Pool's Poker Partner

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Wade-centered third person.

Wade had honestly considered asking for the phone number to do some light stalking. Considered it for a while actually, but in the end what was left of his morals won. He let the six hours expire, a decision he regretted almost immediately. This decision left him really torn and Wase doesn't think he'll ever know which choice was the right one.

In order to escape that suffocating train of thought, the mercenary threw himself into whatever work he had left to make the place perfect. He had some floor boards replaced because they were squeeky. The water pressure, gas and eletricity had been checked. Lights that had long since burnt out were replaced. He made sure his closet had been stocked with civilian clothes. Which reminded him that his washer and dryer were as old as the dinasoars, mostly because they truly died. He had to hold a funeral before getting them replaced. It was a whirlwind of activity though he always made time to notice Heather in some corner or secluded spot as she diligently recorded names and took a mental note of the faces of everyone who was in and out of the residence. It was oddly... cute, in a platonic way, it was like getting a corgi as your guard dog.

That leads him here. It was Friday evening, all improvements finally finished. Tomorrow at elevem he would have to go pick up his little Ellie, it was safe to say he had nerves and what does the merc with a mouth do in the face of nerves? He talks! And because he wasn't being interrupted, he began to rant about his unrequited love for America's cutest spider. He leaned back in the new couch, propping his sock clad feet on the coffee table. He did have his boots on but he kept getting his feet pushed off the table with a stern look. Heather was leaving sticky notes around the place and organizing. She started with rearranging the scarce amount of cookbooks to be aesthetically pleasing and make it easy to find  specific books. She was nearly done when Wade said something unexpected.

"You got someone who you love?". The younger criminal stood still for a moment, taken off guard. "I have a monstera" Heather responded. Wade had no idea what that meant. Was it a term for a partner in a language foreign to him? "A plant, Mr. Wilson. I have a plant" The woman added. Her eyes portayed two things, one being boredom and the ither the sense that her boss should understand what that means. Which he didn't. "Ahhh a plant. I get it. Maybe you should explain that for the readers" Deadpool hoped that his trick would work. It didn't. Heather rolled her eyes and muttered something about how he should get his head checked if he thought people were reading them. "I'm aroace. Which means no relationships, no love" If looks could kill. Wade dramatically gasped and put a hand to his chest. "Are we queer-coding villians again?!" Wade asked incredulously. "I'd like to think that if my love of crime, my second love to money, was in direct link to my sexuality in anyway that it's out of rebellion under the patriarchy that has tried to make me feel wrong and broken. It is a white man's world, Mr. Wilson" Heather said as she walked to the living room to pick up some of the scattered table clutter.

"If I am taught to be the bad guy, why don't I show how bad I can really be" there was a dark look in her silvery-purple eyes. "Isn't that regressive? You know that you're gonna have to make other aroace people work twice as hard" Wade added. She sighed and shook her head. Her hair floating around her at the action. "That's the problem, Mr. Wilson. They won't seperate my actions from my sexuality or romantically. To them it won't be a coincidence, which frankly it is. And all of a sudden everyone in the community is like me" Heather said. Wade considered breaking his promise to his baby boy in order to stab the government.

"On a lighter note. You're ace, does that mean you're good at poker?" He asked with a stupid grin. Heather laughed, the emotion mostly only let out because she was taken off guard by the silly question. "It's a legal requirement. And while I love to ignore the laws, not when money is involved" She answered. Wade sat up. "Then we should play! I have a deck in the game closet".  Deadpool would totally make sure to tell Spiderman the next time he saw him that he totally smoked his secretaty at poker, he would leave all the ace and aro parts out because that wasn't his place. He would be a really sucky pan-pal if he did that, now wouldn't he?


It's a slightly shorter chapter but I decided to make it obvious earlier on in the story that Heather has no intentions with Wade and that she just works with him though he's wearing her down for a friendship. Also I hope no one gets offended by her portrayal as an ace/aro women and a criminal.

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