chapter 12

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Chapter 12


A sharp knocking against his bedroom could be heard. Farhan groans rubbing his eyes with his palm. He came to visit his mother yesterday and then decided to spend the night here but it turned out to be a bad idea because his sister is disturbing his morning sleep with her tantrums. Another knock came from the door, it’s persistent presence  ignored by Farhan as he rose from his bed.
He already knows who awaited him on the other side of the door; his annoying sister. Khausar was one of the reasons why he moved out from he's parent's.
“Farhan, Ummi is waiting for you, stop acting like a child and come out it’s time for breakfast.”  His sister’s high pitched voice came from the other side of the door.
Farhan scoffed, slipping into his slippers, he walks to the door and opens it. “ What’s your problem khausar  I will have my breakfast when I want to, so shut the fuck up and get out of my sight.” He yelled.
“You are so annoying you know. I don’t care if you eat or not , Ummi told me to call you” she replied and walks away.
Farhan walks to the bathroom, he had the most beautiful dream last night, it almost felt like reality . But it wasn’t . The problem with dreaming was that most of the time it feels real but it is the total opposite of reality. In his dream, he woke up in the same bed with Iman shortly after their wedding, they were on their honeymoon in a little bungalow on the beach. Crystal clear water in every direction and intoxicatingly in love.
Her petite body was pressed against his, her black African hair spread around his chest. Trailing his eyes up towards her beautiful face, he studied her. Raising his fingers up towards her bare arm he began to trace small shapes around her soft skin. Being fascinated by her features his hand moved away from her arm to her face.
He could feel the softness of her breast on his bare chest, which was driving him craze. He slowly began to stroke her cheekbone with the soft touch of his thumb. Her skin accepting the touch of his hand as the raw sensation of their body mixed creating an intoxicating which made him to close his eyes as he gracefully rub his thumb around her soft full chest.
Just as the cold water from shower cascade down his back, Farhan pulled out from the memory of his epic dream. He quickly finished his business and stepped out of the shower wrapping a towel around his waist. He walks to his closet and got dressed in a white kaftan.
He could hear the sound of his sister’s laughter engulfing the house as he walked down the stairs. His mother and sister were settled on the dining table which is filled with a typical english breakfast.
“Good morning Ummi” he says as he sat next to his mother.
“Morning Farhan” Ummi replied. “So what are you going to do today Farhan” She asked.
“I am going to visit the farm house and the visit the sheriff’s later” he replied stuffing a sausage down his throat.

“I hope this caterer doesn’t disappoint me at the last moment, I have been trying to reach her number but it’s not reachable I wonder what wrong” her mother mumbles glaring at her phone.
Iman chuckles at her mother’s attitude. Her mother has been very stressed about this whole wedding expression. She said and she quoted ; “My only daughter is getting married, it has to be the wedding of the year”
She just can’t believe that her mother doesn’t care about her happiness it seems like she doesn’t care about the fact that her daughter is not happy with this alliance. She’s just doing it to save her career.
It’s been a week since S&I’s annual fashion show, after that stupid conversation with her cousin Iman was expecting her cousin to try something stupid  but it looks like her cousin took her threat very serious, well that’s good  because she has enough problems on her plate and she doesn’t need another one.
Her cousin has always been an annoying bitch, who only cares about herself and that night she brought out the agony Iman had concealed in her heart. She felt sick not In a physical sense that you feel from a flu or food poison, No! It was a guilty feeling, an unsettled feeling in the pit of her stomach. She felt like a poisonous arrow was used to shoot her heart.It was a deep sense of unease that dug deep inside her and was nearly impossible to ignore.
The rate of her heartbeat increased when she recalled the memories of that fateful day. The throbbing news her doctor gave her and the ache she felt in her heart when she saw that small image in the electronic device.
On that faithful day, Iman committed the most painful sin of her life. She was sinking into a life of utter depravity. She was shocked by her actions. It took her two good years to nurse her heart. It took two years to conceal the scars of her actions.
Gazing at the glass she was holding Iman slowly giggled when she remembered Fadeela's words; “I hope he knows how cheap his fianceé is”. Unknown to her cousin, her darling fianceé is the one who triggered her actions. He is also an accomplice in this crime.
Another reason why she despise him
“Iman what are you going to wear” her mother’s voice pulled her back to reality. lman avert her gaze to the middle aged woman dressed in a red abaya with her hair tied in a bun.
“What are you talking about mom” she enquired with a confused look.
Mrs Sheriff gasped staring at her daughter with a sharp look “What do you mean by that of course I'm talking about what you are going to wear on your engagement party.
Iman mentally rolled her eyes at her mother’s words. “Mom don’t you think you need to relax about this whole wedding. I mean it’s just a stupid engagement party”
“Stupid engagement party! Have you lost your mind! What wrong with you.”
Iman pursed her lips clenching her fist into a tight ball. She took a deep breath and then looked at her mother “Mom don’t you think that you are overreacting. It’s just an outfit and I will get something to wear on that day. We have a lot in S&I, that won’t be a problem” Iman replies.
“Iman Sheriff, it’s your engagement party. You will be the center of attention, you can’t wear any random outfit. You have to look good baby” Mrs Sheriff says in a low tone grabbing her daughter hand.
“Mom you don’t understand what i…” she paused when she heard the same familiar male voice. Iman couldn’t help herself. Her jaw dropped to the floor as her eyebrows shot up. What the hell is he doing here! She quickly turned around fixing her eyes on him.
There he stood with full confidence smiling at her mother showing his visible dimples on each side of his cheeks. His sharp jawline and his plump and parted lips that once send tingles throughout her body. Dressed in a black pants and a white shirt and when their gaze met, Iman knew that she was in deep shit.
No words will be enough to describe the beauty that sat before him. The epitome of beauty and sanity he once held in his arms . His eyes always pops out whenever he sees her. She was gorgeous with her brown orbs so simple yet held so much of power. Her splendid figure with her curves totally visible in the dress.
She wasn’t wearing a scarf. She was gorgeous with her black African hair softly hanging around her shoulder in form of curls. He had forgotten how beautiful her hair is.


