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Sam is the only person from the original timeline, the rest are alternate versions of characters we have already met

As Sam goes to sleep in the real timeline, a figure looms over him, as he is awaken in the alternate timeline. He goes to his house, and he sees Sam and Cody on the TV. Afterwards, they stay at a squatter camp with Gwen and her grandmother Verity. Sam is also chased out of his house by an old woman. At the squatters camp, Bridgette who has escaped (thanks to the mysterious figure) is at the camp, and a piece of burning debris falls and crushes Verity, and Gwen is also killed by Bridgette as Cody and Noah escape. On TV, Captain Dakota interviews Lindsay and Trent, this is the first example that something is wrong with time, as the Captain took her job years after in Sam's timeline. As Lindsay and Trent leave, they are both killed. Sam goes to his school and sees his classmates his age, and knows the timeline is screwed up. Captain Dakota is also on TV again talking about leaving with her twelve colleagues. As Sam meets his old friends like Callum, Chi and his best friend Brianny, Sakura comes in. Sam starts yelling and Blaineley escorts Sam, Callum and Brianny who are together out. Sakura then shoots the school, and chases Sam's group, killing Blaineley. Chi appears and fends Sakura off, and Sam, Callum, Chi and Brianny escape. Sakura is weak, but blows the building up killing herself and everyone else inside. The group is confused, and they're even more confused as Sam says something is wrong with time. Sam says he needs to find people, and Brianny says they should go to the Police Station, once there the Police don't help so they go find Captain Dakota as she should know where they are. Callum, Chi and Brianny ask Sam about their alternate timeline selves, and Sam doesn't tell Brianny that she died. Dakota is going to head off when she is with he boyfriend Brody who convinces her to let the four young adults in to talk to her. Dakota can't help but lets slip about the camp accidentally, and Sam tries to beg Dakota not to go, but she ignores him as they leave. They get to the camp and Bridgette is there and attacks, killing Chi sd the other three escape. Sam, Callum and Brianny escape when they find Noah and Cody, and he's happy surprising them. Sam tries to explain the situation and Noah doesn't believe him until he says the name, 'Scarlett'. They decide to head there as they stop off at LeShawna's to save her, but LeShawna is dead with LeShaniqua. They find Scarlett and her assistant Phoebe, and finds weird readings off Sam. Scarlett also mentions how she had to leave her friends Samey, Jasmine and Topher as they were devoured by a demon. Scarlett says the way to change back is to destroy the change in this alternate timeline, Sam tries to leave, but Scarlett won't let him, and says the Universe will be destroyed, but Sam says it will be replaced by a better one. A fight breaks out as Phoebe is shoved into glass killing her, and Scarlett starts shooting as acid pours onto Cody, killing him, Noah then turns the gun on Sam. Bridgette and now with the explicit Destreth go to get Jose, who has killed a load of people at a camp. Noah tells Sam any reality is better then one without Cody as he kills Scarlett, and Sam says they have to kill Bridgette. On the News, Dakota and co. were killed by B. Noah tells Sam, Callum and Brianny where Bridgette's Old apartment is, where they see a homeless man who says the old person who lived there lives a few streets away, and the group head over, where they see Bridgette, B and Jose. A fight breaks out, and Callum kills Jose after he pins Sam down. Bridgette then kills Noah. Sam tries to charge her but is swat aside, as she goes for Brianny, however Sam stabs her in the back fueled by rage. Reality starts to crack and Sam grabs Brianny as he looks over at B who splinters away and Callum who looks shocked as he does the same. Sam tells Brianny the truth that he is dead, and she says she realised, but lets go. As she splinters away, she says it was nice to have extra time with him, as she finally splinters. In a vast nothingness, Destreth attacks Sam, but fueled with the power of destroyed a reality, he blasts her away, waking up in his own timeline.

Survivors: Sam, (Destreth and everyone in the Alternate Timeline died)

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