chapter 9

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Chapter 9


As the sunlight entered through the curtains, the alarm rang . Iman got up from her bed , she quickly took a shower after brushing her teeth to get rid of the morning breathe. She got dressed in a pink patterned dress and a matching hijab. She applied a little make up and painted her plump lips with a light lip gloss.
She watered the fresh roses decorated in her balcony before grabbing her side bag and slipping into her shoes.
Stepping out of her bedroom, she walked down to the dinning hall and met her brothers grabbing some breakfast.
“Good morning” she whispered sitting next to her brothers .
“Good morning Iman, it’s weekend Iman where are you off to” Ayan says raising his eyebrow.
“Alisha’s place. I am going to spend the night there” she replied shoving a samosa down her throat.
“So how is your new relationship with Malik, is everything going well” Imran asked.
“I don’t know and what’s going on in my life is non of your business” Iman replied sternly rolling her eyes.
“ Iman sheriff! Watch the way you talk to your elder siblings, they are not your mates” her mother’s voice erupt from the kitchen doorstep.
“Well then I think they should learn how to mind their business Mom, nobody cares about my feeling in this house, so I will appreciate it if the stop acting like they care about their little sister.” She avert her gaze from her plate and looks at her mom.
“ Iman you need to understand…”
“ Goodbye, I will see you guys tomorrow” Iman cuts in, standing up from her seat as she walks out of the house.
She just can’t believe that after all this years, her brothers want to know about her life. Where were they when she needed them the most. When she came back from Santorini heartbroken with tears in her eyes and no one asked what happened. When she had locked herself in the room for days, they were busy enjoying their lives.
Iman drove to her favorite coffee shop that has always made her weekend fantastic. “Hello Iman” the coffee maker called as she started to make her usual cup of coffee.
“How are doing” Iman smiled.
“Not bad for a Saturday.” The blonde replied handing her coffee. “twenty pounds” she informed.
“Keep the change” Iman said with a warm smile on her lips. Iman stopped at a nearby supermarket and grabbed Alisha’s favorite ice cream and chocolate.
Arriving at the estate, she drove through the gates and parked the car at her usual parking spot. Walking to the doorstep, she stabbed the doorbell twice. The door was opened by a red headed house help dressed in a black and white uniform.
“ She’s in her room ma'am”
“Thank you” she replied and step in. She quickly walked down the hallway that leads to Alisha’s bedroom.
“Alisha please open the door. It’s iman, I need to talk to you. I am sorry about what happened last night, I know I shouldn’t have done that.” Iman pleads knocking on the wooden door.
“Come in, it’s open” Alisha replied from the other side of the door.
The walls of the room were deep purple with various posters. Alisha was seated in the middle of the bed. Her duvet was pulled over her bed with her lap top next to her. Her desk sat in one corner with books and papers littered.
Her bed is a queen size white wooden bed. The room is the perfect example of a cozy female bedroom with a nice bukoor scent. Iman walked in with slow steps and settled on the edge of the bed. She lifts her head up and fixes her gaze on her best friend, who is wearing a pink pyjamas with her hair scattered all around her face.
“What do you want Iman, I thought you made it clear that we are not best friends any more and you don’t need me. So what’s the problem now” Alisha says folding her arms around her chest lifting her breast up.
“Shut up Alisha you know I'm here to say sorry, so don’t give me that attitude” Iman rolled her eyes, she throws her side bag on the sofa next to the bed. “ I was angry and I wasn’t thinking straight. You know I didn’t mean anything I said . I was just shocked when I saw you there with that guy. I thought you were on my side. You are my best friend remember.”
“Iman, I didn’t know that Waleed is your fiance's best friend and I will always be on your side no matter what happens, even though I don’t know what happened between the two of you. Alisha replies with an annoying expression.
“I don’t like Farhan okay! And I'm not going to marry him” Iman says sternly.
“We are going out, so now take your lazy ass to the bathroom and take a shower”
Alisha gets up from the bed, placing her hand on her waist she looks at Iman. “ I haven’t forgiven you and you are going to pay the bails.”
“Done” Iman replied grinning from ear to ear.
“I just can’t believe that he is getting married to that foolish girl Iman , how could he” Alisha yelled hitting the table which caught the attention of the customers in the restaurant.
“ Alisha please calm down, I don’t see any reason why you should act like this, I mean he is your ex boyfriend and now you are in a relationship with another man. So chill!” Iman chuckles.
“I don’t care if he is my ex but still why is he going to marry my worst enemy, I knew he had a thing for her but…” she groans. “ Saif is a dickhead, a bastard. I hate him so much”
“You know what Alisha, I think you are just jealous that they are getting married and they look happy in the pre wedding pictures but still take a chill pill babe. You are so much better than them. They can go to hell babe.” Iman says with a warm smile placing her hand on Alisha’s.
“ I think you are right iman, that’s why I love you so much, you are the best.”
“I know sweetheart, that’s why I’m your best friend.” Iman smirks raising her shoulder.
“Oh don’t flatter yourself, lets go I need to get my hair done” Alisha replied getting up from her seat. They both walked out of the restaurant laughing like teenagers.
Arriving at the beauty parlor, they were both welcomed by a brunette, who is dressed in a black pants and t-shirt.
“Hello Clara” Alisha smiled.
“My two favorite customers are here , how have you guys been. It’s been long.” The hairdresser smiled.
“Fantastic” Iman replied grinning from ear to ear.
“So what do you guys want” the lady asked.
“Our usually style” Alisha replied.


