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~Darryl's POV~

Weeks later, it was finally the day.

The day that could determine everything.

I could get my heart broken. Or I could possibly have my happy ending.

Zak picks me up early. We agree what we need to do. I'd bring a backpack for storage of my clothes and souvenirs. We meet at the graveyard. Zak is already dressed up and ready for the event. He looks nice, dolled up more than usual. I enjoy the look he has, but my mind only thinks of the worst. He was dressing his best for this event - for these girls. He's never tried this hard around me.


A rare feeling for me to come across.

I always hated feeling it, but it was out of my control.

Whatever happened today was in his hands.

I'd only be a bystander.

A dangerous game. I was putting my heart in another's hand.

My heart is indifferent about it all. Yes, Zak looks astonishing in that tuxedo, but was my eyes' pleasure worth the potential heartbreak? That would be determined today.

As he was dressed nicely, I was the opposite. That worried me. I only had a simple tee and jeans on when we met. The thought of that not being enough to please him worries me. It'd work out in the end when we arrive to the castle and he'd lend me some more of his clothes. I felt safe every time I'd put on some of the royal cloth but at the same time I felt like a burden.

'Til this day, I'm still surprised he trusts me so much. Never would I thought I'd be in love with the prince.

Together we sat in the empty lands of the graveyard, hours away from the event. He rambled to me about his newly strong resentment for his parents as I listened. The words of anger somehow had a way to my heart. Maybe it was his voice. Or maybe it was the way he strongly expressed his feelings. It may had even been the way he looked as the sunlight bounced off of his skin, making his face look a lot more saturated.

My stares were always subtle. Him catching a dazed stare would be questionable. After every few rants without breathing, Zak would take big deep breaths as he would comb back his hair with his fingers while letting out an exasperated, "I don't know, man."

Every second that passed caused me to become more and more queasy. My stomach churned - the constant wait of not knowing what would happen to me - to us - it only added to the nausea that made me want to throw up oh so badly. My heart was practically beating out of my chest. The anticipation of losing him caused bad anxiety that took over my thoughts.

"...it's like they think just because they're the rulers, they get to control everything in my life! They don't even think about how it makes me feel! It's like I'm not even their son. Such shitty parents. I hate it. I hate it so much."

Letting out a clearly overwhelmed sigh, he turns his head to look at me. "I think we should start heading to the castle. We can get you changed and we'll have some spare time to talk there," nodding, I help myself stand up. He walks with a rushed pace and clenched fists. I hurry my own to catch up. "We'll be taking an alternative route. I don't want to just walk around with this stupid tux on a receive creepy stares."

I willingly follow as he leads.


The whole trip is silence.

Together, we pass through a empty meadow. The scenery was new to me, as someone who had lived around the parts for so long and hadn't recognized any of it was shocking to me. Zak seemed to be the one to know lots about the area. The fact made me think. I came up with theories such as him possibly coming in these places to escape the packed life of royalty.

the prince and the peasant | skephalo | DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now