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~Dakota's pov~
  Jax made me ride back to Ma's house with him much to my disliking. Once we got there I went right to my room. I walked into the bathroom and immediately shut and locked the door. He told me he was staying with me tonight and Ma was staying with the baby, I'm assuming clay was staying at the club house. I told him that I didn't want him too stay with me and he should go home but he wouldn't listen. I don't want him here. He has more then enough to deal with, he doesn't need this added on to his list. He told me he called and set my therapy session to twice a week now. One alone and one where he will be coming in with me. I tried to tell him that was a bad idea too but he wasn't having it. He has his mind set on what needs to happen now apparently. I walked out of the bathroom changed to pjs and he was already laying on my bed. "Jax just go home. I don't want you here. I'm Perfectly content with not sleeping all by my self." I groaned beyond annoyed. "Tough." He said. I sighed "fine then I'm going to the living room." I said and walked off only to be grabbed within a second "no you're not. Enough. I'm done with this attitude today. You're not incharge.!" He started to get mad and raised his voice again, I shoved his hand off me and turned around to face him again. "Just let me be!!! Don't you even get it?!  It's not worth it! You're putting so more effort into fixing me! You might as well try to stop a sinking ship!" I started to yell "I can't be fixed Jax! You have a son! And a girlfriend! You have a life! Go live it! Let me sink!" I was screaming at this point, I started to hit him. He just stood there and then out of no where he pulled me into him as I tried to push him away and I kept hitting him while I doubt it even hurt I kept screaming profanities at him while crying.He didn't let me go though he just hugged me tighter til I slowly stopped hitting him and just balled my hands up into fists against his chest sobbing rather violently. I wasn't until I looked up that I saw he was silently crying too. "You have to stop fighting and trying to push me away. I'm not going anywhere. No matter how long it takes to get that through your head." He spoke rather quiet. I nodded beyond exhausted at this point mentally and physically. He let me go. "I'm gonna go sleep on the couch. Try and sleep okay." He told me and walked out. And honestly I felt even more crushed when he did. I climbed into bed and wrapped the blankets around me. He had left the door open so I just stared into the hall. I don't remember falling asleep but next thing I knew I was being gently shaken awake I jolted up and saw Jax beside me. "Damnit!! They won't stop. Why the hell wont they stop!" I threw a pillow at the wall out of pure exhaustion and frustration. "I don't know I'm sorry." He laid down and pulled me to him so my head was laying on him. "There has to be something the therapist can do, Tomorrow when we go I'm gonna ask her about a med Tara suggested. Anything is worth a shot at this point." I nodded and laid there within a few moments Jax had fallen back to sleep so I gently got up. I can't keep making his life more stressful. So in the moment I quietly went into my closet grabbed my bag and started to pack a bunch of stuff. Once I had a bag all packed I as quietly as possibly left the room and made my way to the door. I turned back and look down the hall "I'm sorry Jax.." I sighed and left the house. I walked by his bike and started walking down the road. I had made a good amount of cash this month helping out and working in the shop. So I walked a while before calling a cab. I had them bring me to the nearest motel for the night. Once I was check in I got comfy in the bed. I know come morning once Jax realized I was gone he would send out a whole search party so I had to lay low for until night again. I left my phone and iPad at the house because I know they would just use it to track my location. I laid down and decided to try and close my eyes again after taking one lore pill in attempt to help sleep for then a couple hours.

~Jax pov~
I woke up and immediately realized Dakota wasn't in bed. I got up and went out to the kitchen and she wasn't there. Trying not to panic I pulled my phone out and called her. But I when I heard her phone in the other room my heart dropped. "Shit. No!" I ran into her room and checked her closet and bathroom. It was obvious she packed a bunch of shit. "Damnit!!" I rushed outside to my bike starting it as I called my mom. "Jax it's 7am why are you calling me?" She asked clearly tired due to the time "Dakota is gone! She packed a bag and left during the night!" I shouted into the phone racing on my bike to the club house "she what?!? I'll call neeta have her come watch the baby and I'll go drive around! We will find her. She couldn't have gone far at night." She said and I hung up. Pulling into Tm. I had juice and prospect calling all round to hospitals and motels trying to locate her. It wasn't for a few hours before juice came rushing into my room. "I found her! She's at a motel right outside charming! The Remote Inn." He said and I immediately rushed outside to my bike as the rest of the guys all jumped on theirs and followed right behind me. I'm coming kid, whether you like it or not. This fight isn't over.

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