
197 1 0

Cast: Ryn, JD, Tammy, Lorenzo, Sukhi, Pixie, Emma, Damien, Amber, Hazeem, Robert, Larissa, Jian

Sukhi a teacher takes her class to Wawanakwa island. The class go down into a cave, where an ancient evil has been imprisoned. The class break the evil's prison accidentally, and the ancient evil enters Jian. Robert, the man who works there, serves this evil. Jian kills all his classmates, and his teacher, and him and Robert sneak onto the plane. In the middle of the air, Jian and Robert kill the pilot and co-pilot where they go to escape. Robert asks for a pack, and Jian tells him he is a loyal servant before parachuting out, leaving Robert to crash and die.

Jian falls into a village where he meets a young woman named Larrisa, who heals him. As he heals Jian kills a load of villagers, and then Larrisa who loved him. Knowing he is too far gone, Jian shoots himself.

Survivors: None

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