eternal triangle

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~Darryl's POV~

After that day, Zak was the only thing I could think about.

School was just a haze - a time during the day where my mind was forced to be put into focus for something I didn't understand. Blanking out every period, kids and teachers grew concerned. Some obviously found it annoying, not paying attention to the lessons, but most thought I wasn't feeling well.

Vincent was one of the handful who grew worried. Constantly checking up on me in between breaks, he was the one who worried the most. I reassured him many times that nothing was wrong, my mind was just clouded with thoughts. Of course, when he asked what it was or to talk about it, I change the subject.

Lunch was definitely something. After Zak's last few visits, I've been given a name. Not a literal name, but a reputation. Given this, my bad days would be noticed by lots of people. To me, today was the opposite of a bad day. It was a good day. A normal day. A day where my mind wandered throughout the day. Little got done on days like these, but nonetheless they exercised my thoughts. Sure, I only thought of the childhood, royal friend, but that was besides the point.

"Are you feeling alright? You seemed distracted the whole day," Vince asks.

"Mhm. Somethings just happened the other day. Can't get it out of my mind," I explain, my smile covered the entire time.

I like going back to the moment. The moment where he taught me more than I helped him. In that moment, I remember having a lost of air. Maybe it was because I was hiding my head or maybe it was because I got caught in that moment. I always wondered what Zak thought as it happened. Did he like it like I did? Or did he find it useless since he didn't learn anything. My palms sweat at the thought of his opinion.

After school, I definitely wanted to ask him. Maybe we could do something like that again. But while I'm at school, it was good to focus on other things I found just at important. Like Vincent. He wanted to know what kept my mind occupied. Me refusing to tell him only made him suspicious.

"Did something happen? Something bad?" He asks at one point. The other kids thought the same thing.

I shake my head. "I wouldn't say that," Again, my smile is hidden, even in my voice and eyes. Vincent only grows more and more suspicious.

These past few days with Zak cause me to forget about my times with Vincent. It's sad, but Zak makes me happy. Even if Zak is the person I'll think about for hours, I'll forgive have a special place in my heart for Vincent. He's stuck around throughout everything.

Because of all my time with Zak, I feel important to set a day aside just for the two of us. A day where I appreciate him. I still needed to schedule it and plan out what we would do. It hurts that I start to forget activities the two of us enjoy. I have no idea how to please him.

Then again, technically I have known Zak longer. He was my first friend so of course I would try and do the most I can to learn about him.

I've decided it's be fair to put one friend aside to focus on another - then switch after some time. That means equal time and hopefully happy friends. These days I'd spend some time with Zak and before Vincent feels neglected, I switch to spend time with him instead. It seemed like a pretty solid idea. The only down side is starting to favor one after not spending enough time with another. Even then, I'm feel like I'm a fair person. I'd love both forever.


Another day at the graveyard.

I go directly after school, feeling excited to see Zak once again. Maybe talking to him would help ease my unsettled nerves. Thinking about him all day made me feel weird. My heart felt so fragile and I myself felt jumpy. I sat in a empty plain of the graveyard, picking at blades of grass as I waited. For some reason, I felt angsty. I told myself it was part of having feelings for someone. As Vincent told me, when you like someone, you may feel shy around them.

From a distance, I see him. The weather today isn't necessarily sunny but it isn't cloudy and gloomy like it was before. He though, he seems gloomy. His head is bowed, hands in the pockets of his pants as he drowsily walked toward the usual hangout spot. I worried for him. His head raises, eyes darting around until they meet mine. Instantly, a smile comes across his face. I return a smile, happy to see him as well.

He takes a seat next to me, sighing as he rests his head in his hand, his arm rested on a crossed leg. It's silent for a while, just a light blow of wind is felt as I wait for him to speak. "I got into another fight with my parents," Zak mumbles.

"Oh no," I do my best to sound sympathetic. "What happened?"

"The more thought I put into it, the more opposed I became to the idea of the event."

"What event?"

He gives me a side-eyed look, I couldn't tell what emotion he was portraying, but it definitely wasn't cheerful. He faces away from the stare. "The one where my parents want me to find the next queen," his movements are animated as he talks with hatred. He sighs once more, this time more exaggerated. "I'm so mad at them. All I did was try to stand my ground. To them I'm being over dramatic," he mumbles one more sentence. "I really need you there."


I had completely forgot about it. My hopeful feelings of seeing him start to sink. It was scary to me, especially having to go with him. I'd only be heartbroken. What if he met someone he loved at that dance? I'd be left in the dust. I'd always have Vincent. He knows what it's like - being part of a one-sided love. Still, I needed to keep my hopes high. Even if he found someone, I'd be happy for him if he's happy! I'd be a bad friend if I wasn't.

"Yeah, sure. I'll be there. I don't have too many fancy things, so I don't know if I'll fit in much. Just tell me the details and I'll see," I force my voice a certain pitch that made me seem more friendly.

"Great!" He cheers. "If I'm not able to prevent it, it'll be very soon. My parents seem to be in a rush so they're alerting kingdoms soon. Maybe if you're there, it won't be so bad after all."

I smile at the words - "Maybe if you're there, it won't be so bad after all". My heart soars but instantly is brought down to the reoccurring image of Zak dancing with another. Cherish these moments as I can, remind myself to not be surprised when I'm only left devastated.

"What would happen at the event. If your parents find someone they like, will you be destined to get married with them?" I ask, an uncontrollable shake comes every few words.

Zak inhales before exhaling loudly. "I really hope not. Unless of course I do find someone who, you know, I genuinely like," My heart sinks.

It shouldn't though. If he finds someone he genuinely likes then, as I promised to myself earlier, I should be happy for him. It's inevitable really.

I'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Thank you for reading part 23 :)

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