chapter 1

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Chapter 1


Iman groaned as the sun rays blasting through the large sliding door and her alarm clock decided to offer their morning greetings, the two things that always ruin her sleep and make her go crazy every morning. Shutting down the stupid alarm she jumped off from her bed and slipped into her comfy bedroom slippers.
“ Oh God am late!” She screamed when she read the time.
The walls in her room are white with a beautiful brown and blue wall paper on one side of the wall. Her bed is a queen-size white round bed , on the left side of the bed is a large sliding door that connects to the balcony, her favorite spot which always helps her in drawing new designs.
Turning the water on until , it is the right temperature, Iman stood under the water as it rolls down her back warming up her body. Grabbing her lavender scented soap, she put some on the sponch before scrubbing her body. Once she was done , she rinse off her body and washed her hair. The white fluffy towel made a Little more warm when she stepped out of the shower.
Walking to her walk in closet which is attached to her bathroom, Iman grabbed her outfit for the day which consists of a black pants and a peach blouse with a black hijab. Her makeup was nude but classy which made her face glow like sunshine. She slowly walked down the hallway, the house was very quiet as usually only the sound of her hills clicking against the marble floor could be heard.
The mouthwatering scent of pancakes and sausage hit her nostril when she made a stop at the entrance of the kitchen. She spotted Zara the housekeeper arranging some breakfast on the kitchen island.
“Zara I’m hungry” she said announcing her presence as she walked towards the kitchen island taking a seat on one of the chairs. Zara is a middle aged lady from Pakistan , she’s been with the Sharifs since Iman was a little baby, she’s like a mother to Iman and has always been there for her whenever her parents choose their business over her.
“ Good morning to you too Iman” Zara said rolling her eyes.
“ Sorry, I’m hungry and I have a very important meeting” Iman apologized serving herself some pancakes.
“ You wouldn’t have been so hungry, if you had arrived home early last night” Zara scolded.
“ I had to finish some important designs , the fashion show is next month and it’s a very important show , you know I have to prove to my mom that I can be the next president , it has to be a success.” She pouted.
“ Don’t stress yourself too much Iman , I don’t want you to be a workaholic like your parents. Get yourself a man, go on a date, get married and start a family.”
Iman rolled her eyes at Zara's last sentence “ How many times do I have to tell you that marriage is not for me, I don’t have time for love and relationships” she replied firmly.
“ I don’t know what happened that made you to hate love so much but I just want you to know that it’s not the end of the world, don’t give up on your life, fight for your happiness” Zara smiled placing her hand on Iman’s shoulder. “ And yes, your parents are coming back tonight , so get ready for their arrival , I have already informed your brothers”
“ Wow! I can’t wait to have them back, I have missed them so much” she stated sarcastically.
“ For the last time Iman, no matter how they are they are still your parents and they love you so much” Zara yelled.
“ Okay, I will see you later, goodbye” she waved walking off to the parking lot.
Ali was by the car when she got there. Ali is Zara’s husband and just like his wife , the man has been her driver since she was born ,  they are like her second parents or maybe “Her parents” . “Morning Ali” she greeted
“ Good morning sweetheart” he smiled “straight to work”
“ You know me too well Ali”
“Ali smiled and opened the car door for her . Settling in Iman thanked him as he walked over to his side of the car and drove off to S&I . Sharif & Idris is a fashion company founded by Mrs Khadija Idris Sharif , Iman’s mother. Iman got her degree in a very prestigious fashion school in Paris and she’s now the vice president and the heir to her mother’s company.
S&I has been her dream since she was a little girl, just like her mother she wants to make her own name in the fashion world and she’s ready to prove to her mother that she can be the president of S&I.
Iman avert her gaze to the window gazing at the rushing raging Monday streets of London, people everywhere, some rushing to grab the morning bus. Iman was busy watching the busy streets when the car came to a stop at the magnificent building of S&I , her mother has done a great job building her company as it is one of the best after all that’s what’s she has dedicated her whole life to.
The security held the car door open for her, once she stepped inside the building all eyes  were on her. Iman walked towards the private elevator with a bold and emotionless face .
“Good morning ma'am” the blonde receptionist greeted.
“Morning” Iman replied sternly .She wasn’t the friendly type with her employees , she needs them to respect her as the next president and for that to happen, she has to show them how serious she is. As the elevator dinged on arrival, Iman fixed her gaze on her personal Assistant.
“Good morning, Miss Sharif” the hijabi dressed in a skirt and blouse greeted professionally.
“Make a detailed report on the preparations of the fashion show and also prepare a list of the names of our new models. Inform Amir to meet me in my office right now.”
“On it Ma'am”
Walking into her office, Iman noticed a folder on her desk, she slowly opens the folder, it was a stack of designs.
Amir must have brought them here.
“ You asked for me Imani “ a deep musculine voice erupt from the door step.
“Speaking of the devil and here he is” she smirked “ Have a seat Amir” she said nonchalantly. Amir Kabir is  her second best friend, the met in fashion school, he was a scholarship student from Nigeria. He has been her best friend since then.
“Mom is coming back today and you know she’s going to look through the preparations, so what do we have so far” she murmured.
“ I have collected all of the designs our designers have made so far and my team are doing a great job, I don’t know about yours” Amir replied.
“ You don’t need to worry about my team,. I have everything under control” She smiled “ let’s see what your team has to show” she said as she look through the designs. The first design got her attention, it was a maroon maxi skirt , a long sleeve off shoulder pink crop top. The was a signature on the corner of the design “Mariam”
“ Who is Mariam?” Iman asked.
“ She’s one of the new designers, she’s from Nigeria, she was hired five months ago, she recently graduated and she’s super talented.” He grinned.
“Well I can see that, I love her designs, she’s good, I will like to meet her. Call her in”
“Okay he replied, let’s see if she’s here” he said picking up his phone and luckily She is here. “She is your fan, she likes you so much so please be nice, the poor girl has been dying to meet you since she made it to S&I .”
“Okay malam Amir, you make it sound like I’m a wicked witch” she scoffed.
“ I never said so” he giggled.
After a few minutes Iman has looked through the designs and threw some couple out. “Mariam” is here” Hanifa  her personal Assistant said through the phone.
“ She can come in” She replied before she set the phone down once again, minutes later Iman heard the door open and in walked Mariam. Mariam is a beautiful lady with bright brown orbs , she was dressed in a white pants and red shirt with a red turban.
“It’s wonderful to meet you Mariam” Iman said and it looks as if Mariam's eyes were going to pop out.
“Hello Miss Sharif” she stuttered.
Iman fixed her gaze on the lady standing “ Welcome to S&I , I like your designs” she smiled
“Thank you Ma'am” Mariam grinned.
“Your welcome, so here is an advice if you want to make it big here, you have to be bold and put a full stop to your shyness because the competition here is serious” Iman said firmly.
“Of course ma'am , thank you for the advice”.

