second visit

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~Darryl's POV~

After Zak's two visits to my school, I've been getting a lot more attention than I'm used to. People were grabbing my focus off of class and putting it on their questions instead. I try my best to ignore them since I've never failed a class and wasn't planning to anytime soon. I sigh, finding it hard to pay attention to the lesson.

I scribble aimlessly in my notebook. I sketch out a figure. As I trace around a figure, it starts to look more and more like Zak. I smile at the drawing, placing a doodle of a crown on top of his head. I get into the zone of drawing. To ease up, I rest my head in the palm of one of my hands and use the other to continue the drawing. The professor's words get drowned out as every second passes. After I finish drawing Zak, I decide that every prince needed a knight. I would be that knight. I do my best to draw myself. In the portrait, I stood tall and stoic, guarding the prince by my side.

My attention shifts to the flowers that were sitting in the bag below my desk. I smile, wanting to take them out of their home in the bag but decide it's best not to. Kids would probably steal them knowing they were gifted from the prince. I add shadows in their proper places in the art. As I got so caught up in my works, the bell chimes. Class was over.

Students rush out of class, chatter leaves the room. "Darryl," my teacher calls. "I need to speak to you."

I nod, closing my notebook and packing away my stuff into my backpack. I head to his desk. "Take a seat." He says.

I pull up a chair in front of his desk and sit. He clears his throat before speaking. I turn to look behind me, I see the bag still waiting at my desk. I remind myself to get it before exiting the classroom. "I wanted to speak to you about your friend." He says.


"Are you aware that you're friends with the prince?"

I nod. He averts his eyes to my desk, specifically focusing on the bag. He points. "The prince, of this kingdom, bought that for you?"

I nod again. He claps his hands together loudly. "This is great! You can profit off of this. You should bring him around the school more. We can have a fundraiser and have him contribute!"

I pull on the collar of my shirt, giving myself a freer airway. "I'm not sure. He doesn't usually buy me stuff or things like that. I'm not his friend for the fame or the money. We met when we were young and reconnected just recently. We mostly just talk and spend time together without material objects."

He frowns, taking his eyes off of the bag and placing his attention on me instead. "Just think about how beneficial this would be for everyone. Students get more of the stuff they want, staff would get bigger budgets and plus, think about how big of a raise I would get for getting the royal family to work with us!"

I make a small 'hmph' sound while thinking. "I'll think about it." I lie, knowing I won't bring this up to Zak. My teacher sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger.

"Ok," he says slowly. "You're dismissed."


After school, I walked Vincent back home and went to meet Zak at the graveyard. I still had the bag in hand. The sky was a dark blue. Gray clouds filled the sky. I could tell it was going to rain. Unfortunately for me, the only things I had on were my white, short sleeved, uniform shirt, and my khaki pants.

I waited for Zak in the cool breeze, sensing the rain that was soon to come, I knew it was best to seek shelter or at least find somewhere with a roof so I don't get drenched before Zak arrives. I look around the grave. I sigh, only seeing empty land for yards. I wait and hope it doesn't rain before Zak gets here.

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