chapter 8

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Chapter  8


The stars twinkling as if they were saying hello, the moonlight lightening the whole city. The rushing raging street and the sound of passing cars with street lights helping the moon to light  the darkness of the night. Iman closed her eyes as she felt the breeze splash on her face. She was trying extremely hard to ignore the man who was driving the car as she kept her gaze on the busy street of London.
Farhan tightened his grip on the steering wheel, he felt so hurt and fearsome when she threw the flowers and chocolate on his face. He couldn’t utter anything to her when she did that. He was speechless; totally out of words. Iman Sheriff is a tough lady and it’s going to be very hard to break her walls.
The car was tremendously silent and it was killing him. “You look extraordinarily gorgeous tonight” he attempt to break the silence.
“I know and I don’t need someone as cheap as you, Mr Malik to tell me that” she replies flatly her gaze still on the streets.
“Iman please what do I have to do for you to forgive me” Farhan whispered. “I messed up! I know but I am sorry and I am trying my best to make it up”
“Don’t you get it !" She giggles. “I don’t want this, I don’t want this stupid marriage. I hate you!” She yelled averting her gaze from the window looking at him. “You know that morning when I woke up and you weren’t there , I felt so disgust and ashamed. I know what we did was wrong nevertheless I thought maybe you will be there and we will correct our mistake and make the right decision.” She started.
“Iman i…”
“Don’t! I am not done” She yelled sternly. “For you it was all about pleasure and your Playboy games. You broke me! I was so ashamed that I couldn’t even tell my best friend what happened. I loved you and most importantly I trusted you and you think that after all the pain you caused me I will give you another chance.” She cried as tear roll down from her eyes.
“I know what happened was wrong and I don’t deserve a second chance Okay? But I am sorry and I know that saying sorry is not enough but you just have to trust me a little and I will show you how sorry I am and how much you mean to me”
“How many more minutes till we reach the venue?” she asked nonchalantly.
“Iman believe me , for the past two years the hasn’t been a single day that I don’t think about you. You have always been in my thoughts.” Farhan says with a low tone. “Babe please listen…”
“Don’t call me that! I am not your babe and I will never be again!” She screams staring at his guilty eyes. “You have lost that right two years ago, my name is Iman and that is what you will call me.”
“ I am sorry about that, I will not call you that again” Farhan apologies. “I know I am a fool and a coward. I was scared and I wasn’t ready for any commitment. Not after watching how my parent’s marriage was and my sister’s broken marriage. But still I had no reason to do that.”
“You shouldn’t have lied to me” She stated firmly rolling her eyes.
“I never lied iman, I loved you and I still love you. My only mistake was leaving like that without any word and I will always regret what I did.” Farhan confessed.
“Whatever I don’t care anymore” she murmurs.
Arriving at the restaurant, Farhan parked the car at the parking space.  Taking off his seat belt, he turns around and glance at Iman. “ We are not alone, my friend is here with his girlfriend. So please be nice” He says.
“You should have asked me before inviting them. I don’t want to meet any of your friends and I am not in the mood to make new friends” she scoffed.
“Sorry, it was already late. Let’s go”
They both step out and walked to the entrance as Farhan leads the way . “Welcome Mr Malik and Miss, Mr Danbatta and his company are already here. I will lead you to the table” the friendly hostess says with a faint smile on her lips.
“Lead the way Hanna” Farhan says.
“How do you know her?” Iman asked suspiciously when the hostess walked ahead of them.
“I own the restaurant Iman, it’s not what you think” Farhan replies feeling annoyed by her question.
“Whatever it’s not like….” She pauses when her gaze caught the sight of a familiar face sitting at a table with a brown skin hausa man next to her. “What is she doing here” She whispered.
“You know her” Farhan asked raising his eyebrow.
“Of course I know her” She replied. “Alisha” Iman called.
Alisha avert her eyes from the menu she was reading and looks at Iman. “iman” she says with a shocking expression. “What are you doing here”
“The dinner I told you about with….” She pauses as a thought comes to her mind. “Wait, so Farhan’s friend is the guy you told me about” Iman points at the guy sitting next to Alisha.
“You guys know each other?” Waleed and Farhan asked simultaneously.
“Of course we know each other, we are best friends” Alisha giggles. Iman  sits on the seat facing Alisha as Farhan settles next to her.
“Wow who could have thought, well that’s good to know” Farhan smiles.
“Alisha this is Farhan, my best friend and his fiancee who you already know” Waleed introduces.
“It’s nice meeting you Farhan, I have heard a lot about you from Waleed”
“Likewise” Farhan grinned.
A waitress arrived later and took their orders, which arrived shortly. “So how long have you two know each other” Waleed asked.
“Since we were five” Alisha replied connecting her lips with the glass of apple juice she was holding.
The dinner went on with small talks from Farhan, Alisha and Waleed. Iman kept her gaze on her plate. Lost in her thoughts, minding her business.
“Excuse us guys, Iman and I need to use the restroom” Alisha’s sentence pulled her back to reality.
“Together!!” Waleed looked at his girlfriend with a confused look.
“Yes” she replied nonchalantly as she stood up from her seat and grabs Iman’s wrist.
“What are they going to do there together” Waleed leaned further looking at Farhan.
“How can I know what they are going to, I just hope that your girlfriend is not going to ruin my chance” Farhan whispered .
“She will not do that, I know her” Waleed replied. “ it’s good that they are friends, I can convince Alisha to help you with Iman”
“Are you sure about it”
“100%” Waleed grinned.
Arriving at the restroom Alisha quickly pushed Iman in and closed the door. Looking around the restroom, Alisha turned around and looked at her friend.
“ I can believe….”
“What the hell! Did you know that they were friends” Iman cut in.
“No! Believe me I had no idea about this”
“I can’t believe that you are dating that guy's best friend, seriously Alisha couldn’t you find a nice and decent guy” Iman said resting her hand on her waist.
“What! What is wrong with dating Waleed. He is a nice man and he loves me” Alisha replied rolling her eyes.
“Don’t you get it! He is Farhan’s best friend and Farhan is a dickhead, an asshole. Who doesn't care about anyone and they are friends, which means that they have the same personality. They are partners in crime.”
“You know what Iman, I don’t know what is your problem with the man you are getting married to but you don’t have the right to say that about Waleed or my relationship with him. You don’t even know him.”
“Oh Wow! So now you are going to choose a guy you just met recently over me. I have been your best friend since we were five and now you are supporting another man instead of me!” Iman yelled.
“What the hell are you talking about Iman! Is this a competition or what, I am not choosing anyone and I am not going to end my relationship because of you and your stupid reasons. Like I said earlier you can not judge me or Waleed like that”
“You know how much I hate Farhan and now you are dating his best friend . Which means that you are now on his side” Iman replied folding her arms around her bosom with a stern look.
“Just because I am dating his best friend doesn’t mean that I am on his side and I don’t even know why you hate him that much. I mean you just met him the least you can do is give him a chance and see how it goes”  Alisha rolled her eyes at her best friend’s childish behavior. “You are like a sister to me Iman and your problem is mine but you need to take easy please”
“ Don’t tell me what to do Alisha especially when it’s about Farhan and my problem with him is non of your business” Iman says pointing her finger at Alisha. “You know what! Thanks for being my best friend”
“What do you mean by that?” Alisha asked with a confused look.
“I don’t know” Iman replied sternly as she stepped out slamming the door. Walking back to the table, she sees Farhan talking and laughing with Waleed.
“I want to go home right now” she stated
“What is the problem and where is Alisha?” Waleed asked as he stood up from his seat.
“I don’t know and I don’t care” Iman replied. Alisha walked in immediately.
“Iman can you please stop and tell me, what is the problem and why are you making an issue about this?”
“Problem! You want to know what is the problem” Iman chuckles “You are my friend and I just found out that you are dating my enemy’s best friend” she says staring at Farhan.
“Enemy! Iman i…”  Farhan stuttered with a painful tone.
“I want to go home right now”