As the sky in the cloud turned grey, small particles of snow descend from the clouds, making Iman to clench her eyes shut, wrapping her arms around the cardigan she’s wearing. The weather today wasn’t friendly and Iman could fine the courage to go back in. She loves the peace and comfort her balcony has to offer.
Iman has just came back from Alisha house and she was welcomed with the worst news ever. Her wedding is going to take place next month, a week after S&I's annual grand fashion show. It’s so surprising how nobody cares about her feelings. Not her parents, not her brothers! Nobody cares about her.
Even if they do, how is she going to explain to them why she hates Farhan. That man ruined her life, her happiness, he broke her poor heart into pieces. Fuck it! She still hasn’t recovered from the heartbreak. She’s still recovering and now her parents want her to embark on another journey of pain and heartbreak. When will she be blessed with the happiness she has always wished for? When will she have a normal life? Those two years have been the worst, it’s wasn’t easy to go through all that pain especially when she had no shoulder to lean on.
When her whole family couldn’t support her and she couldn’t share her problems with her best friend, why because she felt so low and disgust.
Iman could feel the coldness of some colorless liquid on her cheeks , she quickly used use the back of her hands and wiped her tears off. She isn’t going to cry. No! She’s tired of crying. It’s time for her to take some action. It’s time to fight for her rights. Iman knows that she to find a way to end this marriage, she can’t let it take place. She’s better than that.
She was pulled back to reality when she heard a knock on the door. She slowly avert her gaze to the doorstep and whispered “ Come in”.
The door was opened revealing her mother’s face which is garnished with some make up, she is cleaned up in a blue hijab and a matching hijab with a black coat.
“What’s the problem mom, do you need anything” Iman asked staring at her mother.
“Well I want to go out for some shopping and then lunch with my friends and I want you to accompany me” Mrs sheriff smiled leaning on the sliding door that connects the bedroom and the balcony.
“I can’t go out today mom, I am not feeling well and besides I’m not in the mood to meet your classy rich friends”  Iman replies with an annoying tone.
“ I don’t care you are coming with me that’s it. I want to spend sometime with my daughter” her mother says sternly gazing at her with a no nonsense look.
“We aren’t spending some time together mom, I know you. I am just going to accompany you to meet your friends that’s all”
“Whatever, like I said you are coming with me . Now get up from that chair and get dressed.” Mrs sheriff yelled rolling her eyes.
“Okay mom, as you wish” Iman scoffed.
She stood up from her chair and head to her dressing room. Grabbing a blue jeans and a white knee length top from her Walk in closet. She quickly got dressed and wrapped a blue hijab with a black coat on. She walked out and met her mom waiting in her bedroom.
“Let’s go, I'm ready” Iman says wearing her shoes. They both walk out together and settled in her mother’s black Maserati.
Driving out of the estate and hitting the streets of London, the car was pretty silent only the sound of her mother’s fingers tapping the steering wheel. “Your mother in law called” Mrs sheriff says breaking the silence as she looks at her daughter.
“And what did you guys talked about?” Iman asked averting her gaze to the window rolling her eyes.
“ Your father has decided that the wedding will take place in Nigeria but before Farhan's mother and I are going to host an engagement party here in London before S&I's fashion show”
“I don’t get it mom, why most the wedding take place in Nigeria and an engagement party! I don’t want a grand wedding, why are you making it more harder than it already is” Iman says sternly looking at her mother.
“I am your mother Iman, so don’t talk to me like that and I decide what happens in my daughter’s wedding” Mrs Sheriff replies in a serious tone.
“Why don’t you understand that this whole thing is making me feel uncomfortable, I don’t want a grand wedding and I don’t want to go to Nigeria”
“And can I know the reason why you don’t want to go to Nigeria, it’s your country iman, your origin! You know what Iman I don’t know why you are acting like this, you don’t even know this man, so instead of acting like this, I think it will be better if you guys get to know each other. Go out on a date, have lunch together after work. Just spend some time with him”
“ I don’t want that, I don’t like him and I’m not going to marry him, watch me!” Iman replies folding her arms.
“ You will marry him Iman sheriff or you can say goodbye to S&I and that’s a promise.” Her mother says. “Get ready tomorrow Farhan’s mother is going to visit, we are going to meet the caterer and the event planner for the engagement party.”
“As you wish mom” Iman whispered.
Iman and her mother spent the day strolling around the mall. They went to a jewelry shop and bought some jewelries, visit one of S&I's boutiques and later went to grab lunch with her mother’s friends. Iman found herself sitting around three middle aged women as she sipped her juice awkwardly. They were all dressed in expensive dresses.
The first lady sitting next to her mother is an Indian, Mrs Kapoor who is dressed in a beautiful pink sari and then Mrs Smith, a blonde who is dressed in a black dress and a black coat. Mrs Ahmed, a Pakistani who is a good friend of her mom. They were all her mother’s friends dressed in expensive classy clothes.
“You are so lucky Khadija, you have such a beautiful daughter. Who is very intelligent and successful. I can already see her as the next president of S&I” Mrs Smith says staring at Iman.
“well you are right about that, Iman is going to be the next president after her wedding, you guys will be invited to her engagement party” Mrs Sheriff says with a smile on her face.
Iman rolled her eyes at her mother’s show off.
“Wow that’s fantastic, we can’t wait to see who the lucky guy is” Mrs Ahmed said with a high pitch voice.

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Maryamerh Bello

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