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Eloise's POV 

The honeymoon was over before we knew it and we had to head back to London. 

The flight was pretty long and to be honest we slept most of the flight because as soon as we got back, we would have to go to the office since we haven't been there in about 3 weeks. 

Justin spent some of the flight working and so did I. I have missed working but it was nice to get some much needed time off. 

"Babe we've landed" 

I was daydreaming so I hadn't even noticed. I grabbed my jacket and headed off the plane to a waiting car. 

"Welcome back Mr and Mrs Bieber" Louis said. 

"It's good to see you Louis" I said 

"And you ma'am. Are we headed straight to the office?"

"Unfortunately yes" Justin said making us all laugh. 

We headed to the office and there was no traffic getting there. At least no more than normal. 

Justin opened the door and helped me out of the car and we headed up to our floor and Jeremy was waiting for us at the elevator. 

"Thank God you both are back. I forgot how much I hate running this place daily" he said making Justin laugh. 

"Well it's a good thing I'm back" 

"Come on. I have a few things to run by you before I head off" we followed Jeremy and I headed to my office which was empty. 

"Umm Justin" I said making him stop and turn around "What happened to my office?"

He walked over to me.

"Oh yeah, I forgot" he then walked away so I followed him. 

"This is now your new office" he said as he opened the door to the office next to his. 

It was a lot bigger than my last one and it had my name of the door with my job title. It didn't have secretary or personal assistant, it had COO. Chief Operating Officer. 


"I know what you're going to say but you deserve to be more than just my assistant. You have worked hard and you deserve this role in the company. You don't realise how hard you have worked and how much you deserve this. I can't function without you and neither can the company" 

"J I don't know what to say" 

"Don't say anything. Just go for it and see how you get on"

I gave him a quick kiss. 

"Dad is waiting for me so I'm going to leave you to settle in" 

"Alright, I'm going to grab us a coffee" 


Finally all the work was done and I had caught up with it. I also had a few new things that I needed to do being a COO and I had to oversee a few things in other departments too. 

Me and Justin were headed out and the lift was a bit crowded today. We normally go on the private one but it was down for maintenance so we were on the main one. 

It was quite full and me and Justin were stood in the back. It definitely took longer than the private one since we stopped off at every floor for people to get on and off. 

Once we reached the main floor, I headed to reception desk to see Mandy and grab any paperwork that she had for me. 

Apparently there was a letter addressed to me that was posted to the company and there was no return address so she didn't know who it was from. 

Fairytales don't exist!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant