Dawn Side

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Dawn (Pupil)

Jose (Teacher)

Aurora (Dawn's girlfriend)

Barney (Cute Best Friend/Pupil)

Chynna (Spiteful Nerd/Pupil)

Mateo (Slacker/Pupil)

Kazem (Mean Jock/Pupil)

Tasha (Popular Girl/Pupil)

Bruce (Creepy Janitor)

Dawn is at her school where a new teacher, Jose arrives. Jose and several other pupils including: Aurora, Barney, Chynna and Mateo are part of a cult, they want to release an evil demon named Destreth, (there are meant to be red herrings as the creepy janitor, mean jock and mean popular girl are suspicious), and Dawn is targeted. Dawn gets a detention with the pupils who kill Kazem. After a few mishaps, Chynna and Mateo are both killed, and Tasha is also killed. Dawn is almost sacrificed, but she manages to avoid it as Bruce is killed instead. Dawn escapes and kills Barney accidentally, and ends up with Aurora who attacks her. Jose has a gun, and Dawn pulls Aurora in front of her, indirectly killing her girlfriend. She escapes, and the next day she finds out that Jose has gone missing. She is then contacted by Dakota about joining her Paranormal Investigation Team

Survivors: Dawn, Jose

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