Daddy issues

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It's been 3 days since I got my tattoo and to say it hurt like a bitch it an understatement. Jax as been all over me about every little thing I do since yesterday. Ashley thinks I need to start talking to him and that I can stop seeing her and just start confiding in Jax, the night terrors have basically stopped at this point unless I get extremely stressed. She thinks I've made a complete 180 since I first started to see her and she doesn't think I need to go to her anymore. She told Jax this yesterday and he's taking it over the top. Everything I want to do or even say gets analyzed. I'm sitting at the kitchen table doing homework or trying too as Wendy of all people walk in. "Hi Dakota, it's good to see you." Wendy smiled at me "uh hi I guess, not to be rude but what are you doing here.?" I asked suspiciously "Well I came to talk to Jax about making time to see Abel since last I asked him he wasn't being very reasonable. Maybe you can get through to him." She sighed sitting across from me "that's funny, Jax doesn't ever listen to me. Half the time whenever I try to get him to do something I ended up getting lectured on why I'm wrong so. Sorry but I'll pass." I grumbled out to her. "Do you like living here.? Being apart of the club. You didn't really get much say from my understanding, you know you're gonna be 18 soon, I could always help you figure out a place of your own and stuff." She spoke and offered kindly. "Thanks but I already have mommy issues, I don't need daddy issues too and it wouldn't even be my father it would be with my brother, last thing I need to do is go behind Jackson's back with his ex wife. I'd end up in purgatory for life." I told her turning down her offer right away. She nodded "Ya I get that I guess." She laughed a bit. As the front door opened Jax walked into the kitchen to see us chatting "what the hell is going here?" He asked sounded pretty pissed. "Nothing, don't get angry at her, I came here on my own looking for you Jax, I was just making small talk." Wendy spoke up and defended me. "What the hell did she say to you. Are you okay?" He ignored her looking at me and asked. "Just asked where you were and if I needed help with any homework." I lied right through my teeth getting better at making lies seem truth. He nodded not looking completely convinced "what the hell do you want Wendy, you don't get to just show up unannounced and talk to my kid." He was pissed, also his kid huh? Interesting I just laughed to myself at that one. I mean it's kinda true at this point. He might be my brother but he also legally adopted me so in a way I am his. "I wasn't trying to cause trouble Jax I just wanted to talk to you about Abel. Can we please talk privately." She pleaded "There is nothing to talk about you left and gave up your right to Abel, you don't get to come back now and try and be his mother. He already has one. Tara is his only mom. You should leave." He deadpanned stopping any kind of discussion "that's abit unfair Jax.." I spoke very hushed. "Excuse me?" He snapped at me. "She's right, I made mistakes, but so have you! I have a right to know my son. I'm clean. I'm sober and I even have a stable job. You have no reason to keep him from me!" Wendy stood up and semi yelled back at him. "Get out of my house." He demanded in a deadly cold voice. She just sighed "this isn't over " and walked past him out the door. I sat there quietly. "What the hell was that, Dakota, you don't understand the shit she has done." He hissed at me. "I get that, but I mean she's cleaned herself up, I wish my mom had before she died. I wish the last thing I remember about her wasn't her drunk and high off her ass throwing shit at me. Abel is gonna find out one day, and when he wants to know why you didn't let him get to know her you won't have any reasons as to why you didn't. I'm not saying making her leave at the beginning wasn't the right choice, I wish someone had kept me from the shit my mom did, but Wendy's proven herself. And she wants to be apart of Abels life, she deserves some trust back, you don't have to introduce her as his mom just a friend until everyone is comfortable with shit. That's all I'm saying. Plus Incase you have forgotten you are kinda of a outlaw criminal so it's hypocritical.." I told him truthfully but also in a respectful manner. "You're right, I hate it but you are. So what else did you guys really talk about." He sighed and asked again so I guess he didn't actually believe my lie. "we discussed our daddy issues." I laughed winking at him. He just rolled his eyes "hilarious, next time lock the damn door and stop letting strays in" he said sarcastically "you know technically I was a stray. And I turned out great!" I told him "actually that's still being decided" he countered my remark. "Well that's just rude. Mister 'don't talk to my kid' possessive much?" I sassed he just chuckled and walked to the fridge to get a beer and sat across from me where Wendy once sat. "How's the school work?" He asked I just groaned "sucks dick, who even uses this shit. Why the fuck do I need to know how to measure the density of a cylinder." He just laughed at me. "I dropped out my junior year so no clue." I just pushed the iPad away and looked at him. Hesitating to asked what I was thinking. "What? You have that look on you face." He asked "what's up with you and Tara?" I asked honestly I haven't seen her really at all since they got back from the trip. "She wants to go, I don't, I can't see myself out there. Besides it's only a matter of time before Clay steps down, which well be quite the fight but when he does it's my time at the gavel. I can't leave and let the club die off. Which will happen if I do. It would destroy me knowing I could have done something. So she's mad, and honestly I think she wants to still take the boys and go." He told me looking frustrated "she can't do that can she? Just take the boys and leave. I mean technically Abel isn't really legally hers." I asked worried " I wouldn't let her even if he was. She's not taking those boys without my permission. Don't worry about it thought okay I have it under control." He told me reassuring himself more than me in all reality. "Okay... So from the sounds of it I'm not the only one having daddy issues? That wound of yours with clay have been feastering for a long ass time." I laughed at his expression as he rolled his eyes "what's with you this daddy issues shit all the sudden." He groaned laughing slightly. I just smirked because he knew I was right.

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