Chapter 13

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The sky is grey with cloud spread around it. Iman closes her eyes lifts her eyebrows up with her hair tied in a bun and a few strands on her face.
She listens with her careful ears, the wind whistles, the strange and mysterious sounds. The birds chirping as they fly back and forth from trees to trees.
Her long curly lashes touching her cheeks, she slowly runs her tongue on her rosy plump lips wetting them.
It's true when they say that everything in your life is a reflection of a choice you have made. If you want a different result then choose something different.
Maybe if she had made the right choice then she would have seen a different result.
Maybe if she hadn't fallen for Farhan's melodic words her life would have been much better. Her heart wouldn't have been broke.
She has lost herself in the search for happiness. What would have happened if she had not met Farhan in the first place? Maybe she would have been married with a kid.
But what if he had stayed that fateful day. Would they have a happy ending or maybe she would have killed the baby. She always feels an ache deep in her heart when she thinks about it.
"So now you have agreed to marry him" Alisha's voice echoes in the balcony.
"Yeah, I think so"Iman sighs "that's the only way i can get rid of him" she utters again connecting her lips with the glass she's holding.
"Are you sure Iman? I don't think he is going to give up that easily. He's not going to divorce you after the marriage." Alisha says staring at her best friend. For the past two years she has witnessed how Iman has changed drastically. She's not the cheerful Iman she knew. What happened to her best friend is something she has no idea about. But whatever it is Alisha prays that she recovers from it.
"Iman let bygone be bygones. I don't know what happened between the two of you but I know that you can't move on without accepting what happened in the past"
"I have already moved on Alisha" she chuckles.
"No you haven't! You are still hanging on the past. I am not saying that you should marry him and fall in love, just..." she pauses.
" forgive him" Iman continues averting her gaze to her best friend.
"I know it's hard baby girl but you need to try and i know that farhan will not let you go so easily after the marriage. That guy doesn't look like someone who will give up so easily." Alisha says.
" He will divorce me or i will make him to" she says firmly.
" Whatever you say sweetheart, let's just wait and see what's happens" Alisha smiles.
"Excuse me ma'am" her assistant's voice came in
"What's the problem" Iman asked with an annoying expression on her face.
" A call came from your father's company, he wants to see you urgently" she informs.
"Okay you may leave"
"I hope everything is okay" Alisha says.
"I hope so" Iman replies standing up from her seat. " I will see you tomorrow for the party preparations."


Iman was already tensed when she got to the car as her driver drove to her father's company. Why will her dad want to see her, it's not like he needs her help with something.
The last time he had requested for her presences she got the worst news of her life. It had taken every cell in her body to not ask the driver to take her back to S&I. She's mentally not ready for any drama.


Farhan was in no good mood as he had stormed into the company of his future father in law. He was stressed about the fact that his fiancée hasn't replying his texts for a week now and not answering his calls. He thought that after their agreement Iman would be more civil with him, but it looks like they are back in square one.
And now why his father's best friend had called him, is something he has no idea about.  All he knows is that his father owns some shares in this company which is now his and khausar's.
Now sitting beside her, he took the opportunity to take in the soft and enchanting Victoria secret fragrance that he has missed for the past two years. But one thought of the situation at hand, he was thrown into the same bad mood.
"What's he doing here dad" he heard her sweet melodic voice for the first time since they last met.
"You know we have a shareholder meeting today which from all indication you have forgotten about and farhan here is going to attend that meeting"
"Why?" Iman asked
"Because he owns shares in this company and must I remind you that him and his sister are taking over everything thing their father once owned."
Iman turned to farhan glaring at him as he slowly turns and gives her a fake smile with a mischievous look on his face.
" well congratulations to him" Iman utters sternly glaring at him.
"That's no way to greet someone especially when that person is your fiancé, I taught you better young lady" Mr sheriff warned.
Iman mentally rolled her eyes and turned her head to her father " I am sorry Dad"
" Well we still have some hours before the meeting, I suggest you two go on a lunch break together and iron things out. I don't need you two to be fighting in the meeting when you are getting married"
Iman threw her arms across her chest as she fumes. "I don't need a lunch break and most importantly i am not going with him"
"Stop being such a baby Iman, it's just a lunch break and besides we are getting married and we need to get along. Am I right uncle?" Farhan teased with a smirk on his face .
" oh shut up and stop pretending to be a gentleman, when we all know your true colors" Iman shoots.
" Do you always have to be so bitter?" Farhan shook his head.
" You sound like a jerk, oh you are a jerk!" Iman retaliates.
"Okay... that's enough" Mr Sheriff yells " I am ordering the two of you to go down the street for a lunch break! Together and don't fight! Now! Get out of my office."
Iman wasn't going to argue with her father in front of Farhan. She reluctantly nods and walks out of the office, Farhan stood up from his seat and walked up to her.
"Iman wait" he calls when they were a few steps away from her father's office.
"What's wrong with you? Why are you acting this way? I thought we already had an agreement." He says with a soft tone.
"Just because we had an agreement doesn't mean that we are friends. You are still my enemy. I hate you Farhan Malik! She stated sternly.
"I am sorry Iman, but you and I but know that we can't make this work if you keep fighting with me. We need your dad to believe that we are getting along" Farhan utters staring at Iman.
"Okay fine! But just stay within your limits" she warns. The car ride was quiet while they sat behind as Salman, Farhan's driver drives the car. Iman was staring at the busy streets of London while Farhan was on a phone with Waleed.
" You won't believe it, I didn't expect that from him. What was he thinking. You have to come back from that stupid trip."  He says in hausa. "I will talk to you later" he ends the call dropping his phone next to her side bag.
He slowly turns around staring at the beauty next to him. Farhan has always been proud to own up to his own mistakes, it's like a habit he had gotten from his father but with Iman he is ready to say sorry a million times.
"I am sorry for everything you are going through" he tells her scratching his jaw.
"You need to stop saying sorry Farhan, you sound like a lunatic" she scoffed "and besides you saying sorry isn't going to change anything."
"Okay as you wish" he says in a low tone.