The weather today was pretty friendly to Iman , it was past 6 and she was still in the office sitting on the ball chair in her office balcony. Iman loves staring at the breathtaking view of London her office offers to her, her office has the best view of the city. Folding her legs Iman fixed her sight on the sky, the orange curtain was already spread so wide and it was just a matter of time before darkness will engulf the sky. As the wind whistle tickles her ears and the enchanting breeze calms her mind, Iman slowly close her eyes she loves the peace nature has it always makes a smile appear on her face.
She was brought back to reality when she heard her phone ringing, a frown erupt on her face when she saw the name that appeared on her phone screen.
“ Assalamualaikum Iman” a husky musculine voice came from the other side of the call.
“ wa'alaikumsalam Abdulsalam, how have you been” she asked. Abdulsalam is a son of her father’s business partner who has a crush on her.
“I am good allahamdullilah, I was thinking maybe you…..”
“ Abdulsalam” Iman called “ I thought I have made myself clear the other day” she said sternly.
“ I know, you said you are not ready for any relationship and you don’t have time for any man and yes I respect your decision, I just thought that maybe we could have lunch together tomorrow as friends” he replied calmly.
“ Am really sorry Abdul but I am very busy this week so I can have lunch with you, goodbye” Iman said disconnecting the call. A sigh escaped from her lips messaging her temple with her thumb, Iman felt guilty. She shouldn’t have lied to him about being busy but she knew where this whole lunch thing was going to lead to. She wasn’t ready for another heartbreak, Farhan has ruined her for any other man. She quickly grabbed her bag and walked out of the office and as usual she met Ali waiting for her in the parking lot.
“ Home Ali” she whispered settling in the back seat. The ride back home was very quiet, Ali didn’t say anything and Iman was lost in her thoughts. As Ali parked the car in the parking lot, Iman noticed the twins car. Her two brothers, Imran and Ayan who are identical twins , who are working in her dad’s company.  Her brothers are the most annoying brother’s in the world , they might be sweet sometimes but they are very annoying.
To Iman her brothers are the type of men she loathes , just like Farhan Playboys . Who are always changing girlfriends like underwear .
“ time for some family drama” she giggled.  Iman quickly walked to her room and took a hot relaxing shower, dressed in a black jeans and a red top she walked off to the dinning hall after offering her prayers.
“My baby!” her mother, Mrs Sharif being the drama queen she is squealed“ how have you been” Mrs Khadija asked.
“ Good mom” she replied sitting next to her mother . Her father was seated on the master chair reading a newspaper . Mr Umar Sharif , her father is a Fulani man from Adamawa who came to London for business where he met her mother, Khadija Idris who is a shuwa Arab but was born and brought up in London. Her father owns an oil company and has dedicated his life to his business which makes Iman to think that her father can do anything for his business , he can even sell his three children.
“ Ina yini Daddy” she greeted in hausa “ How was your trip”
“it was good Iman” he replied nonchalantly his gaze on the newspaper he's reading like his whole life depends on it.
“ Oh look Ayan , it’s our baby sis” Imran taps his brother.
“ oh yes it’s our darling baby sis” Ayan replied and they both laughed at her. Imran rolled her eyes at her brother, she still can’t get why they are always making fun of her and any slip of concern about it, she will regret it her whole life.

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