Silly Spidey Secrets

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Spider-centric third person.

It wasn't until after his meeting with... Wade, that he realized the huge mistake he had made. He was desperate and Petey gets a little dumb when he's desperate. He had called the 'Deadpool offices' with his own phone. That was just heaps of information that they know had one him. He trusted Pool, of course he did. It was really hard not to trust the potentially deadly partner of his. But that secretary, what's-her-name? No, our little masked menace could never trust her. She was untrustworthy, he could sense it. Plus Deadpool was still technically a criminal so it made sense that all his friends were criminals. He held his head in his hands as he realized the gravity of his mistake.

Could he just get burried now please?

What does he do now? He could call Tony but no, he would be disappointed with him and probably lecture him. Aunt May and Mj were out of the question even though they could be his strongest voices of reason as they didn't know he was Spiderman. He didn't want to risk calling the DP offices again, if they didn't have his number on file they would once he called twice. Peter didn't have Wade's personal number either so he couldn't call him though that would probably also be a bad idea. Ned? Ned would freak and also think it was cool at the same time. Then he would probably suggest something stupid like use his powers to threaten the merc and his secretary. Pool would just laugh in his face and who knew what kind of criminal this Heather was before she started working for the immortal, most didn't take well to threats.

He peeled off his suit and flopped onto his bed. Even if he didn't want to take the advice, maybe Ned could cheer him. He reached over and grabbed his cracked phone from his bedside table. Quickly opening up his messages he attempted to call his best friend. Was it too late? Was he busy? Maybe the spider should have just waited to call in the morning. His fears were squished when the phone stopped ringing and he heard a cheerful voice.

"Pete, what's up?" He asked. "Nedarino! Hey, yeah. So I might have like really messed up" The hero admitted. Peter heard the silence on the other side like the earth had stopped turning. "What did you do?" The question was asked hesitantly. "Deadpool might have my phone number on record and have access to all the information that comes with it" Peter said. Ned's scheme was so unrealistic that his sides ended up hurting from laughter. By the end of the call he almost forgot about how worried he was.


Now let's join Wade

Wade had just gotten dressed after a shower when Heather had come into the house, her muscled arms flexing as she carried in grocery bags. They were in the house that he lived in when he had Ellie as he wanted to get settled and make triple sure that everything was perfect. The place had been cleaned last night though the house didn't need it as much as any if his other save houses, he made a point to keep the place blood free. He now just had a checklist to go through, an internal checklist that he was proud of having made, he didn't want to feel completely reliant on Heather. Speaking of Heather, Wade was glad he convinced her to make shopping apart of her job because he hated having to go out for simple things. Being all dressed up would draw in a lot of attention and he didn't always feel up to that and he could go all covered which he often did. But he could always feel their eyes on him and he knew that people could get a glimpse of his skin. The worst was when it was a child who screamed or cried.

"How was your night Mr. Wilson?" The girl asked as she stretched to put everything away. Wade wanted to argue that he wasn't a child and that he could do it himself but he remembered that he had tried that when she had gone shopping earlier in the week. The younger criminal would not budge. "Barely any crime" Wade answered, thinking back to his night with his favourite Spider. "Should I organize something of more interest to go down next weekend?" She suggested. Her tone was casual and it was obvious she had not put a lot of thought into her words, it seemed like what she had said wasn't insane. In all honesty, Deadpool actually stopped to consider her offer before he shook his head. "That won't be necessary".

It wasn't really his style, well, it could be if he wanted to hang out with the X-men but usually he knew not to do that. It could get boring and it certainly wasn't as fun. He didn't get any satisfaction from that kinda thing cause he wasn't really taking down bad dudes, he was encouraging it and now that wasn't standing up for the little guy. Then he would have to add how mad his spideroo would be if he found out that he did something like that. He would be mad, disappointed, feel betrayed and never trust Wade ever again. He genuinely liked him so the mercenary would do anything to keep that from happening. The boxes told him that kinda reaction was what he deserved so he sunk into the wall a little bit.

Speaking of his favourite bug-boy. "So. Did you get anything from his phone call?" He asked. Another person would probably feel disgusted at his actions slash, the line of conversation he was pursuing. Heather turned for this, resuming what Wade called her 'snake-stance'. "No and I don't get paid enough to stalk" was her clear answer. "It's time consuming, not my line of work and I don't really care about the spider. If yoy want to do it then knock yourself out. You have six hours before it deletes" She stopped to examine her manicure like she had won something. "Si- did he message you on snapchat or something!" Wade's eyebrows were knitted together as he exclaimed that. "No but I am thorough with confidential information. I only kept it overnight in case he had an elaborate kidnapping scheme" She said.

It was then that Wade had to remember that she was a smuggling genius. She knew how to get stuff in and out of New York eithout anyone noticing or at least pinpointing the activity to her so she had to be smart with information. "Aw! You care about my wellbeing!" The older man squeeled. "I care about my paycheck" She said, rolling her eyes. "About that. How much would I need to up it to have you paid enough to snoop?" The mercenary asked. He crossed his arms, everyone had a price. "You can't". Or apparently not. "What do you mean?" He demanded. "My life is seriously on the line. It puts a big shiny target on my back. I don't think Spiderman wants a thug with an above average intellect to have his information and I don't want to piss off him or his buddies the avengers if I can help it. Then think about our friends and competition. Think about how quickly they'd come kidnap and hurt, tortue even, me because they want to the info I have. I could die for that" Heather ranted. Her pale knuckles had turned white with how hard she held the edge of the kitchen counter behind her. Her purple eyes could easily be compared to steel in the moment.

"I'm dying on my own terms, Mr. Wilson" the secretary said.

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