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Phoebe (Assistant Scientist)

Ellody (Scientist)

Mary (Scientist)

Mason (Soldier)

Don (Dakota's Acquaintance)

Verity (Gwen's grandmother)

Sam (Previous Survivor)

Chi (Pervious Survivor)

Scarlett (Previous Survivor/Head Scientist)

Callum (Previous Survivor)

Cody (Previous Survivor)

Noah (Pervious Survivor)

Newt (Previous Survivor)

Ryu (Previous Survivor)

LeShawna (Previous Survivor)

Lindsay (Previous Survivor)

Dakota (Previous Survivor)

Cirie (Previous Survivor)

Sam is scared about what had happened so he went to Scarlett. Callum didn't want him to go so he snuck off. Scarlett decides to send a group to the Island, and so Phoebe, Ellody, Mary, Mason, Don, Verity, Sam and Chi arrive, all equipped so Scarlett can see what is going on. The island is more active and they have to head to the centre as that's where it is most active. Verity, Mary and Ellody are killed, leaving Sam, Chi, Mason, Don and Phoebe. Phoebe is killed and Sam and Mason go as Chi and Don go. Don is killed, as Chi gets to the centre, where a figure starts killing her. Sam and Mason arrive, and it turns killing Mason instead. Sam and Chi try to fight, but shockingly Chi is killed. The figure is a green version of Cody with grey hair to taunt him, shocking Scarlett and the other survivors she had rounded up. Then the figure reverts to its true form, becoming a green version of Chris, laughing, telling them to come to the island or he will kill Sam.

Survivors: Sam (Excluding anyone not on the island)

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