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I woke up and immediately felt the throbbing pain in my wrist and everything that happened leaning up to it car rushing back and I felt like I was going to be sick but choked it back as I sat up groaning rubbing my eyes. "Hey, you're wake. How you feelin kid.?" I heard looking to my right to see Jax sitting in the chair next to the bed as he asked looking very tired and stressed out. "Tired. You look like hell." I stated "I wonder why." He grunted and stood up. "I'm sorry for what I said. And Did and didn't do." I apologized he just shook his head. "It's my fault. I should have told you everything. I make you be honest about shit. It's not fair that I wasn't." Jax sighed and walked over to the dresser and pulled out the envelope he had before everything went to hell. "What's that.?" I asked unable to stop my curious mind. He just handed it to me and leaned against the dress. I took it and raised my eye at him. "Open it." He said. So I did. It was signed legal adoption paperwork for me and he had signed the bottom. "You're adopting me? But I thought you were already my guardian what's the difference.?" I wasn't upset just confused to be honest. " When I signed to be your guardian it was only until you turned 18. But this doesn't ever expire, doesn't matter how old you get. I meant what I said I'm not going to anywhere , you're my little sister, I'm here for you. As whatever you need me to be whether its as your brother or as a parent. You're stuck with me whether you like it or not." He explain and went to say something else but I had jumped off the bed and thrown myself at him. Making him laugh "I take it you not upset about this then." He hugged me tight and I honestly haven't felt so happy in awhile. I just laughed and nodded. "Can I go see the guys now." I asked happy as a clam. "Ya Tig has been begging me to let him in here for an hour now. Specially considering what happened." He frowned at the last part but quickly recovered and walking to the door with me following behind. The second we made it to the bar I was picked up off the ground and being spun around "You scared the hell out me doll face! And hey I know you were mad at the dumbass but you could have come to see me still!" Tig fake sobbed squeezing me "Tig you're gonna crush the girl." I heard Bobby laugh trying to get the man to release me. He finally put me down. "I'm sorry tigger. Won't happen again." I promised he just nodded and kissed my cheek. I quickly rounded the guys hugging everyone and eventually ended up sitting at the bar watching sack make drinks. "So I heard some things while I was inside.. there anything you two wanna tell me.?" Jax came to sit beside me looking between sack and I. Truth be told we had hooked up several times. It started out with him just laying in bed with me because I would wake up from a nightmare. Over time him being there made them better. And one thing lead to another. But I wasn't ready to tell Jax about this so I quickly shook my head "no clue what you're implying and if someone's saying different then they need to shut the hell up and mind their own business." I said laying the sass on thick. "So you and sack aren't hooking up then?" He asked more blunt. "Nope" I said as straight faced as possible avoiding eye contact. But sack looked like he could pass out at any moment. "Okay, so then look at me and tell me that you arent" he sassed because he knew damn well I couldn't, the asshole. "I'm gonna go help ma with food." I said quickly leaving before I ended up in a very uncomfortable conversation. "Hey baby how you feeling" ma askedo as she saw me rush into the kitchen. "Who the hell knows about me and sack!? You were the only one I told!!" I groaned and she just smirked "sweetheart, he was seen leaving the room in the morning several times. The guys put two and two together." She laughed as I groaned. "So you are with sack. You're a terrible liar." Jax stated walking in the kitchen from behind me "no, were not together. We're just having fun." I finally gave up and told him. "Having fun or not he hurts you he's dead." He deadpanned I just rolled my eyes "yeah yeah go be all mucho some where else. It's not needed here. I'm a big girl I can handle half sack just fine." I sassed making Gemma laugh "it's true, gave the poor kid a black eye the first time he kissed her because he surprised her." She smiled proud. Jax just looked amused. "Don't remind me. I felt awful about it." I groaned. "Oh please you babied his ass for like a week. Trust me hunny he didn't mind one bit." Get laughed as Jax looked grossed out now. "Right well I'm gonna go drown myself in booze to get that image out of my head now." Jax said swiftly exiting the kitchen rather quick making Ma and I laugh harder.

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