A mothers love

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Tara came by the a few hours after wendy came over and threatened to take both of the boys if Jax wouldn't agree to go with them to Oregon. And right now they are screaming at eachother in the living room while I'm in the kitchen listening. The boys are at Moms right now luckily so they aren't witnessing this. But what I heard next is what made me jump open and go to the living room. "Dakota isn't my kid! She's just trouble Jax! We are better off leaving her here! Gemma will take care of her! Or even Tig! She's not a reason to stay! And the club will die with or with out you! Everyone is dying or being blown up! This doesn't work anymore! I'm leaving and the boys ARE coming with me!" Tara was screaming "The fuck they are! Who the hell do you think you are? You're just a stupid whore that didn't know to leave when she was given the option a million of times! This isn't on Jax and it sure as hell isnt on me! Troubled or not. I'll bury you 6 feet deep before I let you take the boys! You are really mistaken if you think for a second you are in charge!" I screamed walking past Jax getting right into her face "You need to stay out of this Dakota! I'm the closest thing you have to a mother so you should show alittle more respect! This issue is between Jax and I. Not you. You don't determine what happens to those boys! I'm their god damn mother!" She screamed back "You are not my mother. My mother is dead. And actually you aren't Abels mother either! Not legally anyway! Wendy is still legally his mother! She has a right to be in his life! Jax might not win in a court fight but she could! She turned her life around! You had 2 years to have adopted Abel and you didn't so you have zero legal grounds over him! Thomas is another story but I'll be damned if you think I'm gonna let you take him either!" I screamed right back. When I left a hand on my shoulder pulling me back from Tara. "Dakota, stop. It's not worth it. Tara if you even try to take the boys anywhere I will stop you. Any way I have too. I love you Tara but I love my boys more." He was calm at this point. He also had a bag packed on the couch. "Dakota go pack a bag you are gonna stay at the club house with me. The boys will stay with Gemma until this shit is resolved." He told me and Tara and walked to the kitchen looking exhausted and frustrated. "Stupid bitch." I mumbled turning to walk when I was forced back around and Tara swung at me hitting my cheek hard. I jumped at her taking her to the floor immediately punching her over and over. "DAKOTA STOP" I heard Jax scream at me before he was trying to pry me off her. "Get her the hell off me!" Tara shrieked out in pain. After a few minutes Jax pried me off holding me to him to keep me from lunging again. He dragged me to my room and pushed me inside and slammed the door behind him. "What the hell!" He yelled at me "She slapped me!" I screamed at him. "I don't care! She can press charges! You just attacked her!!" He yelled at me. "It was self defense! They can't charge me for that!" I defended myself lowering my voice "Jesus Christ. I can't even win! Doesn't matter what I do!" He shouted just in general. He sighed and turned back to look at me "pack a bag, don't talk tara again and just meet me outside." Jax instructed me and walked back out of the room. I heard some more yelling then the door slamming. I packed a day with a few days worth of clothes and walking out toward the front door. Tara was standing blocking it though. She face already swelling. "Dakota, you have to understand this life isn't a life those boys should be apart of, I need to get them out and away from all the violence and death." She pleaded and I just shook my head "there is other ways to do that, not like this." I stated and pushed pasted her and walked outside. Jax was sitting on his bike waiting "ready to go?" He asked I just nodded and hopped on the back. We got to the club house in less then 10minutes. Soon as we were inside Jax had a beer and Ima was pushing herself up all over him. I went and sat with sack on the couch. "You Okay? I know shit was rough with Tara. " he asked I just shrugged and stole his beer from his hand taking a large sip. "Dakota if you don't hand that beer back in the next 5 seconds I swear to god." Jax warned shouting over to me. I rolled my eyes and handed it back to sack and flipped Jax off. "Relax old man it was just one sip. Go back to your whore." I hissed back to him. Making Ima gasp "you gonna let that little bitch talk to me like that Jax.?" She shrieked "Oh hunny the day you matter more than I do is the day sack sprouts a new nutt." I laughed at her pathetic attempt to get me in trouble. "Dakota enough." Jax groaned more annoyed than angry. "Just go fuck your whore and leave me alone." I huffed getting annoyed myself now. He didn't answer this time though and just walked off with Ima. I leaned against Sack as he put his arm around me and Hap came over and sat on the other side of me. "So you attacked the doctor bitch?" He asked smirking already knowing the answer otherwise he wouldn't ask "she slapped me, she had it coming not my fault she didn't know I used to street fight." I said and shrugged. They both just laughed "and they call me a crazy killer." Hap chuckled darkly I just rolled my eyes "I didn't kill her, thought about it, but Jax was there so it's not like I would have gotten away with it. I barely got a 4th punch in before he basically ripped me off of her." I grumbled "should of let me kill her though. I liked her at first but she's not right for him. She doesn't belong here." I grumbled more. "Funny a year ago you said that about yourself." Bobby piped in from behind the bar. "Go away Elvis no one asked you." I sassed jokingly smiling at him. "Honestly, I don't think I'd know what to do if I there wasn't some sorta of violence or fighting going on in my life. I think I'd go actually crazy. Normal for me wouldn't be normal without some kind of bullshit going on." I laughed at the truth of the statement, They just laughed with me. I never thought I would actually fit anywhere like I do here. But I do and I'll be damned if some doctor that thinks she's above it all tries to screw it all up.

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