Chapter 17 - Gossip

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Eloise's POV

I was still in shock after the meeting. I can't believe a company as big as Forbes had people like that. Even if that's what they were thinking it should not have been said. Purely unprofessional. I managed to get all of the changes done that Justin wanted and discussed with me at lunch. The majority of my workload for the day was done so I decided to head down to reception to see if Mandy was free since she wanted to talk to me earlier.

"Hey, I can chat now if your free" I had brought my phone with me in case Justin wanted to find me. He was on a phone call when I was heading down.

"Yeah come on, I'm due a break and in need of a cup of tea."

We headed to the staff room and took a seat at the table once we had made the tea.

"So, how's work been? You probably have so much work with the charity gala."

"Yeah it is crazy I guess but not too bad. I'm enjoying working."

"Did you get a plus 1 to the gala?"

"No, I didn't need one. What about you?"

"Yeah I have my husband come with me. He's working in trading and he was invited anyone, so I actually happen to be his plus 1."

"Oh, I didn't know that you were married"

"Yeah, I've been married for about 2 and half years. What about you? any special men in your life?"

"No not for me. I had a pretty bad break up and I'm liking the single life at the moment."

"Now I needed to talk to you because there's been a rumour going around."

"What about?" I said sipping my tea.

"about you. someone saw you get into Mr Bieber's car yesterday and they claim that your sleeping with him for a pay rise. I just thought you should know that in case you get any weird looks."

"Umm okay. well that wasn't at all what happened. Me and Mr Bieber needed to decide the menu for the gala, and he invited me to join him last night since we had to get the menu finalised before this morning, so it was the only way. We would have gone to the restaurant, but it was fully booked, and the private room was booked too since it was so last minute. We were lucky to even meet with some of the chefs."

"I know I believe you and I know you wouldn't do what people have suggested."

"I seriously can't believe that people would say that. It feels like being back at school."

"Trust me you'll get used to it. so much goes around that there will be something new to talk about in the next few days but don't worry. But I did think that you should know"

"well do I tell Mr Bieber since it does affect his image?"

"Not necessarily. It's normal for him to sleep with many women but for you it will be different because your new and because you're a woman."

"So basically, people will see me as a sl*t"

"yep pretty much"

"that's great to have on a first week"

"honestly don't stress"

"No, I won't but thank you for telling me, I appreciate it"

Then my phone buzzed. Just had texted me to ask if I could bring some files for him.

"anyway, I have got to get back to work but thank you"

"not a problem"

I headed upstairs with the rest of my tea and went to the file room and grabbed all the files that Justin had requested. After dropping off my tea I went to Justin's office and knocked on the door.

"Sorry I wasn't in my office. I was grabbing a tea and chat with Mandy"

"you don't need to say sorry for having a break, but I would love to know some gossip to distract me" he said

It's almost like he knew the office gossip.

"Well..." I didn't know how to say this or whether I should even tell him. "somebody saw us yesterday when I got into your car and made up some stupid rumour but it's fine, I can handle it."

"What exactly was said?"

"nothing important"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's nothing. It will die down in a few days anyway, so I'm not bothered."

"As long as you're sure."

I smiled and closed the door of his office. He was too kind, and it was unnecessary for the CEO to even deal with anything like this. And it was nothing anyway.


It was 5pm and all of work for the day was done. I packed away everything and signed off.

"Eloise, that computer is yours to take whenever it's needed." Justin said at my office door.

"Thank you"

"Are you headed out?"

"Yeah just need to take this to the file room and then I'll be off"

"I'll wait for you at the elevator then"

I headed out of the office and quickly filed away the files and headed to elevator and Justin did actually wait for me. It really didn't make sense when people reported and said that he was a hard ass when he really wasn't. The ride one the elevator was quite since Justin was on his phone reading something and I was just gazing at the view in the glass elevator.

We got to the ground floor and Justin gestured for me to go first.

"Thank you" I headed towards the reception desk and said goodbye to Mandy when someone barged into me. It was Megan.

"Sl*g" She said pretty loud for people to hear.

"Excuse me"

"You heard me. at least we know why you lasted so far as the PA."

"Get your head out of your ass"

"Watch your mouth" I scoffed.

"bit ironic coming from you isn't it"

"you know what..."

"go on what? huh. there is nothing to be said. You lot are going to gossip like children because you haven't got anything better to do. Or maybe your just jealous you'll never be able to make an impression on anyone. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm sick of looking at that face just like any man would be" I smirked and noticed Justin looking at me in shock and Mandy clapping in the back. Megan had her mouth wide open and then she stormed off.

I quickly headed out to the carpark and I could hear footsteps behind me, but I carried on walking to my car.

"Eloise" Justin shouted. "that was the gossip? They were out of line. you should have told me the full story"

"with all due respect that wouldn't have done anything other than make me look weak. I've learnt one thing and that is to never rely on others and to fight for myself. I'm sorry for the scene in reception. I shouldn't have gone off like that, but I couldn't help it."

"You need to stop saying sorry." He said with a smirk making me smile "and Eloise you can always rely on me. I'm told that I'm a good listener and can give good advice." He said proudly.

"Oh, is that so? I'll bare that in mind. Now I'm sorry but I have to go. I'm late for the bridesmaid dress fitting and bridezilla might kill me and you would have to find a new PA"

"Well let's hope it doesn't ever come to that"

"Good Night Justin."

"good Night Eloise"

and with that I went to my car and headed to the dress shop.

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