Sam/Callum Short

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Brady (Sam's Old Friend)

Ruby (Brady's Girlfriend)

Uma (Callum's Friend)

Momma (Sam's neighbour/DJ's mother)

Abi (Sam's neighbour/DJ's girlfriend)

Gator (Sam's Dog)

Sam and Callum live together, and Sam talks to Cody but not Noah. They invite Uma, and Brady around for a meal, and Brady brings his girlfriend, Abi. After Brady and Ruby go home, Ruby who riles him up, is killed by Brady. Brady wants Sam, so he heads back. Abi sees him with a knife, and so Brady breaks in, killing Abi and Momma. Brady then kidnaps Sam, killing Gator and Uma in the process. Callum then rings Cody and Noah, and Noah picks the phone up, drives over to get Callum, as they head to save Sam with a tracker Noah has. Brady who stops for gas with Sam, blows a  tank at a petrol station up, killing five innocent bystanders, as they leave. Noah and Callum get to Sam and Brady, and Callum pulls Sam aside as Noah shoots Brady. Sam who is grateful starts rebuilding his relationship with Noah as he saved him.

Survivors: Sam, Callum, Noah, Cody

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