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Santorini. Greece.

It was  a mistake, she shouldn’t have told him, that she loves him, she shouldn’t have believed his words. Maybe her voice sounded so melodic that he took her for granted. He never loved her, she was just a toy.
Fate, a four letter word that can turn your life upside down, from lightness to darkness, from roses to thorns , from sweetness to bitterness. Her life was so perfect and simple, everything was so amazing.  Iman never thought that  she will ever be in this situation but you never know what the future holds.
It feels like her soul is been mutilated with shards of glass, her soul is now rotten , her values has been shattered. Maybe it was her own fault she should have believed the words of a man she just met on a holiday but  love is indeed blind.
She came here to spend the holiday and also celebrate her achievement , she was finally going to a fashion designer , she was finally going to show her mother that she was capable of handling her fashion company but instead she fell in love with a man who broke her heart, who used her like a toy and left her alone in a hotel room.
How could she be so naïve , Everything was so perfect, she thought this was going to be the best holiday away from her lonely home but it turned out to be her worst nightmare. Everything was so perfect just like a fairytale , the perfect how we met story to tell your children, his sparkling orbs of sunlight, those were first thing that deceived  her.
As tears stream down her cheeks breaking into tributaries Iman wrapped her arms around her petite body with her knees bent over against her chest. She felt like scraping her skin with a glass when she feels his touch around her body. Farhan has  ruined her for any man.
How do you heal a broken heart, when your world has fallen apart. Deep within her soul are the emotions of her misery which can’t be set free. He made her feel emotions that she had never felt. He brought lightness into her life only to conceal it with darkness. He was her first love.
Everything was so perfect, it was a very captivating night with the stars dancing and sparkling in the night sky, the angelic breeze that calms a wounded soul. They had dinner in a beautiful expensive restaurant , after that he invited her to his hotel, what a grave mistake she made. It was one of the biggest hotels in Santorini, you could see the bewitching view of the island from his room with all it simplicity and beauty.
She was so happy, they talked for a while and danced in his balcony under  the light of a thousand stars. She felt like Cinderella and he was her prince charming, they were like best friends on that faithful night .
“Am sorry” he said when she whispered the three magical words into his earlobe and just like that he left her behind with a broken heart. Farhan has not only destroyed her heart but also her soul, her values and her morals.
“Iman are you okay” her best friend’s voice brought her back to reality. “ What’s are you thinking about”
“Alisha”  she called as tears of grief and regret rolled down her cheeks.
“ Are you okay , what’s the problem, what are you thinking about” Alisha asked all at once.
Should I tell her about what happened, no ! What will she think about me.
“Am okay, you don’t need to worry about me, I fell down in the bathroom.” She smiled wiping her tears off her cheeks.
“ Sorry, stop crying, we will be leaving in the next two hours, so go and get ready.”

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