Arriving at the Sheriff estate, Farhan drives through the gate and parks the car. He avert his gaze and looks at Iman who is about to step out.
“You shouldn't have done that Iman, Alisha is your friend and you can’t judge her relationship with Waleed because of me and our past” he says in a low tone.
“Enough with the nice guy façade Farhan, I know you are happy right now” she chuckled bitterly. “You ruined my life and now you want to ruin my relationship with my best friend. Bravo! You are going good” she claps.
“What’s your problem Iman!” Farhan yelled “I don’t know what happened between you guys and I don’t see any problem if Alisha is dating Waleed. Don’t you know that you are hurting her feeling by doing this”
Iman turns around fixing her gaze with Farhan’s
“Go to hell!” she says stepping out of the car and walks to the entrance of the mansion.
Farhan groaned hitting the steering wheel with his fist staring at Iman as she walks away.
Iman stabs the door bell twice and she was about do it again when a very exciting Zara opens the door with a warm smile on her face. “ So how was the date” Zara asked grinning from ear to ear as she close the door.
“Terrible” Iman  replied throwing her Chanel bag on the floor.
“ The date was a double date with his best friend and his girlfriend and guess who turned out to be his best friend’s girlfriend?”
“Alisha, my fucking best friend” Iman rolled her eyes.
“So I don’t see any problem with that” Zara says nonchalantly. “Wait! Don’t tell that you fought with Alisha because of that”
“ I think I overreacted” Iman replies with a guilty expression.

Hello guys.

Thanks for reading



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