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  I had ended up sleeping in sacks room last night being that Jax spent the night with Ima. I was out at the bar picking up the mess left from the guys when a girl came running up front screaming and started to throw things toward the direction she came "woah there what's wrong lady?" I asked her alittle confused "that, that guy raped me!!!" She screamed as Tig rounded the corner looking guilty in only boxers and a button up shirt Bobby who was in the chapel started to laugh "Whatca do now Tiggy!" He laughed as the chick was still yelling and throwing shit "stop throwing shit!" I yelled at her as Jax came walking out now too. I walked out from behind the bar and walked to pick up the glass she made shatter. "Look doll face I didn't rape you! You consented! Fully!" Tig tried to assure her but she wasn't having still throwing shit "Jesus Tig can't you ever pick normal chicks to bang?" Jax sighed loudly going behind the bar now to get a drink I'm assuming. Piney was laughing his ass off sitting on the couch with Juice. The chick threw something again but this time I felt it before I saw it. She had managed to throw it just right to fly at my head. "SHIT kid you okay?!" Tig shouted and rushed to me as I stumbled back and hit the wall feeling extremely light headed now and I could feel the blood running down my head. Jax had rushed over to me now too. "That's deep as hell. Hey kid look at me. You still with us?" He was calm but trying to get my attention, I lightly nodded everything feeling fuzzy. "I feel light headed." I spoke so hushed it was hardly even a whisper. "We need to get her to the hospital." Jax told piney who had also come to join the little huddled meanwhile in the back round the chick stopped yelling so I'm assuming she was escorted out. I went to walk and found my self falling forward and immediately being caught and lifted off the ground by Jax. I was dozing in and out slowly. "Hey stay awake kid we are going the the hospital." He told me looking at me again as I was laying in his arms barely conscious.
~Jax POV
I'm rushing to the tow truck with Dakota barely staying awake in my arms. "Common kid don't fall asleep on me." I mumbled as put her in the truck as gentle as I could. Piney already in the drivers seat. I hopped in next to her, and shut the door. Sack and Tig we're following behind on their bikes. Already making the calls needed. We made it to St. Thomas in record times. I immediately jumped out of the truck taking Dakota in my arms once again and rushed into the er "someone help! She got hit in the head, she's bleeding bad and loosing consciousness!" I hollered off the commotion of the Er. She was quickly taken from my arms and placed on a gurney and rushed into a trama room. "Sir you will need to go to the waiting room. The doctor will come out and notify when he can." A nurse was blocking my path to the room. I hesitated before nodding and Tig placed his hand on my shoulder leading me away. "Why does this shit keep happening to her?" I asked out loud, most of the guys have met up with us here. Gemma and clay were on there way. "Jax is everything okay?" I heard a soft voice looking up I saw Wendy in the door way of the waiting room. I shook my head "Dakota, she got hurt pretty bad, a accident with a psycho chick at the club house was throwing shit. Hit her in the head." I told her feel responsible "I'm so sorry, do you need anything? How can I help?" She asked with pity in her eyes. "No you can't but Thankyou." I told her honestly as she nodded and walked away to leave. "Jackson, where is she?" Gem came running in "still with the doctors. No word from them yet." I told her right as Tara came into the waiting room. "I saw Dakota. They are still doing test and such, but from looks of it it's a severe concussion, she lost a lot of blood and she's really underweight which doesn't help anything. But she should be fine in a few days. You should be able to see her soon." She told us all nodding and went to leave "Tara wait. Can we talk." I asked her gently taking her arm turning her back around "I have nothing left to say Jax you know how I feel." She said and took my hand off her gently and walked away. I just sighed and went and sat down putting my head in my hands. "You alright man.?" Opie came and sat next to me "just fantastic, my ex wants in my sons life, my old lady wants to take the boys and leave town and now the kid is in the hospital because of some psycho pussy not knowing what she agreed too." I grumbled in frustration he just nodded "well we all know Tig had awful taste." He laughed trying to lighten the mood. "Dakota Teller?" A male doc came into waiting room and called out. We all stood up he looked overwhelmed "I'm her brother and adoptive parent technically" I said walking forward he nodded "she's in room 12, we will be keeping her for a few days for observation, its just a mild concussion, the light headed and weak state was due to the impact at first and being so dehydrated. She should be fine In a couple days." He spoke and then walked away as I thanked him. I walked down the hall finding her room right away. She has been changed into a pasty colored kids hospital gown and was hooked to two ivs and a heart monitor thing. She was awake but looking like she was fighting going to sleep as I went to sit beside her. "Hey kid, hows the head." I asked while gently putting my hand on the side of her face, meanwhile all the guys piled in behind me and ma came to stand at the other side of the bed across from me "hurts like a bitch." She mumbled out laughing softly "I'm so sorry dolly, I shouldn't have let that drunk whore stay the night clearly." Tig spoke up apologizing she just smiled at him "it's okay Tig it's not your fault you are drawn to crazy." She laughed. "You scared the hell out of us." I told her sighing. "Seems to be a normal occurrence." She said looking even more exhausted "well as soon as you are home we are gonna start beefing you up doc says you are too small for your age." Ma spoke up getting her attention. Dakota just nodded "already let's give the girl some space and quiet to rest and heal." Ma said ushering all the guys back out as the said goodbye and told her to feel better "you can go to Jax. I know you guys have a lot going on still with club stuff, it's okay. I'm okay. And besides I doubt Ma is gonna leave me alone anyway." She told me looking at me worried now. "Nah it's all boring shit anyway I'd rather stay here and nap with you." I laughed and winked at her. She just rolled her eyes. "More like keep stay close so you can watch to make sure I  don't croaked the second you take your eyes off me." She laughed I didn't find it as funny but lightly laughed anyway. "You aren't gonna croak you brat. Might give me a heart attack by 30 though" I told her as she just smirked at me "you caught me." She said. God she will be the death of me. I decided the chair was uncomfortable as shit and honestly even though it was early I was exhausted too. So I made her scoot over and climbed on to the bed. Honestly her being so small made it easy too do so. She leaned against me as I put the tv on to some kid channel with some dumb Disney movie but she seemed intrigued by it so I left it. God I love this kid. I never thought having a little sister that would end up basically being my kid would feel like this. She's my whole world, Her and my boys, I would do anything for them.

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