The restaurant was elegant and screamed luxury. The manager guided them to a dimly lit space filled with two seat tables.  They settled on the one close to an entire wall that is a fish trunk with aquatic creatures curiously swimming back and forth.
From the way Farhan eagerly drank the water on the table Iman knew that he was nervous and that made him to giggle lightly. A waitress later arrived and took their orders.
The food arrived after some few minutes. It wasn't much just a simple English cuisine. It didn't take her two minutes before she dug into it. " I haven't eaten all day because I need to look fit for the engagement party and the wedding. I have reputation to maintain" she mumbles with her mouth full.
Farhan smiled feeling butterflies in his stomach at least she's making efforts for their wedding. He might have woken up from the wrong side of the bed but it looks like today is going to be one of the best days of his life.
His eyes caught the way she chew slowly on her food. The shape of her lips and the way the move.
Nothing goes wrong with Iman
She isn't just an epitome of beauty but she's also the most classy woman he has ever been with. And just like that the devil decided to bring a stop to his happiness.
"Farhan!" A brunette dressed in a black dress called as she walked towards their direction.
Iman turned around staring at the angry woman who was standing before them. " Excuse me do you need anything" Iman asked sternly.
"I don't need anything from a bitch like you" the lady attacked sending daggers to Iman.
"Hey whoever you are, you can't just come here and insult my fiancee."  Farhan states standing up from his seat.
"Really Farhan, are you now trying to say that you don't know me and you left me because of this whore here" the lady yelled.
"Okay sweetheart, whoever you are and whatever your relationship is with this man here, he just said that he doesn't know you. So can you please leave before i call the securities." Iman threatens with a warning look.
"You will regret this Farhan" she walks away.
"Wow" Iman sighed " well I guess that's enough drama for today" she chuckled.
" Yeah let's go. It's almost time for the meeting."


"Iman..." Farhan called when they settled in the car.
" You don't need to explain yourself Farhan" she says pressing her phone, her gaze fixed on it"
"No I have to . After what happened between the two of us, I wasn't myself" he states. " So Waleed tried to fix me on a date once and I think that's the girl. But I have no idea why she acted that way when it was only a single date"  he frowns.
"Well that's your problem not mine" Iman smiles.


"Ladies and gentlemen. You are all welcome to our 33th annual shareholder meeting. We have some new faces with us today so I think it will be much better if we should all introduce ourselves before we start the meeting " Mr sheriff opens the floor. 
Farhan was the last one to introduce himself and the table cheered when he was done. Iman scoffed when he made a reference to her as his fiancée and now that's it now her father's business partners know that she's engaged.
How cruel of him to announce that i'm off market for now.

One hour passed with continuous business talks between everyone on the table except from iman who was busy sulking.
Farhan was charming and bossy. As he talked iman understood that if they were to work on their relationship, he will definitely boss her around.

Another reason to hate Farhan Malik

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Maryam B Bello.

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