a quick catch up

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~Darryl's POV~

There's a slight hesitation as I began to creep closer and closer to the entrance of the graveyard.

There's a hope - even though there shouldn't be - that Zak's there. I had left the clothes at Vincent's, so even if he were there, I wouldn't be able to return them to him. 

Another time then.

When I entered through, I walked through a pathway that paved the way in the middle off graves until I finally found the empty pastures in it that Zak and I would usually talk in. Behind it is pure forest and wildlife.

I was always curious onto what was out there and considered venturing with Zak back there one day, but right now I was alone and going to see Vincent again later, so I decided just to stay in sight of public.

As I scoped the area, I spot a very noticeable and familiar bright red objection hidden behind the leaves of a bush not too far away. I approach it, realizing it's mine, my backpack - the same one I had brought to Zak's.

My fingers and mind tense.

What if someone had found it and took it? Why would Zak just leave this for anyone to grab? I wouldn't be able to get a new backpack or clothes if someone would've taken it. He should've known better than giving people an opportunity to steal my stuff - especially since he should've known my financial position wouldn't let me be able to recover this stuff.

It stresses me out - just of the thought of Zak selfishly just leaving my stuff out, but I move past that, pulling the backpack out and unzipping to see whether anything was out of place or not. Just from the top, I could tell everything was there seeing as my pants were folded neatly and there was still more to be discovered underneath.

Above my pants is a note. Folded, though through thin ply I'm able to make out the black, bold words inside the note. Just for clearer understanding, I unfold.

'Meet me here tonight at midnight - have lots to tell you,

- Z.A'

There's a small doodle at the bottom of the page of a crown - I'm guessing it's so I know it's from him, the prince.

My heart drops. All my progress feels lost and I'm far, far away from where I was a few seconds ago. I had felt angry at myself for letting this happen - for not telling Zak to go against his parents and for helping him prep. Granted, it tightened our bond and made me a better friend to him, but that was the thing. I didn't want to be just his friend. What if he had liked me and then all feelings had been lost after he met that doppelgänger?

I feel my chest tighten, and my bottom lip quiver subconsciously. I didn't feel like crying, that'd be dumb. I just felt so dumbfounded as I sat there rereading the note  over and over again, rethinking the possibilities of what he may have wanted to think about.

When I can't think of anything he'd want to talk about besides how it went at the dance, it feels helpless. I sigh, folding the note once again and placing it gently back on the doubled over jeans and zip the the backpack closed. I'd be back later that night.


It felt weird having to go out at midnight. Streets were empty and eerie. The smallest brushes of my foot going across the sidewalks' pavement made me paranoid. The streetlights seem unstable as they flicker on and off, leaving abandoned streets dark.

In my hands were the clothes I had borrowed from Zak the day of the dance along with the muffins Vincent and I had prepared earlier that day.

My parents were working late hours tonight, so I didn't think they'd mind me sneaking out past curfew if they wouldn't be there to greet me. I wondered how Zak had sneaked out. Maybe the same way he sneaked me out the morning after I stayed the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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