Unexpected Visitor

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Wade-centered third person.

It was this scene that got interrupted. Heather was still leaning against the kitchen island, facing the dad and daughter combo. Her stance was deceptively open in what an amatuer would assume was sa non-threatening stance. But Wade was a trained mercenary. He noticed how her hands would clench a little too tightly on the objects in her grasp, he saw how her eyes would move a little too quickly. Her leg was twitching every so often, not in a way that would make anyone would suspect is from an inability to stand. She was tense and still in some form of battle mode.

It would have made Wade sigh if he had the time, he wished that she could be more okay. Less murdery and panicky. Her panic was not diswayed when a fully suited up Iron Man broke in. Deadpool made sure to block his daughter and he grabbed his mask quickky to hid his face. He wished her had his arsenal to destroy the arrogant nuissance but he also didn't want to have his daughter watch him hurt someone. Through glaring eyes, he watched Heather straighten up. Watched the miniscule movements off her fingers as she ached to pull out a knife that she had concealed. Wade was glad that she decided agajnst the weapon.

What could one puny knife do against a billionare's armour that was equipped with blasters. Turning his attention back to the present threat he could practically feel his hatred coming off of him in waves. "Get out." He growled. His voice had gotten deep and rough, with a man he distrusts in his house, with his daughter behind him, Wilson was an animal. Stark however, did not seem to want to take the threat. "Not before we talk, Mr. Wilson" His voice was slightly muffled by his mask.

"Get. Out" He repeated. "No" was the response.

As they stared at each other, animosity filled the air. Heather walked over to where Wade had been sat and the went slightly behind him. She picked up Ellie, her arms flexing as she did so. With the child in her arms, she adressed the two men. "Let's not talk business with the child here. It would be unprofessional, Mr. Stark" She let a little loathing for the upper class man seep into her voice. Then she turned back to the girl. "We don't need to hear the adults have their boring conversation, do we? Let's get you to your room." The secretary said. Once the blonde nodded, she took Eleanor to her room and disappeared behind the door.

"Why are you here?" Wade asked. "You're needed" "I'm needed here. With my daughter" The mercenary said. He stood up and as a tall man himself, with Mr. Stark being a short king, he towered over the other man. "How dare you. How dare you break into my home. Break into my home and endanger my child" The masked-man hissed. He pointed a finger accusingly towards the genius.

"What's stopping me from flaying you alive?" His voice was dark and tinged with madness. "For one thing, you don't have any weapons on you to do so. And secondly the kid won't appreciate you threatening with murder" Stark always reffered to Spiderman as the kid. "A threat and actually doing it are not the same-" "Not when it's clearly not an empty threat" Stark interjected. "Besides, I think Spidey would understand. I'm looking out for my family" Wade admitted.

"Well, if you really care about your family, you'll come with me. I thought you would be overjoyed that we're finally letting you join us" The billionare said. "Can't I be needed when I'm not watching my daughter" Wade complained. He was not given a response, even with his dramatics. "Are you coming?" Tony Stark asked after a moment. "I don't have anyone to watch my daughter. Do you know how hard it is to get a sitter on short notice without being me? Then I am me?!" Deadpool had no concept of personal space.

"You have that girl with you" Stark pointed out unhelpfully. Wade wanted to deck the shorter man. He seemed so smug and sure of himself, like he was a genius. And sure, the man technically was a genius but he was acting like a pompous a-hole right now.

"That's not my job" Heather said as she reappeared. She had a glare directed towards the unwanted guest. "Well, you act good with the kid so" Stark said. "Doesn't mean it's in my contract and no matter how rich you are, I won't forfeit my worker's rights" She said, keeping her head held up high. "Not even for the sake of the planet and all life?" The philanthropist asked, giving the young lady a condescending look.

"My rate goes up for that" She said with a blank face. "I'll sign you a check" Stark said with exasperation. She smiled victoriously before turning. "Enjoy your evening Mr. Wilson. My rates are very high for your information, Mr. Stark" Heather added.

Wade got suited up and followed Iron Man to his tower to meet up with the other superheros. Wade was absolutely fanboying, he was gonna be able to sit at the big boy table and be trusted enough. He was gonna be best buddies with all of them and get invited to the team because of his amazingness. He couldn't believe that they wanted him to help them save the world! Amazing.

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