You know what they say about life? That it is unpredictable. Well yes it is! Life doesn’t give you a chance to decide what you want. It has everything planned out for you. It has a list of events that are meant to happen. No matter how much effort we put in molding our future, what is destined to take place will always take place.
After what happened two years ago Iman never thought that she will be here sitting on dining table with Farhan sitting next to her laughing with her family.
How ironic!
Food had been plated up, her parents and her brothers were clearly enjoying Farhan’s company. After dinner, Iman walked out of the garden settling in the swing as she stared at the night sky. The sun is nowhere in sight. Stars decorated on the black curtain, twinkling and shining with all their might. The surrounding so quiet.
“A penny for your thoughts” A deep voice erupts from the surrounding.
“Oh come on Farhan, that line is to clingy, I thought you were better than that” she chuckled swinging her head backward.
“Well what can I say my love when it comes to you I run out of words” he replies sitting next to her.
“Do you say that to all your victims and I never gave you the permission to sit next to me” she glares at him.
“My apologies love, I never knew that I have to ask for permission before sitting next to my fianceé.”
“Oh we are talking about the mighty Farhan Malik here. You don’t need any permission to do something. You can just decide one day to take over and ruin an innocent girl's life and then come back after some years with a marriage proposal. That’s how cruel you are” Iman uttered bitterly.
“I didn’t intend to Iman, that just how it turned out to be. I never wanted to cause you any sort of pain it was never my intention. I'm so sorry sweetheart, sorry you had to go through all that. But just give me a chance, I promise to make up for my mistakes”
Farhan wasn’t good with words, never had been. He has never found himself in this situation. He truly didn’t think things about the consequences of his actions. He was selfish; only cared about his feelings, never thought about the innocent girl next to him.
“You know what Farhan?” her velvet voice brought him back to reality. “I have been thinking about this marriage, I think I should get married to you and then later we can get divorced, so when I get married to someone I love I won’t have to explain how I lost my virginity.”
An ache started deep in his stomach when he registered her words in his mind. He turns away as his eyes welled up with tears . The thought of Iman with another man made him feel sick, an unsettled feeling you get before something catastrophic is about to happen. It felt like his entire circulatory system was being removed.
“As you wish Iman, let’s make a deal, I need you to be my wife so that I can get my inheritance and I will divorce you after six months then you can get married to whoever you want”
“Done!” She turns around giving him a sharp look “it’s a deal”
Farhan smirked at her replied, he can’t believe that this is happening. Well if Iman thinks that he will divorce her after six months then she’s dreaming; a dream that will never come true. He is ready to fight for his love.

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