Chapter Twelve

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As we walked through the halls, we took special note of our surroundings. None of us had ever been to the Headmasters' office; we didn't know what to expect.

As we approached the foreboding door, the number of students and staff thinned, until we were the only ones walking. Our footsteps echoed loudly in the now-empty hallway, our shadows bobbing along the walls like ghosts.

We finally stopped at the huge door, carved seemingly from every door-making material imaginable. Wood, steel, stone, and even fabrics were all woven and bound the huge door. In the center of the door was a huge knocker, shaped like a fist.

As Kelly tentatively pulled back the knocker, she gave a small yelp of surprise and jumped back as the fist slammed against the door, as if someone had knocked. Devi and I stepped back and joined Kelly a meter or so back from the door, expecting it to be swung open.

Instead, we suddenly found ourselves standing in the middle of a large study. In the corners, lamps flickered, sending the shadows of huge ferns dancing across the room. The whole floor was tiled, sections of it covered in thick carpets. 

On one side of the room, there was a couch ad two armchairs, each covered by pillows with the school crest embroidered on them. On the other, there was a low table surrounded by beanbags, with a bowl of sweet buah on it.

But it was in the center of the room that our attention was focused. In the center of the room, there was a huge mahogany desk. Drawers lined the sides, and the top was covered in papers and mugs of coffee. And sitting behind the desk was Headmaster Huggins.

"Welcome girls. Please, don't worry; none of you are in trouble. Yet." We remained stiff but managed smiles and nods.

"Well, I suppose you're wondering why you're here. Come, sit." We found ourselves seated in beanbags around the low table, a plate of buah in each of our laps.

"I called you three here mainly for Fiona. As you know, she was very sick these last few days, but she has thankfully recovered." I flushed and nodded as the Headmasters' gaze focused on me. "Well, since she has now recovered, I just wanted to check in with you two, Kelly and Devi, to check-in and make sure you're not feeling ill."

"No sir," answered Kelly. "We are both sick-free. We made sure to wash our hands a bunch to avoid germs."

"And we wore a mask whenever she went into coughing fits," added Devi. The Headmaster nodded thoughtfully.

"Well, I'm glad for that. I assume you all know the school policy on electronics?" We nodded, confused by the change of subject.

"Well, since I'm rock-solid sure none of you have access to electronics in your dorms, and therefore haven't heard the news, I'll have to fill you in. Around the world, in response to the virus, thousands of people have banded together to research the cause of it. However, a few of these people are a bit extreme and have resolved to track down every person who has survived the virus. They think they can extract an antidote from the persons' essence, using dangerous methods of spirit-based magic."

I had gone white as a sheet. Devi was glancing at me worriedly, while Kelly was staring at her hands, folded in her lap. The Headmaster took a bite of buah and sighed.

"So, I just wanted to let you girls know that your dorm is going to be guarded during the night. I'm not sure if any of these...extremists are going to come for you, Fiona, but better to be on the safe side." I nodded, and Kelly slung a reassuring arm around my shoulder.

"Don't worry, Fee! We're your fierce protectors! No one can get through the unstoppable duo of Kelly! And! Devi!"

I smiled a bit at our attempt to cheer her up. But I was really worried. When I had been sick, I hadn't thought my life was in danger. Well, not until I thought I might be in line for the Death Draught.

But now? Visions of hooded assassins killing me in my sleep plagued my mind. I shivered inadvertently, and the Headmaster sighed.

"My apologies for dumping all that on you, Fiona. I'll send you back to the dorms."

And with a wave of his hand, we found ourselves standing outside the office. Devi gently tugged on my arm, and our trio trudged back through the huge atrium and towards our dorms.

A/N: what do you guys think? is Fiona in danger???

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