chapter 10

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Chapter 10


Stepping out of the car, Farhan walked to the entrance of his parent's house. Soon after stabbing the doorbell twice, the door was pushed open by the butler. Stepping a foot inside, his beautiful exciting sister came dashing from the stairs with a beautiful smile on her face. Catching Farhan off guard khausar pulled her brother into a bear hug which almost made them to tumble on the floor.
“Khausar when did you come back from Nigeria” Farhan asked his sister as they giggled together placing a kiss on her forehead “You will never change, you almost sent me off my feet.”
“So what and besides you didn’t let us hit the ground . That’s what you always do big bro, I missed you so much. It’s been what! A year and a half, the last time I saw you was during Baba's funeral” She hugged him tighter grinning from ear to ear.
“I missed you too Khausar, I missed you so much” He said placing a kiss on her forehead again.
Khausar raised a brow at her brother “ Stop lying Yaya, you don’t love me anymore, you are too busy with your business and girlfriends” she rolled her eyes.
Farhan chuckled at his sister’s expression. “Of course I love you khausar,  I have been very busy lately” he replied.
“Busy with your fiancee “ Khausar teased with a playful smile on her face.
“Ohh so you have already heard the news” Farhan grabbed his sister’s arm as they walked in.
“Yeah! I can’t believe you are getting married and that’s a nice girl you got. Even though I don’t know her personally but I have heard a lot about her and I have to say she’s a great designer. I have seen her designs in fashion magazines and the are amazing. I hope she has a good personality.”
“ Trust me, she’s amazing. Let’s talk about you, you look good and happy, that’s a good change” Farhan smiled staring at his little sister.
“Of course I am happy, Nigeria was fantastic! It was amazing and I had a lot of fun. I also made new friends.” Khausar replied as they walked down the hallway that leads to their mother’s room.
“Well that’s  good to know, it’s good to know that you are happy. I love you , you know that right” Farhan says in a low tone.
“I know Yaya. I love you too and trust me, this is a new khausar. I am done with my past” khausar replied. “So when are you going to introduce me to Iman?”
“ I am to busy for that but I think ummi is going there right now they have an appointment with the event planner. You can tag along.”
“ Okay, no problem.” She replied and then knocks on her mother’s door.
“Come in, a feminine voice came from the other side. Farhan slowly opens the door as they both step in. Gazing around the room, he spots his mother sitting on the couch next to her window with her glasses on, reading a book.
Dropping her book on the coffee table next to her and taking off her reading glasses, Fatima looks at her children, who were starting at her with a beautiful smile on their faces. She smiles softly and looks at Farhan, “Farhan, it’s nice meeting you after two weeks” she says firmly.
“Oh ummi, I am so sorry about that. I got caught up with some important work” he sits on the couch close to his mother.
Khausar settles on the edge of the bed facing her mother and brother. “ How have you been Ummi, how is your health” Farhan asked placing his hand on his mother’s.
“ Not bad, I have been taking good care of myself and I am happy that my son is getting married. Speak of which I am going to meet Iman and her mother today, we have an appointment with the event planner and the caterers.” She replied and avert her gaze to khausar, “Khausar are you going to come along?” she asked her daughter.
“Yes Ummi, I want to know more about my sister in law” Khausar smiled.
“Mr Sheriff told me that the wedding will be in Nigeria, are you okay with that Ummi” Farhan enquired.
“Of course Farhan, Nigeria is our home. I am sure that it will be better if we hold the wedding there and our relatives will be very happy about that.”
“Ummi is right and I am very sure that Goggo will be very happy when she heard about this” khausar added.
“Okay Ummi, I just wanted to know if you are comfortable with it” Farhan replies.
“You don’t need to worry about anything Farhan, I am very comfortable with this decision” Fatima smiled placing her hand on her son’s cheeks.
“Family hug! Family hug!” khausar sang engulfing her mother and brother at the same time.
“Okay that’s enough khausar, I need to get ready”
Khausar gently pulled her brother out of the room and as soon as they stepped out Farhan raced to the living room and turned around sticking his tongue at his sister.
“Yaya come back here right now” Khausar chase after him.
Farhan stopped and giggled at his sister’s annoying expression. He ran as she chases him shouting being him. Even though they are now grown up, Farhan and khausar will always act like kids when they are alone.
Feeling exhausted, khausar leaned against the big sofa panting, Farhan is too fast for her to catch. When a musculine arm wrapped her from behind khausar screamed as Farhan threw her on the big sofa.  She smirked when an idea came to her mind. Khausar watched as her brother made a funny face and winked.
Khausar squat down on her knees and screamed. Now crying loudly, a concern look erupt on her brother face as he made his way to her side.
“Khausar, I'm sorry…ouch!” he screamed in pain when his sister punched him on the chest catching him off guarded.
“I won! I won!” she chuckled rejoicing, “Come on Farhan grow up. You always fall for the same trick and I will always win.” She giggled jumping up and down.
Farhan cussed at himself, mentally hitting his face for falling for the same thrick that his sister always use since they were kids. She knew how much her brother hates her tears and that’s why she always use it as an advantage.
Khausar knows his weakness, she knows how much he loves her and how much he cares for her.
“I will get you for that you little brat” he growled chasing his sister as she runs to their mother’s room. Farhan loves his sister despite the fact that they are always fighting . He will always cherish her the most and protect her with all his power.


