how to handle heartbreak

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~Darryl's POV~

Way no. 1


Of course, in no way do I want to forget Zak. He has an importance in my life in a way no one could ever dream of replacing. But I needed to forget what happened - my feelings. It wasn't healthy and I couldn't handle the rejection. I didn't look too into how to handle the heartbreak, so I using my own homemade method.

I found the opportunity perfect when Vincent offered me company. Once the Sun was high and shining, I get changed into more convenient clothes and sling my backpack over my shoulder so I wouldn't have to carry the clothes I was picking up.

Without saying goodbye to my parents, I leave the house and walk through town to the restaurant. On my way, I have an odd sensation in my heart. It was like the sensation I experienced when with Zak, but this time I felt a lot more angsty. I was expecting something out of today. Hoping that maybe after this, I could put my feelings aside and think of Zak like how he thinks of me.

I had a lot of time to self reflect on my walk to the restaurant. The usual chirp of the usual street folks returned and I tried to savor every bit of it. Admire what you can - the well-watered, healthy green plants, the children who ran around without caring or worrying about anyone else's opinion of them, the birds singing their sweet morning melodies - all of it helped my mind move on. Helped to distract me.

Today was about me and making sure that party wouldn't rain on my spirits. I tried my best to become as interactive as possible, smiling constantly, waving at people who looked in my direction, and overall trying to come off as bubbly as I possibly could. With this, I receive lots of smiles back.

When I finally make my way to the restaurant, I smile, looking up at the 'open' sign.

Way no. 2


I open the door and there's much more of a bustle in the restaurant right now than there was last night. I catch a few stares, but it's typical when the door's bell chimes and curious kids want to see who's coming through. I know the owners and the staff of the place so I help myself in at the back. Sure, it's employees only but I was always an exception. From the apron hook, I take my clothes back and stuff it into my backpack.

I exit through the back door and through the connector, I'm knocking at the back door of Vincent's house. I stand around for a few moments until I notice the knob start to turn. I shift around, and as the door creeks open I meet with the person who's going to help me get over my feelings. Vincent!

He has a wide smile as he leads me inside. It's obvious he's trying not to smile so wide, he tries things like biting it down but it doesn't work. For some reason, it makes me feel very appreciated.

Spread wide across his table is ingredients for what we're baking. It sorted dry and wet ingredients on opposite sides of the table. There were things I was familiar with. Sugar, flour, chocolate chips, so on. It didn't seem like we were making brownies since there was no cocoa powder. Or cookies since there was no brown sugar.

"What are we making?"

Vince is still smiling - I can't help but wonder if it's because the kiss. He doesn't say anything about it though.

"Well," the word stretched out. "You seemed a bit bummed out yesterday. I know you love baking, so how about we bake one of you favorite things? Muffins!"

I huff a laugh before helping him behind the counter.

Way no. 3


the prince and the peasant | skephalo | DISCONTINUED Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon