Chapter 70 - "Move in with you?!"

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Author's note - so I'm doing a bit of a time skip to get the book moving a bit. It's a two month time skip and Eloise and Justin will now have been dating 7 months by this point. 

Eloise's POV 

Work at the office has been busy over the last few weeks. So many projects are being finished this year and it's going really well for the company. The press hasn't been too bad. They do sometimes hang around but I think that I have gotten used to it now. 

Justin was invited to a charity event and I went with him and there was so many press which was crazy and I went on a red carpet too. It was probably the only time where I have felt really overwhelmed like that but having Justin by my side made it a lot easier to handle that day. 

Mine and Lucy's contract for the apartment was coming to an end in a couple of months and we were trying to find a new place that was a bit closer to both of our work. Sometimes it can take an hour to get to work and then other days, it can take 30 minutes. 

Me and Lucy didn't work too far from each other. It actually turns out that she is only a 20 minute walk away from Bieber Enterprise. 

My brother was now working overseas and Allison is slowly getting prepared for the baby. My brother is meant to be back next month since its only a short deployment and more so for training than combat. I've been going to the appointments with Allison so that she wasn't alone. Marcus has also requested to work in the UK for training instead for the next year so that he can be home and close to Allison. The army signed off and allowed it since he had done a lot of work overseas and I guess it was needed to have someone with a lot of hands on experience to do some training. 

Since I've been so busy for the last month or so, I haven't been spending as much time with Justin as I would like to. So we had planned to have a movie night tonight at Justin's place. 

Once I had arrived, I headed into the movie theatre room and Justin had everything ready. All of the snacks were on the table and the drinks. He had also set up some blankets on the sofa for us to get cosy. 

"Hi babe" he said

I walked up and gave him a kiss "I've missed you" 

"We see each other nearly everyday" 

"I know but work doesn't count. Its not the same as when it's just us together"

"Well you have the whole evening with me now"

"And I'm going to make the most of it" 


"so what are we watching?"

"We can watch anything you want"

"Fast and Furious 7" 

"If that's what you want to watch then yeah"

"Only if you want to"

"Of course" 

"Great you set up the movie and I will be right back" he gave me a quick nod. 

I headed upstairs to Justin's room and into his walk in wardrobe and grabbed one of his hoodies to put on. 

I put it on over my top and walked back down to see the movie ready and Justin sat down with the blanket. I sat next to him and got under the blanket. 


We finished the movie and Justin was wide awake. I love this movie and it's probably one of my favourite movies of all time. 

"Are you tired babe?"

"Not really" I answered. 

We just sat cuddling on the sofa for a bit. 

"Hey so I kind of wanted to ask you something"

"Go ahead"

"So I was wondering if you would like to move in with me?"

"You want me to move in with you?!"

"Yeah, you don't have to give me an answer straight away. Take your time..."



"Yes I will move in with you"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am but are you?"


"I love you Justin"

"I love you too"

"I have to tell Lucy soon. She has been trying to find us a place closer to the city. 

"I mean Ryan knew about it but I did ask him not to tell Lucy. I thought it was best for you to do it" 

"Thank you. I am meant to be meeting her tomorrow for Lunch so I will tell her then. when do you want me to move in?"

"Whenever you want to. I mean you have left some stuff here and you stay the night often so you could probably move things in bit by bit if you want to" 

"So it's going to be our room now?"

"Yes it is" he said and then he pulled me on top of him and kissed me hard. 

"Shall we head up to bed?"

"That sounds like a good idea. We do have a few meetings in the morning" 

*The next day* 

I was meeting Lucy for Lunch at a coffee shop and I was nervous to tell her. We have been living together since we met at Uni and I don't know how she will react. 

"Hey sorry I'm late. I kind of got lost getting here but this place is nice. Where did you find it?"

"Well Justin loves to have his coffee here so I've become a regular. I pick coffee up in the morning and they do some pretty good sandwiches."

"How is things with you two? I noticed that you didn't come back last night."

"Yeah I actually have to talk to you about that"

"Okay what's going on?"

"Well, Justin sort of asked me to move in with him and I might have said yes"

"Oh my god, that's amazing. Oh I'm so happy for you" 

"Thank you" 

"So that means that I am finding a flat for one then" 

"Yeah sorry about that" 

"Nah don't be. I'm happy for you and it's about time I got rid of you" she joked 

"Very funny. you'll miss me" 

"Yeah I will. When are you thinking of moving out?"

"Well I was planning to do it slowly over the next few weeks" 

"So until the lease runs out?"

"Yeah until then"

"That's good then" 

"Well I do have to head back to work soon but I will be back home tonight."

"Okay, I'll see you tonight. we'll have a few drinks" 

"Wish me luck. I have a meeting with Ryan" 

she laughed "say hi from me" 

"Of course I will do" 

Fairytales don't exist!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