Slipping into her shoes, Iman look at the mirror. She was dressed in a black abaya.
“Iman they are here!” her mother’s high pitch voice came from the living room. Iman scoffed at her mother’s behavior. She just can’t believe that she’s excited about this whole wedding while her daughter is in pain.
Grabbing her Chanel side bag, Iman pushed the door open and step out of the room. She walked down the staircase and head to the living room, arriving there she was welcomed by the two unfamiliar voices and her mother’s trilling voice.
“Assalamualikum” Iman made her presence known as she fixed her gaze on the three ladies.
“Oh here she is, come here Iman we have been waiting for you” her mother said with a warm smile.
Iman walked towards their direction and sat next to her mother.
“This is Farhan’s mother and Fatima meet my daughter, Iman” her mother introduced.
“Good afternoon ma'am” Iman greets with a fake smile.
“You don’t need to be so formal Iman, Farhan calls me Ummi and I will like it if you could call me that” Fatima smiled grabbing iman's hand.
“Okay Ummi”
“Meet my daughter khausar, Farhan’s younger sister”
Iman shifts awkwardly as the trilling young lady hugs her tightly.
“I am so sorry if I took you off guarded, I am just so happy to see you. I can’t believe my brother is getting married and yeah, you look so beautiful” khausar utters grinning from ear to ear.
“Nice to meet you khausar” Iman replied with a fake smile trying her best not to be a bitch to the beautiful lady who looks exactly like the man who ruined her life. The same brown orbs that had pulled her innocence to the edge but at the same time it once made her feel so alive.  The same smile that once made her heart flatter with joy. She looks just like him.
“Iman why don’t you show khausar around and you can also show her some of your designs before we leave” her mother’s statement made Iman to cuss under her breathe, why does her mother wants to make her life a living hell. The last thing she wants right now is getting close to anyone related to Farhan especially this beautiful damsel who is looking at her with love in her eyes. Those eyes that remains her of the man who was once her happiness.
“Let’s go, follow me” iman finally replied . She slowly stood up from the couch and led the way.
“You know I think my brother is so lucky to have you. I don’t think he deserves you” Khausar said looking at her brother’s fianceé .
“Why ? What do you mean by that?” Iman asked with a puzzled expression.
“I have once seen your picture in his room two years ago, which means he knew you before this whole marriage arrangement and judging by the way things are going I’m sure you and my brother didn’t end well” Khausar replied.
“Well you are right, your brother and I have a past together and yes he doesn’t deserve me or any girl in this world” Iman smiled sternly.
“My brother is not that bad Iman trust me he is a good man. It’s just that our family is one fucked up family and we are still recovering” Khausar says in a low tone.
“No family is perfect Khausar, and  that doesn’t give your brother the right to play with my emotions, he shouldn’t have done what he did.”
“I am sorry about what happened but I want you to know that my brother loves you a lot and I am not saying this because he is my brother but because I know . My relationship with my ex wasn’t the best and I guess it also left an impact on my brother.”


The car stopped along the edge of the inner city where a very fancy bakery stood with customers going in and out.
“We are meeting up with the wedding planner to finalize all the cutlery, table pieces and few other details.” Mrs Sheriff began to list.
“What are we doing here then” Iman asked.
“We are here for the cake tasting and oh the flowers, after this we are going to check the flowers.” Fatima replied with an exciting look on her face.
“The only thing you need to focus on Iman is what to wear and of course the cake” Her mother clarified. Even though Iman isn’t very exhilarated about this wedding , she just can’t get why will her mother and her future mother in law hijack the whole wedding plan. She doesn’t even know the reason why she’s here since the two have basically planned the entire thing.
“I know what’s going on in your mind, well that’s how our mother’s are” Khausar whispered with an annoying look.
“I just can’t believe this” Iman murmured.
“The cake has to be perfect, so choice wisely Iman. I don’t want….”
“Mom let’s go in already, we are late” Iman cut in.
Fatima clapped her hands together, “Okay guys, let’s not waste time”
Iman rolled her eyes and stepped out of the car. The two ladies started off towards the bakery making her and khausar to follow their lead.
“I can’t wait for this day to end” Iman mumbled.
“Come on Iman, it’s not that bad. I want us to be friends” Khausar says politely.
Iman rolled her eyes mentally, she doesn’t want to rude to the so called Farhan’s little sister but the girl is getting on her nerves. A mare look at her remains makes Iman uncomfortable.
Iman turns around with a fake smile, she says “Why don’t we go in and bless our taste buds with some free pastries.”
They both entered inside and looked around at the number of small cakes and pastries.
“Come along you two we have cakes ready for us to taste” Iman heard her mother’s voice. Sitting opposite to her future mother in law and next to her mom and Farhan’s little sister, Iman looked at the large collection of small cubes of cake for their tasting.
“Try this one first” Mrs Sheriff pushed forward a light color cake which could be banana or vanilla. Shoving it into her mouth, Iman choked and grabbed a napkin and spat the cake out.
“This is disgusting mom, seriously is there anything eatable.” Iman said clearly annoyed.
Two more cakes later and Iman was in love with the chocolate cake. She wished she could swap the cake with her fiancé. “So mom what’s next on the list”

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