Chapter 73 - Christmas!!!

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Eloise's POV 

Me and Justin agreed last night that we would let it go. I explained to him my past with my mum and he listened. He listened and he respected me. I sent Luke an email last night and told him not to get onto it straight away. But he drafted me some work that he wanted to send. I gave it a quick look and then I rang him and we agreed to get the work done after Christmas. He deserved to have a break. I think that Megan is the only person that would truly be capable of something like this and if she was able to get information about my mum that even I didn't know, then she had to be the source for the tabloids. 

I woke up first this morning and made some breakfast for Justin. I had made some pancakes for us and set the table ready for when he was ready to come down. I headed back up once the table was set and Justin was still asleep so I climbed into bed and spooned him from behind. 

I stayed like that for a while but he started to move 10 minutes later. To be fair I woke up really early this morning. It was only 7:30am now and it's Christmas so we can have a lie in.

"Morning" he said and his voice was very raspy and it was turning me on. 

"Good Morning J"

He then turned over to face me. He still looked sleepy. 

"I'm sorry if I woke you up" 

"No, you didn't" he said 

"I made us breakfast"

"What did you make?"

"I made my famous pancakes"

"So I finally get to have them?"

"Yes you do"

He kissed me and when he let me go he looked like an excited kid. "I'm going to brush my teeth and then I'll join you for breakfast"

"and after that we can open presents" 

"Yes we can"

Now I was the excited kid. 

I jumped out of bed and headed downstairs to make us some coffee. I was excited for Christmas this year. I'm spending it with my boyfriend and his family and that was everything for me. 

I made the coffee and put it on the breakfast bar where the breakfast was. I checked the pancakes and they were still warm since I put them in foil. 

Justin walked in and he was in his joggers and t-shirt. I gave him a quick kiss before setting up all of the food and taking off the covers. 

"So what time do we have to be ready today?" I asked him

"Well we'll be having Christmas dinner at 2pm and everyone gets there for 12:30pm so we need to leave at noon." 

"well we have a few hours together"

"Yes, we do. What did you have in mind?" he asked with a smirk. 

"You know what I had in mind" I said with a coy smile. 

"Let's eat some breakfast first to get some energy"


Well you can probably guess how we spent the morning. It was now around 10am and we were sat in the lounge opening some of the presents. 

I got Justin a new watch and he loved it. I noticed he was wearing it in a picture with his brother but he told me that it was broken after the car accident so I had one made just like it. I also got him a new belt as well as a new aftershave since his one was nearly running out. I also got us a weekend away trip at a treehouse spa.

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