Chapter 64 - Articles and Flights

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Eloise's POV 

I spent the day with Justin last Saturday and it was fun. It was now Friday (the week later) and today me and Justin were going to Paris. 

I have always been to the south of France but I have never been to Paris so I'm excited for this trip. 

We were finishing work at 3:30pm today and the flight is at 6pm. We were going on a commercial flight and by the time we land it would be 8pm and we are going straight for some dinner. 

I'm currently getting ready for the day. Louis was picking me up and he was keeping my suitcase and then dropping us off to the airport. 

"See you on Wednesday Elle and enjoy yourself. Be yourself around him and don't close off" 

"Don't worry, we are fine. I apologised and so did he. He's giving me time." 

So it turns out that when I was drunk I was mumbling things about my mum. I don't talk about her because I don't know a lot about her. 

Justin didn't tell me because he didn't know what to say but then he did tell me and I shut him out. I don't even know if my mum is alive or dead. 

All I know is that she got addicted to drugs, divorced my dad and left. 

"Thank you for breakfast and I will see you in a couple of days but feel free to text or call me anytime"

"Thank you. Now go and enjoy yourself" she then pushed me out of the door. 

Ryan met her parents and it went really well but now Lucy is worried to meet his family next week. I have never seen her like this before but she does love him so I'm happy for her. 


Work was nearly done and there was only one meeting left for the day. It was with Luke. He said he needed to discuss something with me and Justin and I had a feeling that I know what it is. 

I knocked on Justin's office door and he told me to come in. 

"Are you ready for the meeting?"

"Yeah are you?"

"I hope so. I think I know what its about" 

"Yeah me too. There is only one reason why they would want to call both of us in" 

"Let's go"

We both walked out of Justin's office and downstairs to the PR department. Luke was waiting for us in one of the meeting rooms. 

"Afternoon, how are you both?"

"Good thanks, What about you Luke?"

"I'm good." we all sat down "Right let's get to business." 

"Let's get to it" Justin said 

"So as you have probably already seen, there is a lot of articles about the both of you. I know you have reported your relationship to HR but there hasn't been a public statement on your relationship. It's come to my attention that some people in the department and in this company are gossiping about the both of you."

"So let them talk. And I'm not making a public statement. My relationship is not a business deal and I don't have to be forced to comment on it. We will discuss it publicly when we both want to." Justin said 

"and I understand that and I completely respect that but people are seeing it as favouritism and I don't want only bad words to be said about the both of you. You don't deserve that. The media are going crazy as well. Very crazy in fact. They have called the department to ask to confirm some sources and all I have said is no comment to all of it. I also want to prepare the both of you for what it seems will happen. Eloise you will be followed by press and they will want to make you seem like a bad person especially in the media. They will also twist your words so please refrain from saying nothing to them and that also means your family members."

"got it. Anything else I should be cautious of" 

"Not a lot but just be prepared for the office gossip"

"They going to say that I slept my way to my position aren't they?"

"Elle no one will be saying that" Justin said. 

"No let's be realistic for a second. That is most probably what they are saying isn't it Luke" 

"Yes, it is but we have issued warnings. It's against the company policy and what is written on their employee contracts" 

I just sat in silence. I knew this would happen and I thought that I was prepared for it but it turns out that I wasn't. 

"Justin you will also have to be prepared. But you know the drill" 

"Yeah I do. And can I bring anything to you if I'm not happy with it" 

"Of course you can. I have also put a stop to some articles from being published because they are inaccurate" 

"Thank you" 

"I'm just doing my job. Is there any questions that you have for me?"

"Can you reduce the number of press in any way?"

"Sometimes we can and sometimes we can't. When you're at events we have quite a bit of control but when it comes to some of the time when you are out and about it might be a bit difficult but we can have added security getting rid of them slowly" 


"Don't worry to much about it but it is my job to make you aware of these types of situations. I'm not too worried about it at the moment. I would only be worried when they take things too far but we can shut some of the articles down" 

"Thank you Luke" Justin said. 

"Is there anything about my past that was being put out that you stopped?"

Justin held my hand under the table and gave it a quick squeeze. 

"Yes there was one mentioning your dad but we had it shut down due to his role. They had mentioned SAS so we were able to suggest that they should not post it otherwise the army wouldn't have been very happy" 

"Thank you and yeah you're right. We're still not allowed to post anything about him yet" 

"Not a problem. Anything said in this room will not leave this room. Now you two are free to go and enjoy some time off" 

"Thank you" Justin said "See you when we get back" 

We both left and headed out to the airport. 


We were sat on the plane and it had already taken off. We also got upgraded from business to first class. 

"Are you okay babe?"

"Yeah I am I promise but I'm worried a bit" 

"About what?"

"The articles and then me shutting you out" 

"Don't worry about shutting me out. I don't mind and I'm sorry that I brought it up but I didn't want to lie to you." 

"Thank you" I gave him a quick kiss. 

"We are going on a break so let's chill and no work talk and if you need to talk then I am always here to listen and I won't ever judge you for anything" 

"What did I do to deserve you?"

"I should be the one asking that"

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