hours until the baby started to cry around 8am. "I'll get him." I offered and got up walking out of the kitchen. I walked to nursery. "Hey little man. What's the matter?" I asked picking him up gently. He fussed for a moment but quickly settled down. I walked out down the hall right as the front door opened and Ma walked in. "Morning baby." She smiled and took Abel walking into the kitchen "hey ma." Jax greeted her "how did you guys sleep.?" She asked I just lightly chuckled "what?" She asked confused Jax just shook his head. "I gotta go handle some stuff with the guys, neeta will be here around 12. Dakota you staying here or coming with me to Tm." He looked at me waiting for an answer. "Uh I'll go with you I guess. Not much to do otherwise." I shrugged getting up to go get changed.

  As well pulled into the lot I was getting off the bike when I looked up, I saw the same blue truck I never thought I would see against. "Why the hell is he here." I asked already shaking "who?" Jax seem confused "Travis. That's his truck." I point to the truck trying to not freak out "I don't know. But I'm about to find out." He frowned immediately getting off his bike storming into the club house me following right behind. Once we got inside we saw the guys all standing around the bar looking tense and over on the couch was Mary and Travis. "They were both waiting for you guys to arrive." Chibs came right over and told Jax rather hushed "what the hell do you want?" Jax half shouted at them. "I would like my daughter back. I spoke with Mary here and informed her of the  illegal bs you guys were all into and we agreed if you sign over rights to me we won't take you to court for custody. Look the kid is just trouble anyway. A guy like you probably has a million other things to worry about this will make your life better too! Mary agreed to be the witness for the signing and everything. You could be one headache less without 10minutes!" Travis smiled standing up walking to the middle of room like a maniac while he explained why he was here. I felt like I was frozen. I wasn't shaking anymore I was just numb. I felt empty and just cold. "You stupid bastard you got a lot of nerve coming here and try this bullshit. Clearly you didn't get the message last time we talked. No way in hell will you ever get near her. Sack take Dakota to the dorm now. Don't come out until one of us comes to get you." Jax demanded he was pissed he looked ready to kill just about anyone that even looked at him wrong. I didn't want to move or I couldn't move as sack came over trying to get me to follow him. "Dakota come on." He pleaded but I didn't budge I was staring at Travis. Finally I broke out of it and stormed over to Jax ripping his gun from the holster before anyone could even reacted I stormed up to Travis and aimed it at him. "What are you gonna do shoot me? Go ahead." He mocked me I was shaking again. "Dakota stop, give me the gun." Jax was right beside me trying to get me to ease up and hand him the gun. "No! He deserves to die! You said you took care of it! You lied! Everyone lied!" I yelled pushing the gun closer to Travis. "Kid common put down the gun. You don't want to do this okay. Just give me the gun and walk away." Jax was talking extremely calm. "Let her shoot me." Travis just smiled "shut the hell up!" Jax shouted at him. I slowly realized what I was doing and my grip loosened as I slightly lowered the gun which was enough for Jax to grab it from my hands and pushed me gently away from Travis right into sack. "Go with sack now." He turned back around and pressed the gun right against the bastards head this time. "I will shoot you, so if I was you I'd stay quiet." Sack pulled me away at that point and down the hall to the dorm. I sat on the bed and wrapped my arms around myself. "What happens now.?" I asked him beyond scared at this point. "They kill him. I'm not saying that to freak you out. I just I know you hate the lying. And it's the truth they will take him somewhere and they will probably make it slow and painful but they will kill him." Sack stated it almost with a cold expression like it didn't even faze him they were gonna kill a human being. We sat in the dorm for a good half hour before there was a knock and the door opened. "Give us a minute." I didn't look up I knew it was Jax the second the door opened. "He's gone. He's not going to ever come back here. Mary won't be saying shit to anyone either. You're safe." He walked over and sat next to me but I didn't move. "You should have let me shoot him."I told him. "No, I shouldn't have. That's not something you just do and walk away from it without more issues. You should have ever be in that situation. I shouldn't have let him live the first time around." He sighed "I'm sorry this shit keeps happening. Doesn't seem to matter what I do, you keep getting hurt." He sounded defeated and frustrated. I didn't say anything, I just closed my eyes instead as he wrapped his arm around me. "I have to go finish this. Sack is gonna stay with you. I called Mom she's gonna come pick you up and take you back home with Abel for the day. You shouldn't be here right now." He told me as he got up off the bed letting me go. I really wanted to tell him to stay but I knew he needed to do this himself. Right as he was about to walk out I get spoke up getting his attention one last time before he left. "Hey Jax, make him suffer."

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