Chapter 26 - Sights

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Eloise's POV

Brunch was delicious. Me and Justin were talking, and time went by fast. We had been in the restaurant for nearly 2 hours and people were starting to come in for their lunch. I learnt so much about him.

Justin never wanted to work for the company. He had some ideas about travelling but he got held back when his dad needed him to take some responsibility. He had some good friends that were really funny apparently. He has a dodgy ex that he had tried to avoid over the recent years. He had a good childhood and an amazing upbringing.

Justin also said that he wishes that he could travel more and see some more sights of the world without being followed. He tends to have the press following and taking pictures. It's all a part of being 27 years old and being the CEO of a company worth multi billions of pounds.

He also was interested in me. He was asking questions about me and my family as well as my past like school. We also ended up on a conversation about exes, but I shot him down with those questions. I wasn't ready to tell people about what happened with me and Aaron. Sometimes I wish that I had never even met him.

We eventually headed out of the restaurant and Justin had taken to me Central Park. We spent most of the time walking and talking. He was nothing like what people have described him to be. Everyone always said that he is difficult to work with but that hasn't been the case. He's been friendly and polite, and he seemed to take a genuine interest in me. We were lucky with the weather. It wasn't too warm, but it also wasn't too cold.

After the walk in Central Park we headed to the Empire State building and took the lift to the top. the view was beautiful from the top. We had taken some pictures as well which were funny. I hate people taking pictures of me, but Justin made it feel less uncomfortable.

"So, where do you want to be in 5 years' time?" I asked him

"Woah, that's a deep question".... he took a minute." I want to be happy with someone. I want to have found my true love who loves me as much as I love them." I smiled at him. "What about you Eloise?"

"Ummm...I would want to have settled down and be happy. Let go of the past and move on with my life."

"What do you want to move on?"

"Well as you know I'm going into court soon and to be honest I'm nervous. I haven't really thought about it properly. I only realised that it was happening last week but all of it has been dragging on for the last six months. I want to move on and be from all of the drama". that truly felt like a wight lifted off my shoulders. I hadn't said that to anyone.

"don't be nervous about court. Just be you. People will believe you. I don't know exactly what this court case is about, but I know you and I know that you are an honest person."

"Thank you, Justin, you have no idea what it means to me to have someone who believes and trusts me" I started to tear up, so I turned my head.

"Come here" he said holding his arms out. I went to him and hugged him. I felt the safest in his arms. Just the sound of him breathing calms me down and stops the tears. We were interrupted by Justin's phone ringing.

"sorry" he said whilst getting his phone out. there wasn't a lot of signal funnily enough especially since we were so high up.

"Sorry to have to cut this part of the sight-seeing tour short but I'm guessing that they have an answer"


"Yeah it was the lawyer, but I couldn't really hear him" I nodded, and we headed into the elevator and headed down.

"Wait didn't we give them 2 hours arounds 4 hours ago?"

"Yeah we did but who knows when the lawyer tried to get a hold of me. My phone was on silent most of the time. I only took it off silent when we were taking pictures."

"You should have told the lawyer to ring me" I said shaking my head.

"Well I did say no work talk and your breaking the rules"

"Technically you started it" We both stood in silence for a minute before laughing. We were bickering like kids.


We got back to our hotel that we were staying at and Justin went into his room to talk to the lawyer. I laid on the bed reminiscing today. I had always wanted to visit New York since I was a kid and I was finally here. It might not have been the way that I had wanted but I was still here and seeing some of the beautiful city.

Someone knocked on the door and I got up to answer it. Justin came into my room and sat down at the table.

"So, they agreed to the contract that we offered. The board of the hotel is not happy with the owner, but they wanted me to give them the opportunity for a better deal in the future if they operate in good faith and I said that there was a lot of making up to do before that"

"So, when do you sign the contract?"

"In the morning. now I know I said no work, but the lawyer is emailing you all of the documents to give it one final check." he said with a big smile hoping that it would persuade me.

I fake gasped "Justin Bieber breaking his own rules. who would have thought?" I went and grabbed the laptop out of my bag and logged in to do some work for an hour to make sure that it was all sorted.

"I'm sorry but I do now owe you one"

"It's okay and don't be silly. We are here on a work trip, so I do have to work at some point you know."

It didn't take me as long as I thought it would to get the work done.

"Justin it's all done, and it seems like it all checks out"

"Thank You. Now how about dinner?"

"Depends what's for dinner?"

"What about some of the best pizza in New York."

"How could I say no to that?"

"great I'll ring reception and tell them to bring it up to us"

We the spent the evening eating pizza and talking. This has been one of the best trips I have ever had.


After weird pizza we decided to go and see Times Square at night. I was really excited to go and see it since it was known to be one of the best things in New York.

Me and Justin had an amazing evening and also an amazing day together on the Monday.

We got up a little bit late because of jetlag and lack of sleep from last couple of days but we ended up going to Brooklyn to see Brooklyn Bridge and we also went to see Radio city in the night-time, and it was beautiful to see New York at night.

Justin knew quite a lot about music, and it did seem that that was a passion of his. Soon our time in New York was coming to an end and we would have to go home. We had a flight on Tuesday morning which meant that we would land in London in the evening.

I decided that the flight would be the best time to catch up on the work that I had missed for Monday and do the work for Tuesday. I also was looking forward to seeing Lucy since it was the longest, we had spent apart, and I also didn't speak to her for most of the trip because we were so busy.

I also posted a few pictures of the sights of New York on my social media and it had gotten quite a lot of attention which I'm guessing is because it was my first public appliance at the gala and that I also had a public profile. I don't post much, and I also don't post very often so it made sense. 

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