chapter 7

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Chapter 8


Farhan watched as the sun rise above the horizon and light gently conceals the land. He slowly folds his arms against his chest as he admires the beauty of nature. Standing in the balcony and watching the sun rise has become a daily habit he does when he comes back from al-fajr prayer. He loves the sanity and peace the cold breeze and the sun rise gives him, it's engulfs all his fears and demons for a while.

He gently closes his eyes and a sigh left his lips. As much as he doesn't want to think about last night Farhan couldn't help his sanity as his mind went back to the conversation he had with Iman. He knew that the will be a possibility of her hating him but he never knew that the hatred will reach this point.

She wasn't the same Iman he knew and fell in love with. She looked different, with a different personality. Her eyes weren't the warm sparkling brown orbs he knew, those eyes were once like a bright star that shines so brightly and held so much love and joy but now it's not twinkling.

When he first saw her, he was darkness and she was the star that shines in that darkness. She was the star that lightened his dark life but now that star has lost its light and spark.

What happened to her?

Was his actions that bad that made her to lose herself. Farhan giggled bitterly as he caress his cheeks with his knuckles, he is not going to lose hope so easily. He will do anything he can to bring back the old Iman. Iman is his to love and cherish, he will do anything to prove that and she will be his wife, the mother of his children.

He isn't going to let her slip out of his reach not now when he has the opportunity to correct his mistakes. He will show her how much she means to him, Farhan is ready to prove his love again.

Checking the time on his wrist watch, Farhan quickly went back to his room. Stripping his clothes off he stepped inside the shower. Thirty minutes later he came out of the bathroom and head to his walk in closet, Farhan got dressed in a pink shirt and a grey Armani suit. He slipped into his shoes and sprayed his cologne.

Grabbing a cup of coffee he stepped out of the house and met Salman waiting outside beside his car. The ride to his company was very quiet, Salman was concentrating on his driving while his boss was lost in his thoughts. Arriving at his company, Farhan stepped out and head straight to his office. He spotted Laila arranging her things on her desk.

"Good morning Laila" he greeted announcing his presence with a smile on his face.

"Good morning to you too Mr Malik" the Somalian turned around gazing at her Boss "is there anything I can help you with" she asked with a professional tone.

"Well I want to ask you a personal question" he started nervously. "it's a personal question actually, so can I?"

"Of course sir, I hope I have the correct answer to your question?" she smiled.

"Okay" he sighed "As a girl which kind of gift will you to receive from your boyfriend on your first date" Farhan asked rubbing his eyes with his thumb. He can't believe that he is asking his personal Assistant this question.

"Are you going on a date Mr Malik" Laila teased.

"Answer the question Laila" he mumbled rolling his eyes.

"Well... I don't know anything about the girl you are going out with but in my own opinion I think you should give her something special like chocolates or maybe some flowers" Laila replied grinning from ear to ear.

Maybe it's a good idea some flowers and chocolates.

"Thank you Laila you are the best" Farhan says excitedly. "Get me some flowers and the best chocolate in London." He walks to his office with a smile on his face, settling on his seat Farhan grabbed his phone and called his best friend.

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