chapter 6

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Chapter 6


Iman woke up to the sound of her phone ringing, a sigh escaped from her lips as she slowly opens her eyes and rubs them with her hand.
“Who is disturbing my sleep” she groaned and grabbed her phone from the bedside drawer. She quickly stood up when she saw the name on her phone screen. “What does he wants” she whispered.
“Assalamualaikum daddy, is there any problem” Iman asked.
“Wa’alaikumsalam, where have you been? I have been trying to reach you for the past one hour” he said gruffly.
“I am sorry about that, I just woke up . I had a lot of work last night and I was very busy so I went to bed late” she apologized “is there anything I can do for you” Iman asked in a low tone . She is very tired and wants to spend her day in bed, she just hopes that her father has a good reason for waking her up today.
“I want you in my office now and don’t be late Iman, I want to discuss a very important issue with you” Iman could hear the strictness and seriousness in her father’s voice even though he is a very strict man , this time he sounds very serious.
“Okay, just give me some time. I have to take a shower, I will be there as soon as possible” she replied.
“Okay and like I said don’t be late , I am very serious” and with that said the line went dead.
Iman threw her phone on her bed groaning at her father’s orders , she quickly slipped into her bedroom slippers and walked to the bathroom.
Mr Umar Sheriff kept walking around his office with his arms folded against his chest. This alliance is very important to him. He made a promise to his late best friend and he will fulfill it , Iman has no other choice than to do as he says and a part of him tells him that he is doing the right thing.
His thoughts went back to the conversation he had with his wife last night.
“I want to discuss something  very important with you” he said looking at his wife who is folding some clothes. The lady kept the clothes she was folding and took a seat on the bed next to his legs.
“What is the matter, you sound very serious” Khadija asked her husband
“I have fixed our daughter's marriage with Abdallah's son” he announced
“What are you talking about Umar, have you discuss this with Iman . What if she doesn’t wants to marry him” Khadija replied as she stared at her husband.
“Iman is my daughter Khadija and I want what’s best for her. She doesn’t have any suitors and you know that. You saw what happened at your family’s dinner” he started “our daughter was humiliated by your sister and your niece. Iman isn’t getting any younger, we need to get her married and besides she has a successful career.”
“I know but that doesn’t mean that we should get our daughter married to someone she doesn’t love, I think we should give her sometime” Khadija explained placing her palm on her husband’s leg.
“I have already made my decision Khadija, Abdullah was my best friend and I have already made a promise to him. I will discuss this with Iman tomorrow and he is coming over for supper, so make some preparations.” Umar replied.
“I hope that this is a good decision, I am just worried about my baby girl” Khadija sighed.

Mr sheriff stood in his office, thinking about how he is going to discuss this with his daughter. He quickly picked his phone and called his wife.
Mrs sheriff came in 40 minutes later. What is the problem, why did you call me. Is there any problem with Iman” she asked pecking his cheeks.
“I need you to help me with something” he replied.
Dressed in a black trouser suit and a blue blouse and hijab , Iman walked to the private elevator of her father’s company. The elevator pinged in arrival when it stopped at the 12th floor, Iman slowly stepped out and walked to her father’s secretary's desk.
“I am here to meet my father” she informed the brunette who was sitting behind the desk.
Good morning Miss sheriff , your father is expecting you in his office” the lady replied.
“Thank you” Iman smiled walking towards the direction of her father’s office. She could hear the voices of her parent’s arguing about something. “What’s my mom doing here” she whispered to herself.
She gently knocked on the door and pushed it stepping into the room. Her mother was sitting on a chair while her father was standing next to her mother’s chair. “What’s the problem, I just heard raised voices” Iman said as she settled on the couch staring at her parents.
“Nothing Sweetheart, your father wants to discuss something very important with you” Mrs sheriff said crossing her legs .
“Well I am here, so what do you want from me daddy” Iman asked her father
“Before I go straight to the main reason I called you here, I have to ask you something” he paused “Do you have any suitor” he asked sternly.
“No!” Iman replied firmly “I have told you guys before I am not ready for marriage, I am….”
“well you better get ready and prepare yourself because you are going to get married to my late best friend's son, Farhan Malik” Mr sheriff cut in.
Iman felt like a poisonous dagger has stabbed her heart when she heard what her father just said as tears rolled down her cheeks breaking into tributaries. “What are you talking about daddy” she stood up from her seat.
Mr sheriff explained everything to his daughter, about the promise he made to his best friend and also the conversation he had with Farhan.
“How could you do this to me daddy? You should have consulted me before making this arrangement. This is my life we are talking about” Iman was very furious when she heard what her father just explain. How could he do this to her how could he fix her marriage with the man who destroyed her life , the man who broke her heart and her trust. The man who made her hate anything that has to do with love.
“The is nothing wrong in choosing a husband for my daughter, I have every right to do so young lady” Mr sheriff yelled
“what is wrong with you Iman , is this the way to talk to your father” Khadija said sternly.
“But you should have thought about my feelings before you made a decision, you don’t care about me or what I feel” Iman replied. Mr and Mrs sheriff stood there staring at their angry daughter. Ayan and Imran ran into the office when they heard the commotion.
“I will not get married to him and that’s final” Iman concluded.
“You will!” Mrs sheriff replied “it’s either you get married to Farhan or you can forget about S&I”
Iman stared at her mother as tears were streaming on her face “you can’t use that and blackmail me , you know how I feel about S&I . It’s my dream and you know that!” she yelled bitterly.
“I don’t care, we have already made up our mind” Khadija said. “Farhan will be coming over for dinner, so get ready to meet your future husband.
Iman giggled at her mother’s words and walked out of the office slamming the door.

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